path: root/bin/ldap2postgres
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/ldap2postgres')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ldap2postgres b/bin/ldap2postgres
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4e26fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/ldap2postgres
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004 Peter Palfrader <>
+# All rights reserved.
+require "ldap"
+require "myldap"
+require "yaml"
+require 'postgres'
+require 'optparse'
+$VERBOSE = nil
+def show_help(parser, code=0, io=STDOUT)
+ io.puts parser
+ exit(code)
+ARGV.options do |opts|
+ opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Display this help screen") { show_help(opts) }
+ opts.on("-v", "--verbose" , nil, "Be verbose") { $VERBOSE = 1 }
+ opts.parse!
+def fatal(reason)
+ STDERR.puts reason
+ exit 1;
+def query(pg, query)
+ res = pg.exec(query)
+ if (res.status != PGresult::TUPLES_OK)
+ raise PGerror,"FETCH ALL command didn't return tuples properly\n"
+ end
+ r = res.result.collect { |tupl|
+ line =
+ i = 0
+ tupl.each { |fld|
+ line[ res.fields[i] ] = fld
+ i = i +1
+ }
+ line
+ }
+ res.clear
+ r
+@config = YAML::load( '/etc/noreply/config' ) )
+ldap =, "ldap2postgres")
+ldap_databases =
+ldap.conn.search2(@config['basedn'], LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(objectclass=tnPostgreSQLdatabase)').each{ |e|
+ cn = e['cn'][0]
+ dn = e['dn'][0]
+ ldap_databases[ cn ] =
+ ldap.conn.search2(dn, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(objectclass=tnPostgreSQLuser)').each{ |e2|
+ uid = e2['uid'][0]
+ if (uid.index(cn+"_") != 0)
+ STDERR.puts "User %s in dn: %s has weird name. Supposed to start with '%s_'. Ignoring user."%[uid, dn, cn] unless
+ dn == 'ou=postgresql,o=system,ou=hosting,%s'%[config['basedn']]
+ else
+ ldap_databases[ e['cn'][0] ] << uid
+ end
+ }
+pg = PGconn.connect('', 5432, '', '', 'template1')
+pg_databases = query(pg, 'SELECT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_database').collect { |line| line['datname'] }
+pg_users = query(pg, 'SELECT usename FROM pg_catalog.pg_user') .collect { |line| line['usename'] }
+pg_groups = query(pg, 'SELECT groname FROM pg_catalog.pg_group') .collect { |line| line['groname'] }
+all_databases = ldap_databases.keys + pg_databases
+all_databases.each { |dbname|
+ if (! ldap_databases.has_key?(dbname) )
+ puts "Additional database in Postgers: "+dbname unless %w(template0 template1 ogo).include?(dbname)
+ next
+ elsif (! pg_databases.include?(dbname))
+ puts "Creating database and group: "+dbname
+ pg.exec('CREATE DATABASE "'+dbname+'"')
+ pg.exec('REVOKE ALL ON DATABASE "'+dbname+'" FROM PUBLIC')
+ else
+ puts 'Common database: "'+dbname+'"' if $VERBOSE
+ end
+ if (pg_groups.include?(dbname))
+ puts ' Common group: '+dbname if $VERBOSE
+ else
+ puts ' Creating group: '+dbname
+ pgdb = PGconn.connect('', 5432, '', '', dbname)
+ pgdb.exec('CREATE GROUP "'+dbname+'"')
+ pgdb.exec('REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC')
+ pgdb.exec('GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO GROUP "'+dbname+'"')
+ pgdb.close
+ end
+ pg_groups.delete(dbname)
+ pgdb = PGconn.connect('', 5432, '', '', dbname)
+ pg_schemas = query(pgdb, 'SELECT nspname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace') .collect { |line| line['nspname'] }
+ ldap_databases[dbname].each { |uid|
+ if (pg_users.include?(uid))
+ puts " Common user: "+uid if $VERBOSE
+ # this does not hurt if the user already is in the group, but if the
+ # group was droped for some reason and just created now, it readds
+ # the user to gthe group
+ pg.exec('ALTER GROUP "'+dbname+'" ADD USER "'+uid+'"')
+ else
+ puts " Adding user: "+uid
+ pg.exec('CREATE USER "'+uid+'" NOCREATEDB NOCREATEUSER IN GROUP "'+dbname+'"')
+ end
+ if (pg_schemas.include?(uid))
+ puts ' Common schema: '+uid if $VERBOSE
+ else
+ puts ' Adding schema '+uid
+ pgdb.exec('CREATE SCHEMA "'+uid+'" AUTHORIZATION "' +uid+'"')
+ pgdb.exec('REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA "'+uid+'" FROM PUBLIC')
+ end
+ pg_schemas.delete(uid)
+ pg_users.delete(uid)
+ }
+ pg_schemas.each { |schemaname|
+ puts "Additional schemas: "+schemaname unless %w(pg_toast pg_temp_1 pg_catalog public information_schema).include?(schemaname)
+ }
+ pgdb.close
+pg_users.each { |uid|
+ puts "Additional user: "+uid unless %w(postgres ogo).include?(uid)
+pg_groups.each { |gid|
+ puts "Additional group: "+gid