path: root/config/awesome/cyclefocus/
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authorPeter Palfrader <>2017-09-22 08:57:00 +0200
committerPeter Palfrader <>2017-09-22 08:57:00 +0200
commit7d658d84c44d6ce4e16c1dd06607402d5e7d2774 (patch)
treeabe2f0d414893bf0e3dcd366fc69fe068084c392 /config/awesome/cyclefocus/
parent18ced00414fa7b4e29eb44047e44569d087a8521 (diff)
different tab cycling
Diffstat (limited to 'config/awesome/cyclefocus/')
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..221c837
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@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
+**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](*
+- [awesome-cyclefocus](#awesome-cyclefocus)
+ - [Screenshot](#screenshot)
+ - [Installation](#installation)
+ - [Keybindings](#keybindings)
+ - [Example 1: cycle through all windows](#example-1-cycle-through-all-windows)
+ - [Example 2: cycle through windows on the same screen and tag](#example-2-cycle-through-windows-on-the-same-screen-and-tag)
+ - [`cycle_filters`](#cycle_filters)
+ - [Predefined filters](#predefined-filters)
+ - [Example 3: cycle through clients with the same class](#example-3-cycle-through-clients-with-the-same-class)
+ - [Reference](#reference)
+ - [Configuration](#configuration)
+ - [<a name="settings"></a>Settings](#a-namesettingsasettings)
+ - [Status](#status)
+- [Bugs, Feedback and Support](#bugs-feedback-and-support)
+ - [Donate](#donate)
+<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
+# awesome-cyclefocus
+awesome-cyclefocus is a module/plugin for the [awesome window
+manager][], which provides methods to cycle through
+the most recently used clients (typically known as Alt-Tab).
+It allows to easily filter the list of windows to be cycled through, e.g. by
+screen, tags, window class, name/title etc.
+## Screenshot
+Please note that the graphical aspect needs to be developed, but since people
+like screenshots…
+## Installation
+*Requirements:* awesome-cyclefocus requires Awesome 4+.
+Create a subdirectory `cyclefocus` in your awesome config directory, e.g.
+ cd ~/.config/awesome
+ git clone cyclefocus
+Then include it from your config file (`~/.config/awesome/rc.lua`), somewhere
+at the beginning:
+local cyclefocus = require('cyclefocus')
+## Keybindings
+Then you can define the keybindings.
+While you can use it with the `globalkeys` configuation, you should use
+the `clientkeys` table for any bindings which use `cycle_filters`.
+The default for `modkey+Tab` in awesome (3.5.2) is:
+awful.key({ modkey, }, "Tab",
+ function ()
+ awful.client.focus.history.previous()
+ if client.focus then
+ client.focus:raise()
+ end
+ end),
+You should disable it (e.g. by commenting it out), and add your method below.
+Here are three methods to setup the key mappings:
+### Example 1: cycle through all windows
+Setup `modkey+Tab` to cycle through all windows (assuming `modkey` is
+`Mod4`/`Super_L`, which is the default):
+-- modkey+Tab: cycle through all clients.
+awful.key({ modkey }, "Tab", function(c)
+ cyclefocus.cycle({modifier="Super_L"})
+-- modkey+Shift+Tab: backwards
+awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Tab", function(c)
+ cyclefocus.cycle({modifier="Super_L"})
+You can pass a table of optional arguments.
+We need to pass the modifier (as seen by awesome's `keygrabber`) here.
+Internally the direction gets set according to if the `Shift` modifier key
+is present, so that the second definition is only necessary to trigger it in
+the opposite direction from the beginning.
+See the `init.lua` file (or the [settings section below](#settings)) for a full
+### Example 2: cycle through windows on the same screen and tag
+You can use `cyclefocus.key` (a wrapper around `awful.key`) like this:
+-- Alt-Tab: cycle through clients on the same screen.
+-- This must be a clientkeys mapping to have source_c available in the callback.
+cyclefocus.key({ "Mod1", }, "Tab", {
+ -- cycle_filters as a function callback:
+ -- cycle_filters = { function (c, source_c) return c.screen == source_c.screen end },
+ -- cycle_filters from the default filters:
+ cycle_filters = { cyclefocus.filters.same_screen, cyclefocus.filters.common_tag },
+ keys = {'Tab', 'ISO_Left_Tab'} -- default, could be left out
+The first two arguments are the same as with `awful.key`: a list of modifiers
+and the key. Then the table with optional arguments to `cyclefocus.cycle()`
+(here the `modifier` argument is not required, because it gets used from
+the first argument).
+NOTE: this needs to go into `clientkeys`.
+#### `cycle_filters`
+In this case the `cycle_filters` argument is used, which is a list of filters
+to apply while cycling through the focus history: it gets passed a `client`
+object, and optionally another `client` object for the source (where the
+cycling started).
+For the source client to be available, it needs to be an entry in the
+`clientkeys` table.
+You can pass functions here, or use one of the predefined filters:
+#### Predefined filters
+The following filters are available by default:
+-- A set of default filters, which can be used for cyclefocus.cycle_filters.
+cyclefocus.filters = {
+ -- Filter clients on the same screen.
+ same_screen = function (c, source_c) return c.screen == source_c.screen end,
+ same_class = function (c, source_c)
+ return c.class == source_c.class
+ end,
+ -- Only marked clients (via awful.client.mark and .unmark).
+ marked = function (c, source_c)
+ return awful.client.ismarked(c)
+ end,
+ common_tag = function (c, source_c)
+ for _, t in pairs(c:tags()) do
+ for _, t2 in pairs(source_c:tags()) do
+ if t == t2 then
+ cyclefocus.debug("Filter: client shares tag '" .. .. " with " ..
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+### Example 3: cycle through clients with the same class
+The following will cycle through windows, which share the same window class
+(e.g. only Firefox windows, when starting from a Firefox window):
+-- Alt-^: cycle through clients with the same class name.
+cyclefocus.key({ "Mod1", }, "#49", 1, {
+ cycle_filter = function (c, source_c) return c.class == source_c.class end,
+ keys = { "°", "^" }, -- the keys to be handled, wouldn't be required if the keycode was available in keygrabber.
+cyclefocus.key({ "Mod1", "Shift", }, "#49", -1, { -- keycode #49 => ^/° on german keyboard, upper left below Escape and next to 1.
+ cycle_filter = function (c, source_c) return c.class == source_c.class end,
+ keys = { "°", "^" }, -- the keys to be handled, wouldn't be required if the keycode was available in keygrabber.
+The key argument uses the keycode notation (`#49`) and refers (probably) to the key
+below Escape, above Tab and next to the first digit (1).
+It should be the same shortcut, as what Ubuntu's Unity uses to cycle through
+the windows of a single application.
+NOTE: You need to pass the keys this refers to via the `keys` argument, so that
+the keygrabber considers those only.
+In the example above, `^` and `°` refers to the key on the German keyboard
+layout (un-shifted and shifted, i.e. with Shift pressed and released).
+NOTE: this needs to go into `clientkeys`.
+## Reference
+### Configuration
+awesome-cyclefocus can be configured by passing optional arguments to the
+`cyclefocus.cycle` or `cyclefocus.key` functions, or by setting defaults, after
+loading `cyclefocus`:
+#### <a name="settings"></a>Settings
+The default settings are:
+cyclefocus = {
+ -- Should clients get shown during cycling?
+ -- This should be a function (or `false` to disable showing clients), which
+ -- receives a client object, and can make use of cyclefocus.show_client
+ -- (the default implementation).
+ show_clients = true,
+ -- Should clients get focused during cycling?
+ -- This is required for the tasklist to highlight the selected entry.
+ focus_clients = true,
+ -- How many entries should get displayed before and after the current one?
+ display_next_count = 3,
+ display_prev_count = 3,
+ -- Default preset to for entries.
+ -- `preset_for_offset` (below) gets added to it.
+ default_preset = {},
+ --- Templates for entries in the list.
+ -- The following arguments get passed to a callback:
+ -- - client: the current client object.
+ -- - idx: index number of current entry in clients list.
+ -- - displayed_list: the list of entries in the list, possibly filtered.
+ preset_for_offset = {
+ -- Default callback, which will gets applied for all offsets (first).
+ default = function (preset, args)
+ -- Default font and icon size (gets overwritten for current/0 index).
+ preset.font = 'sans 8'
+ preset.icon_size = 36
+ preset.text = escape_markup(cyclefocus.get_client_title(args.client, false))
+ preset.icon = cyclefocus.icon_loader(args.client.icon)
+ end,
+ -- Preset for current entry.
+ ["0"] = function (preset, args)
+ preset.font = 'sans 12'
+ preset.icon_size = 48
+ preset.text = escape_markup(cyclefocus.get_client_title(args.client, true))
+ -- Add screen number if there is more than one.
+ if screen.count() > 1 then
+ preset.text = preset.text .. " [screen " .. tostring(args.client.screen.index) .. "]"
+ end
+ preset.text = preset.text .. " [#" .. args.idx .. "] "
+ preset.text = '<b>' .. preset.text .. '</b>'
+ end,
+ -- You can refer to entries by their offset.
+ -- ["-1"] = function (preset, args)
+ -- -- preset.icon_size = 32
+ -- end,
+ -- ["1"] = function (preset, args)
+ -- -- preset.icon_size = 32
+ -- end
+ },
+ -- Default builtin filters.
+ -- (meant to get applied always, but you could override them)
+ cycle_filters = {
+ function(c, source_c) return not c.minimized end, --luacheck: no unused args
+ },
+ -- EXPERIMENTAL: only add clients to the history that have been focused by
+ -- cyclefocus.
+ -- This allows to switch clients using other methods, but those are then
+ -- not added to cyclefocus' internal history.
+ -- The get_next_client function will then first consider the most recent
+ -- entry in the history stack, if it's not focused currently.
+ --
+ -- You can use cyclefocus.history.add to manually add an entry, or
+ -- cyclefocus.history.append if you want to add it to the end of the stack.
+ -- This might be useful in a request::activate signal handler.
+ -- only_add_internal_focus_changes_to_history = true,
+ -- The filter to ignore clients altogether (get not added to the history stack).
+ -- This is different from the cycle_filters.
+ -- The function should return true / the client if it's ok, nil otherwise.
+ filter_focus_history = awful.client.focus.filter,
+ -- Display notifications while cycling?
+ -- WARNING: without raise_clients this will not make sense probably!
+ display_notifications = true,
+ -- Debugging: messages get printed, and should show up in ~/.xsession-errors etc.
+ -- 1: enable, 2: verbose, 3: very verbose, 4: much verbose.
+ debug_level = 0,
+ -- Use naughty notifications for debugging (additional to printing)?
+ debug_use_naughty_notify = 1,
+You can change them like this:
+cyclefocus = require("cyclefocus")
+cyclefocus.debug_level = 2
+You can also use custom settings when calling `cyclefocus.cycle` or
+`cyclefocus.key` via `args`, e.g. to not display notifications when switching
+between clients on the same tag:
+cyclefocus.key({ modkey, }, "Tab", 1, {
+ cycle_filters = { cyclefocus.filters.common_tag },
+ display_notifications = false,
+ modifier='Super_L', keys={'Tab', 'ISO_Left_Tab'}
+cyclefocus.key({ modkey, "Shift", }, "Tab", 1, {
+ cycle_filters = { cyclefocus.filters.common_tag },
+ display_notifications = false,
+ modifier='Super_L', keys={'Tab', 'ISO_Left_Tab'}
+## Status
+Stable: it works well for me and others.
+Internals, default settings and behavior might still change.
+I came up with this while dipping my toes in the waters of awesome. If you have
+problems, please enable `cyclefocus.debug_level` (goes up to 3) and report your
+findings on the [Github issue tracker][].
+# Bugs, Feedback and Support
+You can report bugs and wishes at the [Github issue tracker][].
+Pull requests would be awesome! :)
+## Donate
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