path: root/config/awesome/cyclefocus/init.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'config/awesome/cyclefocus/init.lua')
1 files changed, 1079 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/awesome/cyclefocus/init.lua b/config/awesome/cyclefocus/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edb1691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/awesome/cyclefocus/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1079 @@
+--- Cycle through recently focused clients (Alt-Tab and more).
+-- Author:
+-- Github:
+local awful = require('awful')
+-- local setmetatable = setmetatable
+local naughty = require("naughty")
+local table = table
+local tostring = tostring
+local floor = require("math").floor
+local capi = {
+-- tag = tag,
+ client = client,
+ keygrabber = keygrabber,
+-- mousegrabber = mousegrabber,
+ mouse = mouse,
+ screen = screen,
+ awesome = awesome,
+local wibox = require("wibox")
+local xresources = require("beautiful").xresources
+local dpi = xresources and xresources.apply_dpi or function() end
+--- Escape pango markup, taken from naughty.
+local escape_markup = function(s)
+ local escape_pattern = "[<>&]"
+ local escape_subs = { ['<'] = "&lt;", ['>'] = "&gt;", ['&'] = "&amp;" }
+ return s:gsub(escape_pattern, escape_subs)
+-- Configuration. This can be overridden: global or via args to cyclefocus.cycle.
+local cyclefocus
+cyclefocus = {
+ -- Should clients get shown during cycling?
+ -- This should be a function (or `false` to disable showing clients), which
+ -- receives a client object, and can make use of cyclefocus.show_client
+ -- (the default implementation).
+ show_clients = true,
+ -- Should clients get focused during cycling?
+ -- This is required for the tasklist to highlight the selected entry.
+ focus_clients = true,
+ -- How many entries should get displayed before and after the current one?
+ display_next_count = 3,
+ display_prev_count = 3,
+ -- Default preset to for entries.
+ -- `preset_for_offset` (below) gets added to it.
+ default_preset = {},
+ --- Templates for entries in the list.
+ -- The following arguments get passed to a callback:
+ -- - client: the current client object.
+ -- - idx: index number of current entry in clients list.
+ -- - displayed_list: the list of entries in the list, possibly filtered.
+ preset_for_offset = {
+ -- Default callback, which will gets applied for all offsets (first).
+ default = function (preset, args)
+ -- Default font and icon size (gets overwritten for current/0 index).
+ preset.font = 'sans 8'
+ preset.icon_size = 36
+ preset.text = escape_markup(cyclefocus.get_client_title(args.client, false))
+ preset.icon = cyclefocus.icon_loader(args.client.icon)
+ end,
+ -- Preset for current entry.
+ ["0"] = function (preset, args)
+ preset.font = 'sans 12'
+ preset.icon_size = 48
+ preset.text = escape_markup(cyclefocus.get_client_title(args.client, true))
+ -- Add screen number if there is more than one.
+ if screen.count() > 1 then
+ preset.text = preset.text .. " [screen " .. tostring(args.client.screen.index) .. "]"
+ end
+ preset.text = preset.text .. " [#" .. args.idx .. "] "
+ preset.text = '<b>' .. preset.text .. '</b>'
+ end,
+ -- You can refer to entries by their offset.
+ -- ["-1"] = function (preset, args)
+ -- -- preset.icon_size = 32
+ -- end,
+ -- ["1"] = function (preset, args)
+ -- -- preset.icon_size = 32
+ -- end
+ },
+ -- Default builtin filters.
+ -- (meant to get applied always, but you could override them)
+ cycle_filters = {
+ function(c, source_c) return not c.minimized end, --luacheck: no unused args
+ },
+ -- EXPERIMENTAL: only add clients to the history that have been focused by
+ -- cyclefocus.
+ -- This allows to switch clients using other methods, but those are then
+ -- not added to cyclefocus' internal history.
+ -- The get_next_client function will then first consider the most recent
+ -- entry in the history stack, if it's not focused currently.
+ --
+ -- You can use cyclefocus.history.add to manually add an entry, or
+ -- cyclefocus.history.append if you want to add it to the end of the stack.
+ -- This might be useful in a request::activate signal handler.
+ -- XXX: needs to be also handled in request::activate then probably.
+ -- TODO: make this configurable during runtime of the binding, e.g. by
+ -- flagging entries in the stack or using different stacks.
+ -- only_add_internal_focus_changes_to_history = true,
+ -- The filter to ignore clients altogether (get not added to the history stack).
+ -- This is different from the cycle_filters.
+ -- The function should return true / the client if it's ok, nil otherwise.
+ filter_focus_history = awful.client.focus.filter,
+ -- Display notifications while cycling?
+ -- WARNING: without raise_clients this will not make sense probably!
+ display_notifications = true,
+ -- Debugging: messages get printed, and should show up in ~/.xsession-errors etc.
+ -- 1: enable, 2: verbose, 3: very verbose, 4: much verbose.
+ debug_level = 0,
+ -- Use naughty notifications for debugging (additional to printing)?
+ debug_use_naughty_notify = 1,
+local has_gears, gears = pcall(require, 'gears')
+if has_gears then
+ -- Use gears to prevent memory leaking.
+ cyclefocus.icon_loader = gears.surface.load
+ cyclefocus.icon_loader = function(icon) return icon end
+-- A set of default filters, which can be used for cyclefocus.cycle_filters.
+cyclefocus.filters = {
+ -- Filter clients on the same screen.
+ same_screen = function (c, source_c)
+ return (c.screen or capi.mouse.screen) == source_c.screen
+ end,
+ same_class = function (c, source_c)
+ return c.class == source_c.class
+ end,
+ -- Only marked clients (via awful.client.mark and .unmark).
+ marked = function (c, source_c) --luacheck: no unused args
+ return awful.client.ismarked(c)
+ end,
+ common_tag = function (c, source_c)
+ if c == source_c then
+ return true
+ end
+ cyclefocus.debug("common_tag_filter\n"
+ .. cyclefocus.get_object_name(c) .. " <=> " .. cyclefocus.get_object_name(source_c), 3)
+ for _, t in pairs(c:tags()) do
+ for _, t2 in pairs(source_c:tags()) do
+ if t == t2 then
+ cyclefocus.debug('common_tag_filter: client shares tag "'
+ .. cyclefocus.get_object_name(t)
+ .. '" with "' .. cyclefocus.get_object_name(c)..'"', 2)
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end,
+ -- Skip clients that were added through "focus" signal.
+ -- Replaces only_add_internal_focus_changes_to_history.
+ not_through_focus_signal = function (c, source_c) --luacheck: no unused args
+ local attribs = cyclefocus.history.attribs(c)
+ return not attribs.source or attribs.source ~= "focus"
+ end,
+local ignore_focus_signal = false -- Flag to ignore the focus signal internally.
+local showing_client
+-- Debug function. Set focusstyle.debug to activate it. {{{
+cyclefocus.debug = function(msg, level)
+ level = level or 1
+ if not cyclefocus.debug_level or cyclefocus.debug_level < level then
+ return
+ end
+ if cyclefocus.debug_use_naughty_notify then
+ naughty.notify({
+ -- TODO: use indenting
+ -- text = tostring(msg)..' ['..tostring(level)..']',
+ text = tostring(msg),
+ timeout = 10,
+ })
+ end
+ print("cyclefocus: " .. msg)
+local get_object_name = function (o)
+ if not o then
+ return '[no object]'
+ elseif not then
+ return '[no object name]'
+ else
+ return
+ end
+cyclefocus.get_object_name = get_object_name
+cyclefocus.get_client_title = function (c, current) --luacheck: no unused args
+ -- Use get_object_name to handle .name=nil.
+ local title = cyclefocus.get_object_name(c)
+ if #title > 80 then
+ title = title:sub(1, 80) .. '…'
+ end
+ return title
+-- }}}
+-- Internal functions to handle the focus history. {{{
+-- Based on awful.client.focus.history.
+local history = {
+ stack = {}
+--- Remove a client from the history stack.
+-- @tparam table Client.
+function history.delete(c)
+ local k = history._get_key(c)
+ if k then
+ table.remove(history.stack, k)
+ end
+function history._get_key(c)
+ for k, v in ipairs(history.stack) do
+ if v[1] == c then
+ return k
+ end
+ end
+function history.attribs(c)
+ local k = history._get_key(c)
+ if k then
+ return history.stack[k][2]
+ end
+function history.clear()
+ history.stack = {}
+-- @param filter: a function / boolean to filter clients: true means to add it.
+function history.add(c, filter, append, attribs)
+ filter = filter or cyclefocus.filter_focus_history
+ append = append or false
+ attribs = attribs or {}
+ -- Less verbose debugging during startup/restart.
+ cyclefocus.debug("history.add: " .. get_object_name(c), capi.awesome.startup and 4 or 2)
+ if filter and type(filter) == "function" then
+ if not filter(c) then
+ cyclefocus.debug("Filtered! " .. get_object_name(c), 2)
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ -- Remove any existing entries from the stack.
+ history.delete(c)
+ if append then
+ table.insert(history.stack, {c, attribs})
+ else
+ table.insert(history.stack, 1, {c, attribs})
+ end
+ -- Manually add it to awesome's internal history (where we've removed the
+ -- signal from).
+ awful.client.focus.history.add(c)
+function history.movetotop(c)
+ local attribs = history.attribs(c)
+ history.add(c, true, false, attribs)
+function history.append(c, filter, attribs)
+ return history.add(c, filter, true, attribs)
+--- Save the history into a X property.
+function history.persist()
+ local ids = {}
+ for _, v in ipairs(history.stack) do
+ table.insert(ids, v[1].window)
+ end
+ local xprop = table.concat(ids, " ")
+ capi.awesome.set_xproperty('awesome.cyclefocus.history', xprop)
+--- Load history from the X property.
+function history.load()
+ local xprop = capi.awesome.get_xproperty('awesome.cyclefocus.history')
+ if not xprop or xprop == "" then
+ return
+ end
+ local cls = capi.client.get()
+ local ids = {}
+ for id in string.gmatch(xprop, "%S+") do
+ table.insert(ids, 1, id)
+ end
+ for _,window in ipairs(ids) do
+ for _,c in pairs(cls) do
+ if tonumber(window) == c.window then
+ history.add(c, true, false, {source="load"})
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- Persist history when restarting awesome.
+capi.awesome.register_xproperty('awesome.cyclefocus.history', 'string')
+capi.awesome.connect_signal("exit", function(restarting)
+ ignore_focus_signal = true
+ if restarting then
+ history.persist()
+ end
+-- On startup / restart: load the history and jump to the last focused client.
+cyclefocus.load_on_startup = function()
+ capi.awesome.disconnect_signal("refresh", cyclefocus.load_on_startup)
+ ignore_focus_signal = true
+ history.load()
+ if history.stack[1] then
+ showing_client = history.stack[1][1]
+ showing_client:jump_to()
+ showing_client = nil
+ end
+ ignore_focus_signal = false
+capi.awesome.connect_signal("refresh", cyclefocus.load_on_startup)
+-- Export it. At least history.add should be.
+cyclefocus.history = history
+-- }}}
+-- Connect to signals. {{{
+-- Add clients that got focused to the history stack,
+-- but not when we are cycling through the clients ourselves.
+capi.client.connect_signal("focus", function (c)
+ if ignore_focus_signal or capi.awesome.startup then
+ cyclefocus.debug("Ignoring focus signal: " .. get_object_name(c), 4)
+ return
+ end
+ history.add(c, nil, nil, {source="focus"})
+-- Disable awesome's internal history handler to handle `ignore_focus_signal`.
+if awful.client.focus.history.disable_tracking then
+ awful.client.focus.history.disable_tracking()
+ capi.client.disconnect_signal("focus", awful.client.focus.history.add)
+capi.client.connect_signal("manage", function (c)
+ if ignore_focus_signal then
+ cyclefocus.debug("Ignoring focus signal (manage): " .. get_object_name(c), 2)
+ return
+ end
+ -- During startup: append any clients, to make them known,
+ -- but not override history.load etc.
+ if capi.awesome.startup then
+ history.append(c)
+ else
+ history.add(c, nil, false, {source="manage"})
+ end
+capi.client.connect_signal("unmanage", function (c)
+ history.delete(c)
+-- }}}
+-- Raise a client (does not include focusing).
+-- NOTE: awful.client.jumpto also focuses the screen / resets the mouse.
+-- See
+-- Based on awful.client.jumpto, without the code for mouse.
+-- Calls tag:viewonly always to update the tag history, also when
+-- the client is visible.
+local raise_client = function(c)
+ -- Try to make client visible, this also covers e.g. sticky
+ local t = c:tags()[1]
+ if t then
+ t:view_only()
+ end
+ c:jump_to()
+-- Keep track of the client where "ontop" needs to be restored, and forget
+-- about it in "unmanage", to avoid an "invalid object" error.
+-- Ref:
+local restore_ontop_c
+local restore_callback_show_client
+local show_client_restore_client_props = {}
+client.connect_signal("unmanage", function (c)
+ if restore_ontop_c and c == restore_ontop_c[1] then
+ restore_ontop_c = nil
+ end
+ if c == restore_callback_show_client then
+ restore_callback_show_client = nil
+ end
+ if c == showing_client then
+ showing_client = nil
+ end
+ if show_client_restore_client_props[c] then
+ show_client_restore_client_props[c] = nil
+ end
+local beautiful = require("beautiful")
+--- Callback to get properties for clients that are shown during cycling.
+-- @client c
+-- @return table
+cyclefocus.decorate_show_client = function(c)
+ return {
+ -- border_color = beautiful.fg_focus,
+ border_color = beautiful.border_focus,
+ border_width = c.border_width or 1,
+ -- XXX: changes layout / triggers resizes.
+ -- border_width = 10,
+ }
+--- Callback to get properties for other clients that are visible during cycling.
+-- @client c
+-- @return table
+cyclefocus.decorate_show_client_others = function(c) --luacheck: no unused args
+ return {
+ -- XXX: too distracting.
+ -- opacity = 0.7
+ }
+local show_client_apply_props = {}
+local show_client_apply_props_others = {}
+local show_client_restore_client_props_others = {}
+local callback_show_client_lock
+local decorate_if_showing_client = function (c)
+ if c == showing_client then
+ cyclefocus.callback_show_client(c)
+ end
+-- A table with property callbacks. Could be merged with decorate_if_showing_client.
+local update_show_client_restore_client_props = {}
+--- Callback when a client gets shown during cycling.
+-- This can be overridden itself, but it's meant to be configured through
+-- decorate_show_client instead.
+-- @client c
+-- @param boolean Restore the previous state?
+cyclefocus.callback_show_client = function (c, restore)
+ if callback_show_client_lock then return end
+ callback_show_client_lock = true
+ if restore then
+ -- Restore all saved properties.
+ if show_client_restore_client_props[c] then
+ -- Disconnect signals.
+ for k,_ in pairs(show_client_restore_client_props[c]) do
+ client.disconnect_signal("property::" .. k, decorate_if_showing_client)
+ client.disconnect_signal("property::" .. k, update_show_client_restore_client_props[c][k])
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(show_client_restore_client_props[c]) do
+ c[k] = v
+ end
+ -- Restore properties for other clients.
+ for _c,props in pairs(show_client_restore_client_props_others[c]) do
+ for k,v in pairs(props) do
+ -- XXX: might have an "invalid object" here!
+ _c[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ show_client_apply_props[c] = nil
+ show_client_restore_client_props[c] = nil
+ show_client_restore_client_props_others[c] = nil
+ end
+ else
+ -- Save orig settings on first call.
+ local first_call = not show_client_restore_client_props[c]
+ if first_call then
+ show_client_restore_client_props[c] = {}
+ show_client_apply_props[c] = {}
+ -- Get props to apply and store original values.
+ show_client_apply_props[c] = cyclefocus.decorate_show_client(c)
+ update_show_client_restore_client_props[c] = {}
+ for k,_ in pairs(show_client_apply_props[c]) do
+ show_client_restore_client_props[c][k] = c[k]
+ end
+ -- Get props for other clients and store original values.
+ -- TODO: handle all screens?!
+ show_client_apply_props_others[c] = cyclefocus.decorate_show_client_others(c)
+ show_client_restore_client_props_others[c] = {}
+ for s in capi.screen do
+ for _,_c in pairs(awful.client.visible(s)) do
+ if _c ~= c then
+ show_client_restore_client_props_others[c][_c] = {}
+ for k,_ in pairs(show_client_apply_props_others[c]) do
+ show_client_restore_client_props_others[c][_c][k] = _c[k]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Apply props from callback.
+ for k,v in pairs(show_client_apply_props[c]) do
+ c[k] = v
+ end
+ -- Apply props for other clients.
+ for _c,_ in pairs(show_client_restore_client_props_others[c]) do
+ for k,v in pairs(show_client_apply_props_others[c]) do
+ _c[k] = v -- see: XXX_1
+ end
+ end
+ if first_call then
+ for k,_ in pairs(show_client_apply_props[c]) do
+ client.connect_signal("property::" .. k, decorate_if_showing_client)
+ -- Update client props to be restored during showing a client,
+ -- e.g. border_color from focus signals.
+ update_show_client_restore_client_props[c][k] = function()
+ show_client_restore_client_props[c][k] = c[k]
+ end
+ client.connect_signal("property::" .. k, update_show_client_restore_client_props[c][k])
+ end
+ -- TODO: merge with above; also disconnect on restore.
+ -- for k,v in pairs(show_client_apply_props_others[c]) do
+ -- client.connect_signal("property::" .. k, decorate_if_showing_client)
+ -- end
+ end
+ end
+ callback_show_client_lock = false
+-- Helper function to restore state of the temporarily selected client.
+cyclefocus.show_client = function (c)
+ showing_client = c
+ if c then
+ if restore_callback_show_client then
+ cyclefocus.callback_show_client(restore_callback_show_client, true)
+ end
+ restore_callback_show_client = c
+ -- (Re)store ontop property.
+ if restore_ontop_c then
+ restore_ontop_c[1].ontop = restore_ontop_c[2]
+ end
+ restore_ontop_c = {c, c.ontop}
+ c.ontop = true
+ -- Make the clients tag visible, if it currently is not.
+ local sel_tags = c.screen.selected_tags
+ local c_tag = c.first_tag or c:tags()[1]
+ if not awful.util.table.hasitem(sel_tags, c_tag) then
+ -- Select only the client's first tag, after de-selecting
+ -- all others.
+ -- Make the client sticky temporarily, so it will be
+ -- considered visbile internally.
+ -- NOTE: this is done for client_maybevisible (used by autofocus).
+ local restore_sticky = c.sticky
+ c.sticky = true
+ for _, t in pairs(c.screen.tags) do
+ if t ~= c_tag then
+ t.selected = false
+ end
+ end
+ c_tag.selected = true
+ -- Restore.
+ c.sticky = restore_sticky
+ end
+ cyclefocus.callback_show_client(c, false)
+ else -- No client provided, restore only.
+ if restore_ontop_c then
+ restore_ontop_c[1].ontop = restore_ontop_c[2]
+ end
+ cyclefocus.callback_show_client(restore_callback_show_client, true)
+ showing_client = nil
+ end
+--- Cached main wibox.
+local wbox
+local wbox_screen
+local layout
+-- Main function.
+cyclefocus.cycle = function(startdirection_or_args, args)
+ if type(startdirection_or_args) == 'number' then
+ awful.util.deprecate('startdirection is not used anymore: pass in args only', {raw=true})
+ else
+ args = startdirection_or_args
+ end
+ args = awful.util.table.join(awful.util.table.clone(cyclefocus), args)
+ -- The key name of the (last) modifier: this gets used for the "release" event.
+ local modifier = args.modifier or 'Alt_L'
+ local keys = args.keys or {'Tab', 'ISO_Left_Tab'}
+ local shift = args.shift or 'Shift'
+ -- cycle_filters: merge with defaults from module.
+ local cycle_filters = awful.util.table.join(args.cycle_filters or {},
+ cyclefocus.cycle_filters)
+ local filter_result_cache = {} -- Holds cached filter results.
+ local show_clients = args.show_clients
+ if show_clients and type(show_clients) ~= 'function' then
+ show_clients = cyclefocus.show_client
+ end
+ -- Support single filter.
+ if args.cycle_filter then
+ cycle_filters = awful.util.table.clone(cycle_filters)
+ table.insert(cycle_filters, args.cycle_filter)
+ end
+ -- Set flag to ignore any focus events while cycling through clients.
+ ignore_focus_signal = true
+ -- Internal state.
+ local orig_client = capi.client.focus -- Will be jumped to via Escape (abort).
+ -- Save list of selected tags for all screens.
+ local restore_tag_selected = {}
+ for s in capi.screen do
+ restore_tag_selected[s] = {}
+ for _,t in pairs(s.tags) do
+ restore_tag_selected[s][t] = t.selected
+ end
+ end
+ --- Helper function to get the next client.
+ -- @param direction 1 (forward) or -1 (backward).
+ -- @param idx Current index in the stack.
+ -- @param stack Current stack (default: history.stack).
+ -- @param consider_cur_idx Also look at the current idx, and consider it
+ -- when it's not focused.
+ -- @return client or nil and current index in stack.
+ local get_next_client = function(direction, idx, stack, consider_cur_idx)
+ local startidx = idx
+ stack = stack or history.stack
+ consider_cur_idx = consider_cur_idx or args.focus_clients
+ local nextc
+ cyclefocus.debug('get_next_client: #' .. idx .. ", dir=" .. direction
+ .. ", start=" .. startidx .. ", consider_cur=" .. tostring(consider_cur_idx), 2)
+ local n = #stack
+ if consider_cur_idx then
+ local c_top = stack[idx][1]
+ if c_top ~= capi.client.focus then
+ n = n+1
+ cyclefocus.debug("Considering nextc from top of stack: " .. tostring(c_top), 2)
+ else
+ consider_cur_idx = false
+ end
+ end
+ for loop_stack_i = 1, n do
+ if not consider_cur_idx or loop_stack_i ~= 1 then
+ idx = idx + direction
+ if idx < 1 then
+ idx = #stack
+ elseif idx > #stack then
+ idx = 1
+ end
+ end
+ cyclefocus.debug('find loop: #' .. idx .. ", dir=" .. direction, 3)
+ nextc = stack[idx][1]
+ if nextc then
+ -- Filtering.
+ if cycle_filters then
+ -- Get and init filter cache data structure. {{{
+ -- TODO: move function(s) up?
+ local get_cached_filter_result = function(f, a, b)
+ b = b or false -- handle nil
+ if filter_result_cache[f] == nil then
+ filter_result_cache[f] = { [a] = { [b] = { } } }
+ return nil
+ elseif filter_result_cache[f][a] == nil then
+ filter_result_cache[f][a] = { [b] = { } }
+ return nil
+ elseif filter_result_cache[f][a][b] == nil then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return filter_result_cache[f][a][b]
+ end
+ local set_cached_filter_result = function(f, a, b, value)
+ b = b or false -- handle nil
+ get_cached_filter_result(f, a, b) -- init
+ filter_result_cache[f][a][b] = value
+ end -- }}}
+ -- Apply filters, while looking up cache.
+ local filter_result
+ for _k, filter in pairs(cycle_filters) do
+ cyclefocus.debug("Checking filter ".._k.."/"..#cycle_filters..": "..tostring(filter), 4)
+ filter_result = get_cached_filter_result(filter, nextc, args.initiating_client)
+ if filter_result ~= nil then
+ if not filter_result then
+ nextc = false
+ break
+ end
+ else
+ filter_result = filter(nextc, args.initiating_client)
+ set_cached_filter_result(filter, nextc, args.initiating_client, filter_result)
+ if not filter_result then
+ cyclefocus.debug("Filtering/skipping client: " .. get_object_name(nextc), 3)
+ nextc = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if nextc then
+ -- Found client to switch to.
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ cyclefocus.debug("get_next_client returns: " .. get_object_name(nextc) .. ', idx=' .. idx, 1)
+ return nextc, idx
+ end
+ local first_run = true
+ local nextc
+ local idx = 1 -- Currently focused client in the stack.
+ -- Get the screen before moving the mouse.
+ local initial_screen = awful.screen.focused and awful.screen.focused() or mouse.screen
+ -- Move mouse pointer away to avoid sloppy focus kicking in.
+ local restore_mouse_coords
+ if show_clients then
+ local s = capi.screen[capi.mouse.screen]
+ local coords = capi.mouse.coords()
+ restore_mouse_coords = {s = s, x = coords.x, y = coords.y}
+ local pos = {x = s.geometry.x, y = s.geometry.y}
+ -- move cursor without triggering signals mouse::enter and mouse::leave
+ capi.mouse.coords(pos, true)
+ restore_mouse_coords.moved = pos
+ end
+, key, event)
+ -- Helper function to exit out of the keygrabber.
+ -- If a client is given, it will be jumped to.
+ local exit_grabber = function(c)
+ cyclefocus.debug("exit_grabber: " .. get_object_name(c), 2)
+ if wbox then
+ wbox.visible = false
+ end
+ capi.keygrabber.stop()
+ -- Restore.
+ if show_clients then
+ show_clients()
+ end
+ -- Restore previously selected tags for screen(s).
+ -- With a given client, handle other screens first, otherwise
+ -- the focus might be on the wrong screen.
+ if restore_tag_selected then
+ for s in capi.screen do
+ if not c or s ~= c.screen then
+ for _,t in pairs(s.tags) do
+ t.selected = restore_tag_selected[s][t]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Restore mouse if it has not been moved during cycling.
+ if restore_mouse_coords then
+ if restore_mouse_coords.s == capi.screen[capi.mouse.screen] then
+ local coords = capi.mouse.coords()
+ local moved_coords = restore_mouse_coords.moved
+ if moved_coords.x == coords.x and moved_coords.y == coords.y then
+ capi.mouse.coords({x = restore_mouse_coords.x, y = restore_mouse_coords.y}, true)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if c then
+ showing_client = c
+ raise_client(c)
+ if c ~= orig_client then
+ history.movetotop(c)
+ end
+ end
+ ignore_focus_signal = false
+ return true
+ end
+ cyclefocus.debug("grabber: mod: " .. table.concat(mod, ',')
+ .. ", key: " .. tostring(key)
+ .. ", event: " .. tostring(event)
+ .. ", modifier_key: " .. tostring(modifier), 3)
+ -- Abort on Escape.
+ if key == 'Escape' then
+ return exit_grabber(orig_client)
+ end
+ -- Direction (forward/backward) is determined by status of shift.
+ local direction = awful.util.table.hasitem(mod, shift) and -1 or 1
+ if event == "release" and key == modifier then
+ -- Focus selected client when releasing modifier.
+ -- When coming here on first run, the trigger was pressed quick and
+ -- we need to fetch the next client while exiting.
+ if first_run then
+ nextc, idx = get_next_client(direction, idx)
+ end
+ if show_clients then
+ show_clients(nextc)
+ end
+ return exit_grabber(nextc)
+ end
+ -- Ignore any "release" events and unexpected keys, except for the first run.
+ if not first_run then
+ if not awful.util.table.hasitem(keys, key) then
+ cyclefocus.debug("Ignoring unexpected key: " .. tostring(key), 1)
+ return true
+ end
+ if event == "release" then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ first_run = false
+ nextc, idx = get_next_client(direction, idx)
+ if not nextc then
+ return exit_grabber()
+ end
+ -- Show the client, which triggers setup of restore_callback_show_client etc.
+ if show_clients then
+ show_clients(nextc)
+ end
+ -- Focus client.
+ if args.focus_clients then
+ capi.client.focus = nextc
+ end
+ if not args.display_notifications then
+ return true
+ end
+ local container_margin_top_bottom = dpi(5)
+ local container_margin_left_right = dpi(5)
+ if not wbox then
+ wbox = wibox({ontop = true })
+ wbox._for_screen = mouse.screen
+ wbox:set_fg(beautiful.fg_normal)
+ wbox:set_bg("#ffffff00")
+ local container_inner = wibox.layout.align.vertical()
+ local container_layout = wibox.container.margin(
+ container_inner,
+ container_margin_left_right, container_margin_left_right,
+ container_margin_top_bottom, container_margin_top_bottom)
+ container_layout = wibox.container.background(container_layout)
+ container_layout:set_bg(beautiful.bg_normal..'cc')
+ -- constraint:set_widget(layout)
+ -- constraint = wibox.layout.constraint(layout, "max", w, h/2)
+ -- wbox:set_widget(constraint)
+ wbox:set_widget(container_layout)
+ layout = wibox.layout.flex.vertical()
+ container_inner:set_middle(layout)
+ else
+ layout:reset()
+ end
+ -- Set geometry always, the screen might have changed.
+ if not wbox_screen or wbox_screen ~= initial_screen then
+ wbox_screen = initial_screen
+ local wa = screen[wbox_screen].workarea
+ local w = math.ceil(wa.width * 0.618)
+ wbox:geometry({
+ -- right-align.
+ x = math.ceil(wa.x + wa.width - w),
+ width = w,
+ })
+ end
+ local wbox_height = 0
+ local max_icon_size = 48
+ -- Create entry with index, name and screen.
+ local display_entry_for_idx_offset = function(offset, c, _idx, displayed_list) -- {{{
+ local preset = awful.util.table.clone(args.default_preset)
+ -- Callback.
+ local args_for_cb = {
+ client=c,
+ offset=offset,
+ idx=_idx,
+ displayed_list=displayed_list }
+ local preset_for_offset = args.preset_for_offset
+ local preset_cb = preset_for_offset[tostring(offset)]
+ -- Callback for all.
+ if preset_for_offset.default then
+ preset_for_offset.default(preset, args_for_cb)
+ end
+ -- Callback for offset.
+ if preset_cb then
+ preset_cb(preset, args_for_cb)
+ end
+ -- local entry_layout = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal()
+ local entry_layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
+ -- From naughty.
+ local icon = preset.icon
+ local icon_margin = 5
+ local iconmarginbox
+ if icon then
+ local cairo = require("lgi").cairo
+ local iconbox = wibox.widget.imagebox()
+ local icon_size = preset.icon_size
+ if icon_size then
+ local scaled = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, icon_size, icon_size)
+ local cr = cairo.Context(scaled)
+ cr:scale(icon_size / icon:get_height(), icon_size / icon:get_width())
+ cr:set_source_surface(icon, 0, 0)
+ cr:paint()
+ icon = scaled
+ icon_margin = icon_margin + math.max(0, (max_icon_size - icon_size)/2)
+ end
+ -- Margin.
+ iconmarginbox = wibox.container.margin(iconbox)
+ iconmarginbox:set_margins(icon_margin)
+ iconbox:set_resize(false)
+ iconbox:set_image(icon)
+ entry_layout:add(iconmarginbox)
+ end
+ local textbox = wibox.widget.textbox()
+ textbox:set_markup(preset.text)
+ textbox:set_font(preset.font)
+ textbox:set_wrap("word_char")
+ textbox:set_ellipsize("middle")
+ local textbox_margin = wibox.container.margin(textbox)
+ textbox_margin:set_margins(dpi(5))
+ entry_layout:add(textbox_margin)
+ entry_layout = wibox.container.margin(entry_layout, dpi(5), dpi(5),
+ dpi(2), dpi(2))
+ local entry_with_bg = wibox.container.background(entry_layout)
+ if offset == 0 then
+ entry_with_bg:set_fg(beautiful.fg_focus)
+ entry_with_bg:set_bg(beautiful.bg_focus)
+ else
+ entry_with_bg:set_fg(beautiful.fg_normal)
+ -- entry_with_bg:set_bg(beautiful.bg_normal.."dd")
+ end
+ layout:add(entry_with_bg)
+ -- Add height to outer wibox.
+ local context = {dpi=beautiful.xresources.get_dpi(initial_screen)}
+ local _, h = entry_with_bg:fit(context, wbox.width, 2^20)
+ wbox_height = wbox_height + h
+ end -- }}}
+ -- Get clients before and after currently selected one.
+ local prevnextlist = awful.util.table.clone(history.stack) -- Use a copy, entries will get nil'ed.
+ local _idx = idx
+ local dlist = {} -- A table with offset => stack index.
+ dlist[0] = _idx
+ prevnextlist[_idx][1] = false
+ -- Build dlist for both directions, depending on how many entries should get displayed.
+ for _,dir in ipairs({1, -1}) do
+ _idx = dlist[0]
+ local n = dir == 1 and args.display_next_count or args.display_prev_count
+ for i = 1, n do
+ local _i = i * dir
+ _, _idx = get_next_client(dir, _idx, prevnextlist, false)
+ if _ then
+ dlist[_i] = _idx
+ end
+ prevnextlist[_idx][1] = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Sort the offsets.
+ local offsets = {}
+ for n in pairs(dlist) do table.insert(offsets, n) end
+ table.sort(offsets)
+ -- Display the wibox.
+ for _,i in ipairs(offsets) do
+ _idx = dlist[i]
+ display_entry_for_idx_offset(i, history.stack[_idx][1], _idx, dlist)
+ end
+ local wa = screen[initial_screen].workarea
+ local h = wbox_height + container_margin_top_bottom*2
+ wbox:geometry({
+ height = h,
+ y = wa.y + floor(wa.height/2 - h/2),
+ })
+ wbox.visible = true
+ return true
+ end)
+-- A helper method to wrap awful.key.
+function cyclefocus.key(mods, key, startdirection_or_args, args)
+ mods = mods or {modkey} or {"Mod4"}
+ key = key or "Tab"
+ if type(startdirection_or_args) == 'number' then
+ awful.util.deprecate('startdirection is not used anymore: pass in mods, key, args', {raw=true})
+ else
+ args = startdirection_or_args
+ end
+ args = awful.util.table.clone(args) or {}
+ if not args.keys then
+ if key == "Tab" then
+ args.keys = {"Tab", "ISO_Left_Tab"}
+ else
+ args.keys = {key}
+ end
+ end
+ args.keys = args.keys or {key}
+ args.modifier = args.modifier or mods[0]
+ return awful.key(mods, key, function(c)
+ args.initiating_client = c -- only for clientkeys, might be nil!
+ cyclefocus.cycle(args)
+ end)
+return cyclefocus