path: root/web/include
diff options
authorPeter Palfrader <>2004-11-15 09:20:11 +0000
committerPeter Palfrader <>2004-11-15 09:20:11 +0000
commit5e95090defff64bc8cd7a318a73aa930948fb66d (patch)
treed977ded4207e51914d539b0ecd20b8583d37c8ea /web/include
parent6c3e0ba0a82307abf825bf1cde85638464ab1713 (diff)
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'web/include')
9 files changed, 1193 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ * RemSaint
+ * (c) 2002
+ * Peter Palfrader
+ *
+ * $Id:$
+ */
+class Config {
+ # where are the templates
+ var $template_path='../template';
+ # Database
+ var $db_type='postgres';
+ var $db_host='localhost';
+ var $db_name='weasel';
+ var $db_user='weasel_remsaint';
+ var $db_password='Rgr3wB7kwqo';
+ var $session_cookie_name='NOREPLY_SESSION_ID';
+ var $auth_timeout = 3600;
+ # misc
+ var $baseurl='';
+ var $mail_from='Noreply Account System <>';
+ var $mail_sender='Peter Palfrader <>';
+ var $mail_replyto='Peter Palfrader <>';
+ var $mail_operator='Peter Palfrader <>';
+ var $secret = '3c329081876d2b3be2227432b2648319';
+ function Config() {
+ }
+# vim:set ts=4:
+# vim:set shiftwidth=4:
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+/* Database Abstraction Class
+ *
+ * (c) 2002 Peter Palfrader <>
+ * Florian Reitmeir <>
+ */
+ * Database Abstraction Class
+ *
+ * This is a small database abstraction class based on ADODB
+ *
+ * It provides only a very small set of functions but has
+ * proven to be sufficient for most projects.
+ *
+ * @author Peter Palfrader/3node
+ * @author Florian Reitmeir/3node
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+class Database {
+ var $connection;
+ var $errorMsg;
+ var $errorNo;
+ /**
+ * create a new database object
+ *
+ * The constructor creates a database connection to the database
+ * specified with <code>host</code>, <code>user</code>,
+ * <code>password</code>, and <code>name</code>.
+ *
+ * <code>type</code> specifies the kind of database you want to use
+ * (postgres, mysql, etc.)
+ *
+ * @param string type of DBMS
+ * @param string host where the DBMS runs
+ * @param string the username to connect as
+ * @param string the password to authenticate with
+ * @param string the name of the database to connect to
+ * @returns boolean true on success, false on error
+ */
+ function Database($type, $host, $user, $password, $name) {
+ $this->connection = &ADONewConnection($type);
+ #if (!$this->connection->PConnect($host, $user, $password, $name))
+ if (!$this->connection->Connect($host, $user, $password, $name))
+ return false;
+ assert( $this->connection );
+ $this->database['ErrorMsg'] = '';
+ $this->database['ErrorNo'] = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * remove/quote evil characters
+ *
+ * This function calls the database backend's quote string
+ * function which is supposed to quote evil charaters
+ * like semicolons, single and double quotes etc so that they
+ * can be used in SQL queries.
+ *
+ * @param string the string which should be cleaned
+ * @returns string the cleaned string
+ */
+ function clean_string(&$string)
+ {
+ assert( $this->connection );
+ $result = preg_replace ('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]+/', '', $string);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * execute an SQL query with parameters
+ *
+ * This function executes the SQL query passed in <code>query</code>.
+ * The query is first prepared and then executed with the values
+ * passed in <code>params</code>.
+ *
+ * The ADODB backend emulates binding of parameters if the database
+ * does not support it natively. Only <code>params</code>' values
+ * are passed to the binding, not its keys.
+ *
+ * You probably do not want to call this function from your code.
+ * Use the <code>query_row</code>, <code>query_all</code>,
+ * <code>insert</code>, or <code>update</code> function depending
+ * on what you want to do.
+ *
+ * This function returns a recordset which is an ADODB result type.
+ * Please * refer to the ADODB documentation for details. On error
+ * false is * returned and <code>errorMsg</code> and <code>errorNo</code>
+ * are set appropriatly.
+ *
+ * @param string the SQL query to execute
+ * @param array the values to bind to the execute
+ * @returns recordset A recordset on success, false otherwhise
+ */
+ function execute_query($query, &$params)
+ {
+ assert( $this->connection );
+ $this->errormsg = '';
+ $this->errorno = 0;
+ $values = array_values($params);
+ $stmt = $this->connection->Prepare($query);
+ $recordset = $this->connection->Execute($stmt, $values);
+ if ($recordset === false)
+ {
+ $this->errorMsg = $this->connection->ErrorMsg();
+ $this->errorNo = $this->connection->ErrorNo();
+ }
+ return $recordset;
+ }
+ /**
+ * execute an SQL query and return the first row
+ *
+ * This function executes the SQL query passed in <code>query</code>.
+ * It takes an optional array of parameters and returns the fields of
+ * the first result row as an assoziative array.
+ *
+ * <code>execute_query</code> is called to do the real work.
+ *
+ * @param string the SQL query to execute
+ * @param array the values to bind to the execute
+ * @returns array An assiziative array on success, false otherwhise
+ */
+ function query_row($query, $params=array())
+ {
+ assert( $this->connection );
+ $recordset = $this->execute_query($query, $params);
+ if ($recordset === False)
+ return False;
+ else
+ return $recordset->fields;
+ }
+ /**
+ * execute an SQL query and return all results
+ *
+ * This function executes the SQL query passed in <code>query</code>.
+ * It takes an optional array of parameters and returns an array of
+ * assoziative arrays (one per result row).
+ *
+ * <code>execute_query</code> is called to do the real work.
+ *
+ * @param string the SQL query to execute
+ * @param array the values to bind to the execute
+ * @returns array An array of assiziative arrays on success, false otherwhise
+ */
+ function query_all($query, $params=array())
+ {
+ assert( $this->connection );
+ $recordset = $this->execute_query($query, $params);
+ if ($recordset === False)
+ return False;
+ $output = array();
+ while (! $recordset->EOF)
+ {
+ $output[] = $recordset->fields;
+ $recordset->MoveNext();
+ }
+ return $output;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Insert values into a table
+ *
+ * <code>insert</code> inserts a new row into the table <code>table</code>.
+ * The values to insert are taken from the assoziative array
+ * <code>params</code>.
+ *
+ * This function handles selection of the primary key automatically if
+ * no <code>ref</code> value is set in the <code>params</code>.
+ *
+ * The SQL query is built using tablename and the params passed as
+ * arguments. <code>execute_query</code> is called to do the real work.
+ *
+ * @param string the table to insert the new data into
+ * @param array assoziative array of values to insert
+ * @params string name of the tables primary key (defaults to <code>ref</code>)
+ * @returns boolean True on success, false otherwhise
+ */
+ function insert($table, $params=array(), $refname = "ref")
+ {
+ assert( $this->connection );
+ $this->errorMsg = '';
+ $this->errorNo = 0;
+ $keys = array_map($this->clean_string, array_keys($params));
+ $qmarks = array();
+ $values = array_values($params);
+ foreach ($params as $key=>$value)
+ {
+ $qmarks[] = "?";
+ }
+ if ($params[$refname])
+ $sqlinsert='insert into "'.$this->clean_string($table).'" ('.implode(',', $keys).') values ('.implode(',',$qmarks).')';
+ else
+ $sqlinsert='insert into "'.$this->clean_string($table).
+ '" ('.$this->clean_string($refname).', '.implode(',', $keys).')
+ values ( (select coalesce( max('.$this->clean_string($refname).')+1, 1 ) from "'.$this->clean_string($table).'"), ' . implode(',',$qmarks).')';
+ $stmt = $this->connection->Prepare($sqlinsert);
+ $recordset = $this->connection->Execute($stmt, $values);
+ if ($recordset === False)
+ {
+ $this->errorMsg = $this->connection->ErrorMsg();
+ $this->errorNo = $this->connection->ErrorNo();
+ return False;
+ }
+ else
+ return True;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update a row in a table
+ *
+ * This function updates the table row given by the primary key
+ * <code>ref</code>. The new values are to be passed via the assoziative
+ * array <code>params</code>. An optional list of columns which should
+ * be set to NULL may be given too.
+ *
+ * The SQL query is built using tablename and the params passed as
+ * arguments. <code>execute_query</code> is called to do the real work.
+ *
+ * @param string the table to update the row data in
+ * @param integer the primary key of the row to update
+ * @param array assoziative array of values to insert
+ * @param array array of columns to set to NULL
+ * @params string name of the tables primary key (defaults to <code>ref</code>)
+ * @returns boolean True on success, false otherwhise
+ */
+ function update($table, $ref, $params=array(), $nullify = array(), $refname="ref")
+ {
+ assert( $this->connection );
+ $this->errorMsg = '';
+ $this->errorNo = 0;
+ $sqlparams = array();
+ foreach ( $params as $key=>$value )
+ {
+ $sqlparams[]=$this->clean_string($key).'=?';
+ }
+ foreach ( $nullify as $key )
+ {
+ $sqlparams[]=$this->clean_string($key).'= null';
+ }
+ $values = array_values($params);
+ $values[] = $ref;
+ $sqlupdate='update "'.$this->clean_string($table).'" set '.implode(',', $sqlparams).' where '.$this->clean_string($refname).'=?';
+ $stmt = $this->connection->Prepare($sqlupdate);
+ $recordset = $this->connection->Execute($stmt, $values);
+ if ($recordset === False)
+ {
+ $this->errorMsg = $this->connection->ErrorMsg();
+ $this->errorNo = $this->connection->ErrorNo();
+ return False;
+ }
+ else
+ return True;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete a row in a table
+ *
+ * This function delete the table row given by the primary key
+ * <code>ref</code>.
+ *
+ * @param string the table to update the row data in
+ * @param integer the primary key of the row to update
+ * @params string name of the tables primary key (defaults to <code>ref</code>)
+ * @returns boolean True on success, false otherwhise
+ */
+ function delete_row($table, $ref, $refname="ref")
+ {
+ assert( $this->connection );
+ $this->errorMsg = '';
+ $this->errorNo = 0;
+ $values = array( $ref );
+ $sqldelete='delete from "'.$this->clean_string($table).'" where '.$this->clean_string($refname).'=?';
+ $stmt = $this->connection->Prepare($sqldelete);
+ $recordset = $this->connection->Execute($stmt, $values);
+ if ($recordset === False)
+ {
+ $this->errorMsg = $this->connection->ErrorMsg();
+ $this->errorNo = $this->connection->ErrorNo();
+ return False;
+ }
+ else
+ return True;
+ }
+ /**
+ * error function
+ *
+ * This function returns a string specifying the Error Code and Message
+ * from the last statement, or the empty string if no error was raised.
+ * @returns string ErrorCode and Message if there was an error, an empty string otherwhise
+ */
+ function error()
+ {
+ if ($this->errorNo)
+ return "ErrorNo: ".$this->errorNo."; ErrorMsg: ".$this->errorMsg.";";
+ else
+ return "";
+ }
+# vim:set ts=4:
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+based_in = .
+include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
+doc_DATA = \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
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+/* Messages for RemSaint
+ *
+ * (c) 2002 Peter Palfrader <>
+ */
+ * Messages for RemSaint
+ *
+ * @author Peter Palfrader/3node
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+class Messages {
+ var $creating_session_failed = 'Creating Session Failed!';
+ function Messages() {
+ }
+# vim:set ts=4:
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+/* Global Variables and Stuff for remsaint
+ *
+ * (c) 2002 Peter Palfrader <>
+ */
+class Namespace {
+ var $have_database = false;
+ var $have_session = false;
+ var $have_user = false;
+ var $config = false;
+ var $database = false;
+ var $messages = false;
+ var $session = false;
+ var $user = false;
+ function Namespace($options = array()) {
+ if ($options['have_database'])
+ $this->have_database = $options['have_database'];
+ if ($options['have_session'])
+ $this->have_session = $options['have_session'];
+ if ($options['have_user'])
+ $this->have_user = $options['have_user'];
+ $this->config = new Config() or
+ die("Count not create config object");
+ $this->messages = new Messages or
+ die("Could not create messages object");
+ if ($this->have_database)
+ $this->database = new Database (
+ $this->config->db_type,
+ $this->config->db_host,
+ $this->config->db_user,
+ $this->config->db_password,
+ $this->config->db_name) or
+ die("Could not create database object");
+ if ($this->have_session)
+ $this->session = new Session( $this->database, $this->config->session_cookie_name, $this->messages ) or
+ die("Could not create session object");
+ if ($this->have_user)
+ $this->user = new User( $this->database, $this->session, $this->config->auth_timeout ) or
+ die("Could not create user object");
+ }
+ function stop() {
+ if ($this->have_session) {
+ assert($this->session);
+ $this->session->close();
+ }
+ }
+# vim:set ts=4:
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+# vim:set ts=4:
+# vim:set shiftwidth=4;
+require_once "../include/";
+class Session
+ var $id = false;
+ var $ref = false;
+ var $db = false;
+ var $messages = false;
+ var $cookie_name = false;
+ /**
+ * create a new Session
+ *
+ * creates a new session by calling <code>get_id()</code> and
+ * throwing an error on failure.
+ *
+ * @params object a Database object
+ * @params string Name of the cookie holding session id
+ * @params object a Messages object
+ */
+ function Session(&$database, $cookie_name, &$messages) {
+ assert($cookie_name);
+ assert($database);
+ assert($messages);
+ $this->cookie_name = $cookie_name;
+ $this->db = &$database;
+ $this->messages = &$messages;
+ $this->get_id();
+ }
+ /**
+ * stores current session to database
+ *
+ * This function stores the current session to the database by
+ * calling <code>store_data</code> and sets <code>id</code> and
+ * <code>ref</code> to false.
+ *
+ * @returns boolean true on success, false otherwhise
+ */
+ function close() {
+ if (! $this->id)
+ return true;
+ assert($this->id != '');
+ assert($this->db);
+ if ($this->store_data() === false)
+ return false;
+ $this->id = false;
+ $this->ref = false;
+ $this->data = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get data from database
+ *
+ * Fetches data for the current id from the database
+ * and sets <code>session_data_ref</code>.
+ *
+ * @returns boolean true on success, false otherwhise
+ */
+ function get_data()
+ {
+ assert($this->id != '');
+ assert($this->db);
+ $row=$this->db->query_row('select ref, data from session where id=?', array($this->id));
+ if ( $row === false )
+ return false;
+ $this->ref = $row['ref'];
+ $this->data = ($row['data']) ? unserialize($row['data']) : false;
+ assert($this->ref);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Store data in database
+ *
+ * Dumps data for the current id into the database.
+ *
+ * @returns boolean true on success, false otherwhise
+ */
+ function store_data()
+ {
+ assert($this->ref);
+ assert($this->id != '');
+ assert($this->db);
+ return $this->db->update('session', $this->ref, array(data => serialize($this->data), last_seen => 'now'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a session in the database with the current id
+ *
+ * Creates a session in the database and fills local variables by
+ * calling <code>get_data()</code>.
+ *
+ * @returns boolean true if success
+ */
+ function create_session()
+ {
+ assert($this->id != '');
+ assert($this->db);
+ $result = $this->db->insert('session',array(id => $this->id));
+ if ( $result === false )
+ return false;
+ return $this->get_data();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a unique string useable as session ID
+ *
+ * @returns string a unique session ID
+ */
+ function create_id() {
+ $id = $_SERVER["UNIQUE_ID"];
+ $id .= md5(time.rand(0,1000000));
+ return $id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set session ID for current session
+ *
+ * Should there be no session ID a new session ID is created, inserted into
+ * the database (creating a new session), sent as a cookie to the luser,
+ * and returned.
+ *
+ * Also makes sure ref is set and persistent session data is loaded.
+ *
+ * @returns string session ID, boolean false on error
+ */
+ function set_id() {
+ if ( ! $this->id ) {
+ $this->id = $this->create_id();
+ if ($this->create_session() === false) {
+ $this->id = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ setcookie($this->cookie_name, $this->id);
+ } else {
+ if ($this->get_data() === false) {
+ $this->id = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get session ID for current session
+ *
+ * This function takes the session ID of a cookie, checks wheter it is
+ * database and if yes, returns it.
+ *
+ * Also makes sure ref is set and persistent session data is loaded.
+ *
+ * @returns string session ID, boolean false on error
+ */
+ function get_id() {
+ $this->id=$_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name];
+ if ($this->id)
+ if ($this->get_data() === false)
+ $this->id = false;
+ return $this->id;
+ }
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+ # vim:set ts=4:
+ # vim:set shiftwidth=4:
+ /*
+ * Beat - 3node BTS
+ * (c) 2002
+ * Guenther Harrasser/3node
+ * Peter Palfrader/3node
+ * Florian Reitmeir/3node
+ * Bernhard Weitzhofer/3node
+ *
+ * $Id:$
+ */
+# Todo:
+# * cachen von Positionen
+# * Dokumentation
+# * Aufräumen
+# * bei IF / UNLESS mit mehreren Values AND/OR auswahl ermöglichen
+class Template
+ var $raw_content;
+ var $parsed_content;
+ var $path;
+ var $begin_parse_time;
+ var $end_parse_time;
+ #
+ # new Class, read file..
+ function Template($filename,$path='.')
+ {
+ $this->path=$path;
+ $content_array = file($this->path.'/'.$filename);
+ $this->raw_content = implode("", $content_array);
+ $this->global_data=array();
+ }
+ function parse(&$data)
+ {
+ if ( ! $this->begin_parse_time )
+ $this->begin_parse_time = microtime();
+ if ( $GLOBALS['global_template_params'] )
+ $data = array_merge($data, $GLOBALS['global_template_params']);
+ $this->parsed_content=$this->parse_rek($data, $this->raw_content);
+ $this->end_parse_time = microtime();
+ }
+ function evaluate(&$data, &$name, &$values, $and)
+ {
+ if ($and === true)
+ $return_value = true;
+ else
+ $return_value = false;
+ foreach ($values as $value)
+ {
+ if ($and === true)
+ $return_value &= ($data[$name]==$value);
+ else
+ $return_value |= ($data[$name]==$value);
+ }
+ return $return_value;
+ }
+ function parse_rek(&$data, &$raw)
+ {
+ $position = 0;
+ $out = '';
+ # JA, dieses komische !== brauchts wirklich so.
+ # $a !== $b Not identical TRUE if $a is not equal to $b, or they are not of the same type. (PHP 4 only)
+ while ( ($command_position=strpos($raw, '<TMPL', $position) ) !== false )
+ {
+ # get text before command
+ $out.=substr($raw, $position, $command_position-$position);
+ # get command
+ preg_match("/_(.+?)\s+NAME=\"(.+?)\"(?:\s+VALUE=\"(.+?)\")?.*?>/", substr($raw,$command_position), $matches);
+ $command = array();
+ $command['command']=$matches[1];
+ $command['name']=$matches[2];
+ if (isset($matches[3])) {
+ $command['value']=$matches[3];
+ preg_match("/(VALUE=.*)\s*>/", substr($raw,$command_position), $matches);
+ if ( isset($matches) )
+ {
+ $command['values'] = explode('VALUE=', $matches[1]);
+ unset($command['values'][0]);
+ foreach ( $command['values'] as $key=>$value)
+ {
+ $command['values'][$key] = substr(trim($value),1,-1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # get new position
+ $position=strpos($raw, '>', $command_position)+1;
+ switch($command['command'])
+ {
+ case 'INCLUDE':
+ $template = new Template($command['name'],$this->path);
+ $template->parse($data);
+ $out.=$template->output();
+ break;
+ case 'VAR_NOESC':
+ $out.=$data[$command['name']];
+ break;
+ case 'VAR':
+ $out.=htmlspecialchars($data[$command['name']]);
+ break;
+ case 'UNLESS':
+ $endif_command_position=strpos($raw, '</TMPL_UNLESS NAME="'.$command['name'].'">', $position);
+ $if_text=substr($raw, $position,$endif_command_position-$position);
+ $position=strpos($raw, '>', $endif_command_position)+1;
+ if (isset($command['value']))
+ {
+ if ( ! $this->evaluate($data, $command['name'], $command['values'], false) )
+ #if ( $data[$command['name']]!=$command['value'] )
+ $out.=$this->parse_rek($data, $if_text);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( ! $data[$command['name']] )
+ $out.=$this->parse_rek($data, $if_text);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'IF':
+ $endif_command_position=strpos($raw, '</TMPL_IF NAME="'.$command['name'].'">', $position);
+ $if_text=substr($raw, $position,$endif_command_position-$position);
+ $position=strpos($raw, '>', $endif_command_position)+1;
+ if (isset($command['value']))
+ {
+ if ( $this->evaluate($data, $command['name'], $command['values'], false) )
+ # if ( $data[$command['name']]==$command['value'] )
+ $out.=$this->parse_rek($data, $if_text);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( $data[$command['name']] )
+ $out.=$this->parse_rek($data, $if_text);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'CMP':
+ $endif_command_position=strpos($raw, '</TMPL_CMP NAME="'.$command['name'].'">', $position);
+ $if_text=substr($raw, $position,$endif_command_position-$position);
+ $position=strpos($raw, '>', $endif_command_position)+1;
+ if ( $data[$command['name']]==$data[$command['value']] )
+ $out.=$this->parse_rek($data, $if_text);
+ break;
+ case 'LOOP':
+ $endloop_command_position=strpos($raw, '</TMPL_LOOP NAME="'.$command['name'].'">', $position);
+ $loop_text=substr($raw, $position,$endloop_command_position-$position);
+ $position=strpos($raw, '>', $endloop_command_position)+1;
+ if ( isset($data[$command['name']]) )
+ {
+ foreach ( $data[$command['name']] as $row )
+ {
+ # test if row is set...
+ if ( isset( $row ) )
+ {
+ # set global variable scope
+ $local=array_merge($data, $row);
+ $out.=$this->parse_rek($local, $loop_text);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+# (TMPL_ACCESS - wie TPL_LOOP, nur, dass nicht auf alle array-elemente zugegriffen wird,
+# sondern nur auf das in VALUE angegebene. wird VALUE nicht angegeben, wird das 1. element verwendet.)
+ case 'ACCESS':
+ $endaccess_command_position=strpos($raw, '</TMPL_ACCESS NAME="'.$command['name'].'">', $position);
+ $access_text=substr($raw, $position,$endaccess_command_position-$position);
+ $position=strpos($raw, '>', $endaccess_command_position)+1;
+ if ( isset($data[$command['name']]) ) {
+ if ( isset( $command['value'] ) ) {
+ $row = $data[$command['name']][$command['value']];
+ }
+ else {
+ reset( $data[$command['name']] );
+ $row = current( $data[$command['name']] );
+ }
+ if ( isset( $row ) )
+ {
+ # set global variable scope
+ $local=array_merge($data, $row);
+ $out.=$this->parse_rek($local, $access_text);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'NAMESPACE':
+ $endloop_command_position=strpos($raw, '</TMPL_NAMESPACE NAME="'.$command['name'].'">', $position);
+ $loop_text=substr($raw, $position,$endloop_command_position-$position);
+ $position=strpos($raw, '>', $endloop_command_position)+1;
+ if ( isset($data[$command['name']]) )
+ {
+ $row = $data[$command['name']];
+ # set global variable scope
+ $local=array_merge($data, $row);
+ $out.=$this->parse_rek($local, $loop_text);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'RANDOM':
+ $endloop_command_position = strpos($raw, '</TMPL_RANDOM NAME="'.$command['name'].'">', $next_pos);
+ $loop_text=substr($raw, $position,$endloop_command_position-$position);
+ $hits = split( '<TMPL_RANDOM NAME="'.$command['name'].'">', $loop_text );
+ $chosen = rand(0, sizeof($hits) - 1);
+ $position=strpos($raw, '>', $endloop_command_position)+1;
+ $out.=$this->parse_rek($data, $hits[$chosen]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $out.=substr($raw, $position);
+ return $out;
+ }
+ function output()
+ {
+ header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
+ header('Pragma: no-cache');
+ $time = $this->end_parse_time-$this->begin_parse_time;
+ return $this->parsed_content."\n<!-- time: ".$time." secs -->\n";
+ }
diff --git a/web/include/ b/web/include/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..430fe54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+ # vim:set ts=4:
+ # vim:set shiftwidth=4:
+ /*
+ * Backslide - 3node BTS
+ * (c) 2002 Florian Reitmeir/3node
+ * Peter Palfrader/3node
+ *
+ * $Id:,v 1.2 2002/05/28 14:31:24 weasel Exp $
+ */
+# Todo:
+# * Dokumemtation
+function error($msg)
+ print "Error: $msg\n";
+ exit;
+function redirect($ns, $name='', $vars = array())
+ if (sizeof($vars)>0) {
+ foreach ($vars as $key=>$value) {
+ $param[] = $key.'='.urlencode($value);
+ }
+ $pars = '?' . implode('&', $param);
+ } else {
+ $pars = '';
+ }
+ if ($name != '') {
+ Header('Location: '.$ns->config->baseurl.'/'.$name . $pars);
+ } elseif (isset ($GLOBALS['followup_to'])) {
+ Header('Location: '.$GLOBALS['followup_to'] . $pars);
+ } elseif (isset ($GLOBALS['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
+ Header('Location: '.$GLOBALS['HTTP_REFERER'] . $pars);
+ } else {
+ error('Fehler: Weiss nicht mehr wohin jetzt.');
+ };
+function param_check(&$parameters, &$new_check_fields, $optionals=array())
+ $check_parameters = array();
+ $params_required = isset($optionals['params_required']) ? $optionals['params_required']: true;
+ $form_id = isset($optionals['form_id']) ? $optionals['form_id'] : $parameters['form_id'];
+ if ( ! isset($form_id) )
+ if ( $params_required )
+ error('Formular ID: not set');
+ else {
+ $form_id='default';
+ }
+ if ( $form_id == 'default' && ! isset($new_check_fields[$form_id]) )
+ return $check_parameters;
+ if ( ! isset($new_check_fields[$form_id]) )
+ error("Formular ID: is set ('$form_id') but no ruleset defined");
+ assert($form_id !== false );
+ assert($new_check_fields[$form_id] !== false);
+ $check_fields = $new_check_fields[$form_id];
+ foreach( $check_fields as $field_name => $field ) {
+ if ( !isset($parameters[$field_name]) && $field['type'] != 'boolean' ) {
+ if (!$field['optional'] )
+ error('Parameter '.$field_name.' not found');
+ } else {
+ if ( isset($field['length']) && strlen($parameters[$field_name])>$field['length'] )
+ error('Parameter '.$field_name.' to long');
+ unset($result);
+ switch ($field['type']) {
+ case 'integer':
+ if (!(is_numeric($parameters[$field_name]) && is_int($parameters[$field_name] + 0)))
+ error($field_name . ' is not an Integer');
+ $result=$parameters[$field_name] + 0;
+ break;
+ case 'decimal':
+ if (! isset($field['scale']) )
+ $field['scale'] = 0;
+ assert(isset($field['precision']));
+ assert(isset($field['scale']));
+ $vorkomma = '[0-9]{0,'.($field['precision'] - $field['scale']).'}';
+ $nachkomma = '[0-9]{0,'.($field['scale']).'}';
+ $regex = $vorkomma . '(\.'.$nachkomma.')?';
+ $matches = preg_match('/^'.$regex.'$/', $parameters[$field_name]);
+ if (! $matches)
+ error($field_name . " is not Decimal (matching $regex)");
+ $result=$parameters[$field_name];
+ if ($result === '')
+ $result = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'string':
+ if (!is_string($parameters[$field_name]))
+ error($field_name . ' is not a String');
+ $result=trim($parameters[$field_name]);
+ break;
+ case 'boolean':
+ if ($parameters[$field_name])
+ $result=true;
+ else
+ $result=false;
+ break;
+ case 'anything':
+ $result=$parameters[$field_name];
+ break;
+ default:
+ error('unkown Type '.$field['type'].' in Ruleset '.$form_id.' for field '.$field_name);
+ }
+ assert(isset($result));
+ if ( isset( $field['modifier'] ) )
+ if ( is_array($field['modifier']) )
+ foreach ($field['modifier'] as $modifier) {
+ assert(is_callable($modifier));
+ $result = $modifier($result);
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(is_callable($field['modifier']));
+ $result = $field['modifier']($result);
+ }
+ if (! $field['discard'])
+ $check_parameters[$field_name] = $result;
+ }
+ }
+ $check_parameters['form_id']=$form_id;
+ return $check_parameters;
+function print_array(&$fields, $die = 0)
+ echo "<pre>";
+ print_r($fields);
+ echo "XXXXXXXXXXXX</pre>";
+ if ($die)
+ exit;
+# vim:set ts=4:
+# vim:set syntax=php:
+# vim:set shiftwidth=4:
diff --git a/web/include/ b/web/include/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84d36b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# vim:set ts=4:
+# vim:set shiftwidth=4;
+class User
+ var $ref;
+ var $session = false;
+ var $auth_timeout = false;
+ var $db;
+ /**
+ * create a new User object
+ *
+ * creates a new user by looking into the <code>session</code>
+ *
+ * @param object Database Object
+ * @param object Session Object
+ * @param integer Login timout in seconds
+ */
+ function User(&$database, &$session, $auth_timeout) {
+ assert($session);
+ assert($database);
+ assert($auth_timeout);
+ $this->session = &$session;
+ $this->auth_timeout = $auth_timeout;
+ $this->db = &$database;
+ $last_seen = $this->session->data['user']['last_seen'];
+ $ref = $this->session->data['user']['ref'];
+ $authenticated = false;
+ if ( $last_seen &&
+ ( $last_seen + $this->auth_timeout >= time()) &&
+ ( $time_seen <= time() ) &&
+ $this->session->data['user']['authenticated'] &&
+ $this->check_ref_session($ref) )
+ $authenticated = true;
+ else {
+ $ref = false;
+ $authenticated = false;
+ $last_seen = false;
+ }
+ $this->session->data['user']['authenticated'] = $authenticated;
+ $this->session->data['user']['last_seen'] = $authenticated ? time() : false;
+ $this->session->data['user']['ref'] = $ref;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if given Ref is a valid user ref
+ *
+ * checks if the ref and current session are from the same user.
+ *
+ * @param integer user ref
+ * @returns boolean true if success
+ */
+ function check_ref_session($ref) {
+ assert($this->session);
+ assert($this->session->ref);
+ assert($this->db);
+ assert($ref);
+ $row=$this->db->query_row('SELECT ref FROM account WHERE session_ref=? AND ref=?', array($this->session->ref, $ref));
+ if ( $row === false )
+ return false;
+ else
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Do the login of a user
+ *
+ * Check if username and password are a valid pair, and update session_ref
+ * in database, set timestamp.
+ *
+ * @param string supplied username from user
+ * @param string supplied password from user
+ * @returns boolean true if success
+ */
+ function do_login($username, $password)
+ {
+ assert($this->session);
+ assert($this->session->ref);
+ assert($this->db);
+# assert($username);
+# assert($password);
+ if ( ! $username )
+ return false;
+ if ( ! $password )
+ return false;
+ $row=$this->db->query_row('SELECT ref FROM account WHERE username=? AND password=?', array($username,$password));
+ if ( $row === false )
+ return false;
+ $update = $this->db->update('account', $row['ref'], array(session_ref=>$this->session->ref));
+ if ( ! $update )
+ return false;
+ $this->session->data['user']['authenticated'] = true;
+ $this->session->data['user']['last_seen'] = time();
+ $this->session->data['user']['ref'] = $row['ref'];
+ $this->session->data['user']['username'] = $username;
+ # FIXME: old session is destroyed
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Logout the User
+ *
+ * logout the user, do not check if has logged in.
+ *
+ * @returns boolean true on success, false otherwhise
+ */
+ function do_logout()
+ {
+ assert($this->session);
+ assert($this->session->ref);
+ $this->session->data['user']['authenticated'] = false;
+ $this->session->data['user']['last_seen'] = false;
+ $this->session->data['user']['ref'] = false;
+ $this->session->data['user']['username'] = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check for login status
+ *
+ * Checks if user has logged in correctly.
+ *
+ * @returns boolean true on authenticated, false otherwhise
+ */
+ function check_login()
+ {
+ assert($this->session);
+ if (! $this->session->get_id())
+ return false;
+ assert($this->session->ref);
+ return $this->session->data['user']['authenticated'];
+ }