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1 files changed, 69 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/nagios-check-hpacucli b/nagios-check-hpacucli
index 1fd74e6..ce0910e 100755
--- a/nagios-check-hpacucli
+++ b/nagios-check-hpacucli
@@ -84,14 +84,18 @@ my @resultstr;
for my $slot (sort @controllers) {
my $pds = runcmd("controller slot=$slot pd all show");
+ my @drives;
my $nodrives = 0;
my %status;
for (@$pds) {
next if /^$/;
- next if /^ *array [A-Z]$/;
next if (/^\S.*in Slot $slot/);
- if (/^Error: The specified controller does not have any physical drives on it.$/) {
+ next if /^ *array [A-Z]$/;
+ if (/^ *(array [A-Z]) \(Failed\)$/) {
+ record('CRITICAL');
+ push @{$status{'Failed'}}, $1;
+ } elsif (/^Error: The specified controller does not have any physical drives on it.$/) {
$nodrives = 1;
} elsif (/^ *physicaldrive (\S+) .* (OK|Predictive Failure|Failed|Rebuilding)(?:, spare)?\)$/) {
my $drive = $1;
@@ -106,11 +110,74 @@ for my $slot (sort @controllers) {
} else {
+ push @drives, $drive;
} else {
die ("Cannot read line '$_' gotten from hpacucli controller slot=$slot pd all show\n");
+ # Check that all drives have the proper transfer speed.
+ # sometimes stuff breaks and they fall back to 10mb/sec.
+ for my $drive (@drives) {
+ # skip drives that are known to have failed
+ next if (exists $status{'Failed'} && grep {$drive eq $_} @{$status{'Failed'}});
+ my $type;
+ if ($drive =~ /^[0-9]+:[0-9]+$/) { # scsi drives
+ $type = 'SCSI';
+ } elsif ($drive =~ /^[0-9]+I:[0-9]+:[0-9]+$/) { # SAS
+ $type = 'SAS';
+ } else {
+ # I'm not going to run pass arguments of unknown form to the shell..
+ warn ("Unknown diskdrive ID $drive\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ my $pd = runcmd("controller slot=$slot pd $drive show");
+ while (defined $pd->[0] && !($pd->[0] =~ /physicaldrive/)) {
+ shift @$pd;
+ };
+ shift @$pd;
+ my %value;
+ for (@$pd) {
+ if (m/^\s*(.*?):\s*(.*?)\s*$/) {
+ $value{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ my $key;
+ my $expected;
+ if ($type eq 'SCSI') {
+ $key = 'Transfer Speed';
+ if (!defined $value{'Transfer Mode'}) {
+ record('WARNING');
+ push @{$status{'unknown transfer mode'}}, $drive;
+ next;
+ } elsif ($value{'Transfer Mode'} eq 'Ultra 3 Wide') {
+ $expected = '160 MB/Sec';
+ } elsif ($value{'Transfer Mode'} eq 'Ultra 320 Wide') {
+ $expected = '320 MB/Sec';
+ } else {
+ record('WARNING');
+ push @{$status{'unknown transfer mode'}}, $drive."(".$value{'Transfer Mode'}.")";
+ next;
+ };
+ } elsif ($type eq 'SAS') {
+ $key = 'PHY Transfer Rate';
+ $expected = '3.0GBPS';
+ } else {
+ warn "Should not be here. Do not know what to do with type '$type'\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if (!defined $value{$key}) {
+ record('WARNING');
+ push @{$status{'unknown transfer speed'}}, $drive;
+ } elsif ($value{$key} ne $expected) {
+ record('WARNING');
+ push @{$status{'bad transfer speed'}}, $drive."(".$value{$key}.")";
+ };
+ };
if ($nodrives && scalar keys %status > 0) {
push @resultstr, "Slot $slot: have no drives but status results?";