www.noreply.org :: All Pingers

Canonical List of All Pingers

<: use warnings; use strict; sub join_links($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_; if (defined $a) { if (defined $b) { return $a.' '.$b; } else { return $a; }; } else { if (defined $b) { return $b; } else { return ' '; }; }; }; open(F,"allpingers.txt") or die("Could not open allpingers.txt: $!"); my $source; my %pinger; while() { s/\s*(.*)\s*/$1/; next if (/^\s*#/); $source = $1, next if (/^\[(.*)\]$/); if (/(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+)/) { $pinger{$source}->{$1} = $2 if defined $source; }; } close(F); for $source (sort keys %pinger) { print("\n"); printf('', $pinger{$source}->{base}, $source); my $r1_t = sprintf('T', $pinger{$source}->{rlist} ) if defined $pinger{$source}->{rlist}; my $r1_h = sprintf('H', $pinger{$source}->{rlist_html} ) if defined $pinger{$source}->{rlist_html}; my $r2_t = sprintf('T', $pinger{$source}->{rlist2} ) if defined $pinger{$source}->{rlist2}; my $r2_h = sprintf('H', $pinger{$source}->{rlist2_html}) if defined $pinger{$source}->{rlist2_html}; my $m1_t = sprintf('T', $pinger{$source}->{mlist} ) if defined $pinger{$source}->{mlist}; my $m1_h = sprintf('H', $pinger{$source}->{mlist_html} ) if defined $pinger{$source}->{mlist_html}; my $m2_t = sprintf('T', $pinger{$source}->{mlist2} ) if defined $pinger{$source}->{mlist2}; my $m2_h = sprintf('H', $pinger{$source}->{mlist2_html}) if defined $pinger{$source}->{mlist2_html}; my $rchain_t = sprintf('T', $pinger{$source}->{rchain} ) if defined $pinger{$source}->{rchain}; my $rchain_h = sprintf('H', $pinger{$source}->{rchain_html}) if defined $pinger{$source}->{rchain_html}; my $pgp = sprintf('ALL', $pinger{$source}->{pgpring} ) if defined $pinger{$source}->{pgpring}; my $pgp_rsa = sprintf('RSA', $pinger{$source}->{pgpring_rsa}) if defined $pinger{$source}->{pgpring_rsa}; my $mixring = sprintf('pubring.mix', $pinger{$source}->{mixring} ) if defined $pinger{$source}->{mixring}; my $typelist = sprintf('type2.list', $pinger{$source}->{type2list} ) if defined $pinger{$source}->{type2list}; my $comment = $pinger{$source}->{comment}; printf('', join_links($r1_t, $r1_h)); printf('', join_links($r2_t, $r2_h)); printf('', join_links($m1_t, $m1_h)); printf('', join_links($m2_t, $m2_h)); printf('', join_links($rchain_t, $rchain_h)); printf('', join_links($pgp, $pgp_rsa)); printf('', join_links($mixring, $typelist)); printf('', (defined $comment && $comment ne '') ? $comment : ' '); print("\n"); } :>
Pinger CPunk V1 CPunk V2 Mix V1 Mix V2 rchain PGP Keyring Mix Keyring Comment

If anything is wrong/broken/needs to be added/removed please mail the maintainer at web@palfrader.org.

The canonical list of all pingers in a machine readable format can be found here: allpingers.txt. It was last updated <: print scalar gmtime() :>.

For testing purposes I've also generated an XML document with all pingers. Feedback especially on the DTD is very much apprechiated. #


#A similar list can be found at Frog's: http://www.privacyresources.org/frogadmin/Pingers.html.

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