path: root/trunk/Echolot/Storage/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/Echolot/Storage/')
1 files changed, 1880 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/Echolot/Storage/ b/trunk/Echolot/Storage/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f6d21d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/Echolot/Storage/
@@ -0,0 +1,1880 @@
+package Echolot::Storage::File;
+# $Id$
+# This file is part of Echolot - a Pinger for anonymous remailers.
+# Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004 Peter Palfrader <>
+# This program is free software. you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+=head1 Name
+Echolot::Storage::File - Storage backend for echolot
+This package provides several functions for data storage for echolot.
+use strict;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use IO::Handle;
+use English;
+use Carp;
+use Fcntl ':flock'; # import LOCK_* constants
+#use Fcntl ':seek'; # import SEEK_* constants
+use POSIX; # import SEEK_* constants (older perls don't have SEEK_ in Fcntl)
+use Echolot::Tools;
+use Echolot::Log;
+my $CONSTANTS = {
+ 'metadatafile' => 'metadata'
+delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
+=item B<new> (I<%args>)
+Creates a new storage backend object.
+args keys:
+=item I<datadir>
+The basedir where this module may store it's configuration and pinging
+sub new {
+ my ($class, %params) = @_;
+ my $self = {};
+ bless $self, $class;
+ $self->{'METADATA_FILE_IS_NEW'} = 0;
+ defined($params{'datadir'}) or
+ confess ('No datadir option passed to new');
+ $self->{'datadir'} = $params{'datadir'};
+ $self->{'DELAY_COMMIT'} = 0;
+ $self->delay_commit();
+ $self->metadata_open() or
+ confess ('Opening Metadata failed. Exiting');
+ $self->metadata_read() or
+ confess ('Reading Metadata from Storage failed. Exiting');
+ $self->pingdata_open() or
+ confess ('Opening Ping files failed. Exiting');
+ $self->chainpingdata_open() or
+ confess ('Opening Ping files failed. Exiting');
+ $self->enable_commit();
+ return $self;
+=item $storage->B<commit>( )
+Write metadata unless B<delay_commt> is set.
+sub commit($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ if ($self->{'DELAY_COMMIT'}) {
+ $self->{'COMMIT_PENDING'} = 1;
+ return;
+ };
+ $self->metadata_write();
+ $self->{'COMMIT_PENDING'} = 0;
+=item $storage->B<delay_commit>( )
+Increase B<delay_commit> by one.
+sub delay_commit($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->{'DELAY_COMMIT'}++;
+=item $storage->B<enable_commit>( I<$set_> )
+Decrease B<delay_commit> by one and call C<commit> if B<delay_commit> is zero
+and I<$set_pending> is true.
+sub enable_commit($;$) {
+ my ($self, $set_pending) = @_;
+ $self->{'DELAY_COMMIT'}--;
+ $self->commit() if (($self->{'COMMIT_PENDING'} || (defined $set_pending && $set_pending)) && ! $self->{'DELAY_COMMIT'});
+=item $storage->B<finish>( )
+Shut down cleanly.
+sub finish($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->pingdata_close();
+ $self->chainpingdata_close();
+ $self->metadata_write();
+ $self->metadata_close();
+=item $storage->B<metadata_open>( )
+Open metadata.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub metadata_open($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->{'METADATA_FH'} = new IO::Handle;
+ my $filename = $self->{'datadir'} .'/'. $CONSTANTS->{'metadatafile'};
+ if ( -e $filename ) {
+ open($self->{'METADATA_FH'}, '+<' . $filename) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot open $filename for reading: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ } else {
+ $self->{'METADATA_FILE_IS_NEW'} = 1;
+ open($self->{'METADATA_FH'}, '+>' . $filename) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot open $filename for reading: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ };
+ flock($self->{'METADATA_FH'}, LOCK_EX) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot get exclusive lock on $filename: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<metadata_close>( )
+Close metadata.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub metadata_close($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ flock($self->{'METADATA_FH'}, LOCK_UN) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when releasing lock on metadata file: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ close($self->{'METADATA_FH'}) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when closing metadata file: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<metadata_read>( )
+Write metadata.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub metadata_read($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ if ($self->{'METADATA_FILE_IS_NEW'}) {
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'version'} = $METADATA_VERSION;
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'} = {};
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'} = {};
+ $self->{'METADATA_FILE_IS_NEW'} = 0;
+ $self->commit();
+ } else {
+ $self->{'METADATA'} = ();
+ seek($self->{'METADATA_FH'}, 0, SEEK_SET) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot seek to start of metadata file: $!."),
+ return 0;
+ {
+ local $/ = undef;
+ my $fh = $self->{'METADATA_FH'};
+ my $metadata_code = <$fh>;
+ ($metadata_code) = $metadata_code =~ /^(.*)$/s;
+ eval ($metadata_code);
+ $self->{'METADATA'} = $METADATA;
+ };
+ confess("Error when reading from metadata file: $EVAL_ERROR"),
+ return undef;
+ defined($self->{'METADATA'}->{'version'}) or
+ confess("Stored data lacks version header"),
+ return undef;
+ ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'version'} == ($METADATA_VERSION)) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Metadata version mismatch ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'version'} vs. $METADATA_VERSION)."),
+ return undef;
+ };
+ defined($self->{'METADATA'}->{'secret'}) or
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'secret'} = Echolot::Tools::make_random ( 16, armor => 1 ),
+ $self->commit();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<metadata_write>( )
+Write metadata.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub metadata_write($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $data = Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $self->{'METADATA'} ], [ 'METADATA' ] );
+ my $fh = $self->{'METADATA_FH'};
+ seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot seek to start of metadata file: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ truncate($fh, 0) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot truncate metadata file to zero length: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ print($fh "# vim:set syntax=perl:\n") or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when writing to metadata file: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ print($fh $data) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when writing to metadata file: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ $fh->flush();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<metadata_backup>( )
+Rotate metadata files and create a backup.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub metadata_backup($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $filename = $self->{'datadir'} .'/'. $CONSTANTS->{'metadatafile'};
+ for (my $i=Echolot::Config::get()->{'metadata_backup_count'} - 1; $i>=0; $i--) {
+ rename ($filename.'.'.($i) , $filename.'.'.($i+1));
+ rename ($filename.'.'.($i).'.gz', $filename.'.'.($i+1).'.gz');
+ };
+ $filename .= '.1';
+ my $data = Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $self->{'METADATA'} ], [ 'METADATA' ] );
+ my $fh = new IO::Handle;
+ open ($fh, '>'.$filename) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot open $filename for writing: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ print($fh "# vim:set syntax=perl:\n") or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when writing to metadata file: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ print($fh $data) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when writing to metadata file: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ $fh->flush();
+ close($fh) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when closing metadata file: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ if (Echolot::Config::get()->{'gzip'}) {
+ system(Echolot::Config::get()->{'gzip'}, $filename) and
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Gziping $filename failed."),
+ return undef;
+ };
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<pingdata_open_one>( I<$remailer_addr>, I<$type>, I<$key> )
+Open the pingdata file for the I<$remailer_addr>, I<$type>, and I<$key>.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub pingdata_open_one($$$$) {
+ my ($self, $remailer_addr, $type, $key) = @_;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer_addr does not exist in Metadata."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer_addr has no keys in Metadata."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer_addr type $type does not exist in Metadata."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$key}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer_addr type $type key $key does not exist in Metadata."),
+ return undef;
+ my $basename = $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$key}->{'stats'};
+ defined($basename) or
+ $basename = $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$key}->{'stats'} = $remailer_addr.'.'.$type.'.'.$key.'.'.time.'.'.$PROCESS_ID.'_'.Echolot::Globals::get()->{'internalcounter'}++,
+ $self->commit();
+ my $filename = $self->{'datadir'} .'/'. $basename;
+ for my $direction ('out', 'done') {
+ my $fh = new IO::Handle;
+ if ( -e $filename.'.'.$direction ) {
+ open($fh, '+<' . $filename.'.'.$direction) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot open $filename.$direction for reading: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ $self->{'PING_FHS'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}->{$key}->{$direction} = $fh;
+ } else {
+ open($fh, '+>' . $filename.'.'.$direction) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot open $filename.$direction for reading: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ $self->{'PING_FHS'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}->{$key}->{$direction} = $fh;
+ };
+ flock($fh, LOCK_EX) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot get exclusive lock on $remailer_addr $type $key $direction pings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ };
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<pingdata_open>( )
+Open all pingdata files.
+Returns 1.
+sub pingdata_open($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ for my $remailer_addr ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}} ) {
+ for my $type ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}} ) {
+ for my $key ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}} ) {
+ $self->pingdata_open_one($remailer_addr, $type, $key);
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<get_ping_fh>( I<$remailer_addr>, I<$type>, I<$key>, I<$direction>, I<$oknodo> )
+Return the FH for the pingdata file of I<$remailer_addr>, I<$type>, I<$key>, and I<$direction>.
+If $<oknodo> is set, the absense of a defined filehandle does not cause it to
+be opened/created. Instead -1 is returned.
+Returns undef on error;
+sub get_ping_fh($$$$$;$) {
+ my ($self, $remailer_addr, $type, $key, $direction, $oknodo) = @_;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$remailer_addr}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck("$remailer_addr does not exist in Metadata."),
+ return undef;
+ my $fh = $self->{'PING_FHS'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}->{$key}->{$direction};
+ unless (defined $fh) {
+ return -1 if (defined $oknodo && $oknodo);
+ $self->pingdata_open_one($remailer_addr, $type, $key),
+ $fh = $self->{'PING_FHS'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}->{$key}->{$direction};
+ defined ($fh) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn ("$remailer_addr; type=$type; key=$key has no assigned filehandle for $direction pings."),
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return $fh;
+=item $storage->B<pingdata_close_one>( I<$remailer_addr>, I<$type>, I<$key> )
+Close the pingdata file for the I<$remailer_addr>, I<$type>, and I<$key>.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub pingdata_close_one($$$$;$) {
+ my ($self, $remailer_addr, $type, $key, $delete) = @_;
+ for my $direction ( keys %{$self->{'PING_FHS'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}->{$key}} ) {
+ my $fh = $self->{'PING_FHS'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}->{$key}->{$direction};
+ flock($fh, LOCK_UN) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when releasing lock on $remailer_addr type $type key $key direction $direction pings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ close ($fh) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when closing $remailer_addr type $type key $key direction $direction pings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ if ((defined $delete) && ($delete eq 'delete')) {
+ my $basename = $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$key}->{'stats'};
+ my $filename = $self->{'datadir'} .'/'. $basename;
+ unlink ($filename.'.'.$direction) or
+ carp ("Cannot unlink $filename.'.'.$direction: $!");
+ };
+ };
+ delete $self->{'PING_FHS'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}->{$key};
+ delete $self->{'PING_FHS'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}
+ unless (scalar keys %{$self->{'PING_FHS'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}});
+ delete $self->{'PING_FHS'}->{$remailer_addr}
+ unless (scalar keys %{$self->{'PING_FHS'}->{$remailer_addr}});
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<pingdata_close>( )
+Close all pingdata files.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub pingdata_close($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ for my $remailer_addr ( keys %{$self->{'PING_FHS'}} ) {
+ for my $type ( keys %{$self->{'PING_FHS'}->{$remailer_addr}} ) {
+ for my $key ( keys %{$self->{'PING_FHS'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}} ) {
+ $self->pingdata_close_one($remailer_addr, $type, $key) or
+ Echolot::Log::debug("Error when calling pingdata_close_one with $remailer_addr type $type key $key."),
+ return undef;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<get_pings>( I<$remailer_addr>, I<$type>, I<$key>, I<$direction> )
+Return an array of ping data for I<$remailer_addr>, I<$type>, I<$key>, and I<$direction>.
+If direction is B<out> then it's an array of scalar (the send timestamps).
+If direction is B<done> then it's an array of array references each having two
+items: the send time and the latency.
+Returns undef on error;
+sub get_pings($$$$$) {
+ my ($self, $remailer_addr, $type, $key, $direction) = @_;
+ my @pings;
+ my $fh = $self->get_ping_fh($remailer_addr, $type, $key, $direction, 1);
+ (defined $fh) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer_addr; type=$type; key=$key has no assigned filehandle for out pings.");
+ ($fh == -1) and
+ Echolot::Log::info ("$remailer_addr; type=$type; key=$key has no assigned filehandle for $direction pings (key has expired, or not available yet)."),
+ return ();
+ seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot seek to start of $remailer_addr type $type key $key direction $direction pings: $! ($fh)."),
+ return undef;
+ if ($direction eq 'out') {
+ @pings = map {chomp; $_; } <$fh>;
+ } elsif ($direction eq 'done') {
+ @pings = map {chomp; my @arr = split (/\s+/, $_, 2); \@arr; } <$fh>;
+ } else {
+ confess("What the hell am I doing here? $remailer_addr; $type; $key; $direction"),
+ return undef;
+ };
+ return @pings;
+=item $storage->B<register_pingout>( I<$remailer_addr>, I<$type>, I<$key>, I<$sent_time> )
+Register a ping sent to I<$remailer_addr>, I<$type>, I<$key> and I$<sent_time>.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub register_pingout($$$$$) {
+ my ($self, $remailer_addr, $type, $key, $sent_time) = @_;
+ my $fh = $self->get_ping_fh($remailer_addr, $type, $key, 'out') or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer_addr; type=$type; key=$key has no assigned filehandle for out pings."),
+ return undef;
+ seek($fh, 0, SEEK_END) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot seek to end of $remailer_addr; type=$type; key=$key; out pings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ print($fh $sent_time."\n") or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when writing to $remailer_addr; type=$type; key=$key; out pings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ $fh->flush();
+ Echolot::Log::debug("registering pingout for $remailer_addr ($type; $key).");
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<register_pingdone>( I<$remailer_addr>, I<$type>, I<$key>, I<$sent_time>, I<$latency> )
+Register that the ping sent to I<$remailer_addr>, I<$type>, I<$key> at
+I$<sent_time> has returned with latency I<$latency>.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub register_pingdone($$$$$$) {
+ my ($self, $remailer_addr, $type, $key, $sent_time, $latency) = @_;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$remailer_addr}) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn ("$remailer_addr does not exist in Metadata."),
+ return undef;
+ my @outpings = $self->get_pings($remailer_addr, $type, $key, 'out');
+ my $origlen = scalar (@outpings);
+ @outpings = grep { $_ != $sent_time } @outpings;
+ ($origlen == scalar (@outpings)) and
+ Echolot::Log::info("No ping outstanding for $remailer_addr, $key, ".(scalar localtime $sent_time)."."),
+ return 1;
+ # write ping to done
+ my $fh = $self->get_ping_fh($remailer_addr, $type, $key, 'done') or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer_addr; type=$type; key=$key has no assigned filehandle for done pings."),
+ return undef;
+ seek($fh, 0, SEEK_END) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot seek to end of $remailer_addr done pings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ print($fh $sent_time." ".$latency."\n") or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when writing to $remailer_addr done pings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ $fh->flush();
+ # rewrite outstanding pings
+ $fh = $self->get_ping_fh($remailer_addr, $type, $key, 'out') or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer_addr; type=$type; key=$key has no assigned filehandle for out pings."),
+ return undef;
+ seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot seek to start of outgoing pings file for remailer $remailer_addr; key=$key: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ truncate($fh, 0) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot truncate outgoing pings file for remailer $remailer_addr; key=$key file to zero length: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ print($fh (join "\n", @outpings), (scalar @outpings ? "\n" : '') ) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when writing to outgoing pings file for remailer $remailer_addr; key=$key file: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ $fh->flush();
+ Echolot::Log::debug("registering pingdone from ".(scalar localtime $sent_time)." with latency $latency for $remailer_addr ($type; $key).");
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<chainpingdata_open_one>( I<$chaintype> )
+Open the pingdata file for I<$chaintype> type chain pings.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub chainpingdata_open_one($$) {
+ my ($self, $type) = @_;
+ my $filename = $self->{'datadir'} .'/chainpings.'.$type;
+ for my $direction ('out', 'done') {
+ my $fh = new IO::Handle;
+ if ( -e $filename.'.'.$direction ) {
+ open($fh, '+<' . $filename.'.'.$direction) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot open $filename.$direction for reading: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ $self->{'CHAINPING_FHS'}->{$type}->{$direction} = $fh;
+ } else {
+ open($fh, '+>' . $filename.'.'.$direction) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot open $filename.$direction for reading: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ $self->{'CHAINPING_FHS'}->{$type}->{$direction} = $fh;
+ };
+ flock($fh, LOCK_EX) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot get exclusive lock on $filename.$direction pings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ };
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<chainpingdata_open>( )
+Open all chainpingdata files.
+Returns 1.
+sub chainpingdata_open($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ for my $type ( keys %{Echolot::Config::get()->{'which_chainpings'}} ) {
+ $self->chainpingdata_open_one($type);
+ };
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<get_chainping_fh>( I<$type>, I<$direction> )
+Return the FH for the chainpingdata file of I<$type>, and I<$direction>.
+Returns undef on error;
+sub get_chainping_fh($$$) {
+ my ($self, $type, $direction) = @_;
+ my $fh = $self->{'CHAINPING_FHS'}->{$type}->{$direction};
+ defined ($fh) or
+ $self->chainpingdata_open_one($type),
+ $fh = $self->{'CHAINPING_FHS'}->{$type}->{$direction};
+ defined ($fh) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn ("chainping $type has no assigned filehandle for $direction chainpings."),
+ return undef;
+ return $fh;
+=item $storage->B<chainpingdata_close_one>( I<$type> )
+Close the chainpingdata file for I<$type>.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub chainpingdata_close_one($) {
+ my ($self, $type) = @_;
+ for my $direction ( keys %{$self->{'CHAINPING_FHS'}->{$type}} ) {
+ my $fh = $self->{'CHAINPING_FHS'}->{$type}->{$direction};
+ flock($fh, LOCK_UN) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when releasing lock on $type direction $direction chainpings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ close ($fh) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when closing $type direction $direction chainpings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ };
+ delete $self->{'CHAINPING_FHS'}->{$type};
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<chainpingdata_close>( )
+Close all chainpingdata files.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub chainpingdata_close($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ for my $type ( keys %{$self->{'CHAINPING_FHS'}} ) {
+ $self->chainpingdata_close_one($type) or
+ Echolot::Log::debug("Error when calling chainpingdata_close_one with type $type."),
+ return undef;
+ };
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<get_chainpings>( I<$chaintype> )
+Return chainping data for I<$chaintype>.
+The result is a reference to a hash having two entries: out and done.
+Each of them is a reference to an array of single pings. Each ping is a hash
+reference with the hash having the keys B<sent>, B<addr1>, B<type1>, B<key1>,
+B<addr2>, B<type2>, B<key2>, and in case of received pings B<lat>.
+Out currently includes all sent pings - also those that allready arrived.
+This is different from the get_pings() function above.
+Returns undef on error.
+sub get_chainpings($$) {
+ my ($self, $chaintype) = @_;
+ my $fh = $self->get_chainping_fh($chaintype, 'out') or
+ Echolot::Log::warn ("have no assigned filehandle for $chaintype out chainpings."),
+ return undef;
+ seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot seek to start of $chaintype out chainpings $!."),
+ return undef;
+ my @out =
+ map {
+ chomp;
+ my @a = split;
+ Echolot::Log::warn("'$_' has not 7 fields") if (scalar @a < 7);
+ { sent => $a[0],
+ addr1 => $a[1],
+ type1 => $a[2],
+ key1 => $a[3],
+ addr2 => $a[4],
+ type2 => $a[5],
+ key2 => $a[6]
+ }
+ } <$fh>;
+ my %sent = map {
+ my $a = $_;
+ my $key = join (' ', map ({ $a->{$_} } qw{sent addr1 type1 key1 addr2 type2 key2}));
+ $key => 1
+ } @out;
+ $fh = $self->get_chainping_fh($chaintype, 'done') or
+ Echolot::Log::warn ("assigned filehandle for $chaintype done chainpings."),
+ return undef;
+ seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot seek to start of $chaintype done chainpings $!."),
+ return undef;
+ my @done =
+ grep {
+ # Only list things that actually got sent - and only once
+ my $a = $_;
+ my $key = join (' ', map ({ $a->{$_} } qw{sent addr1 type1 key1 addr2 type2 key2}));
+ my $exists = exists $sent{$key};
+ delete $sent{$key};
+ $exists
+ }
+ map {
+ chomp;
+ my @a = split;
+ { sent => $a[0],
+ addr1 => $a[1],
+ type1 => $a[2],
+ key1 => $a[3],
+ addr2 => $a[4],
+ type2 => $a[5],
+ key2 => $a[6],
+ lat => $a[7]
+ }
+ } <$fh>;
+ return {
+ out => \@out,
+ done => \@done
+ };
+=item $storage->B<register_chainpingout>( I<$chaintype>, I<$addr1>, I<$type1>, I<$key1>, I<$addr2>, I<$type2>, I<$key2>, I<$sent_time> >
+Register a chain ping of type I<$chaintype> sent through I<$addr1> (I<$type1>, I<$key1>)
+and I<$addr2> (I<$type2>, I<$key2>) at I$<sent_time>.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub register_chainpingout($$$$$$$$$) {
+ my ($self, $chaintype, $addr1, $type1, $key1, $addr2, $type2, $key2, $sent_time) = @_;
+ my $fh = $self->get_chainping_fh($chaintype, 'out') or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("chaintype $chaintype/out has no assigned filehandle."),
+ return undef;
+ seek($fh, 0, SEEK_END) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot seek to end of chaintype $chaintype out pings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ print($fh join(' ', $sent_time, $addr1, $type1, $key1, $addr2, $type2, $key2)."\n") or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when writing to chaintype $chaintype out pings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ $fh->flush();
+ Echolot::Log::debug("registering chainping $chaintype out through $addr1 ($type1; $key1) to $addr2 ($type2; $key2).");
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<register_chainpingdone>( I<$chaintype>, I<$addr1>, I<$type1>, I<$key1>, I<$addr2>, I<$type2>, I<$key2>, I<$sent_time>, I<$latency> )
+Register that the chain ping of type I<$chaintype> sent through I<$addr1> (I<$type1>, I<$key1>)
+and I<$addr2> (I<$type2>, I<$key2>) at I$<sent_time>
+has returned with latency I<$latency>.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub register_chainpingdone($$$$$$$$$$) {
+ my ($self, $chaintype, $addr1, $type1, $key1, $addr2, $type2, $key2, $sent_time, $latency) = @_;
+ # write ping to done
+ my $fh = $self->get_chainping_fh($chaintype, 'done') or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("chaintype $chaintype/done has no assigned filehandle."),
+ return undef;
+ seek($fh, 0, SEEK_END) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot seek to end of $chaintype/done pings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ print($fh join(' ', $sent_time, $addr1, $type1, $key1, $addr2, $type2, $key2, $latency)."\n") or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when writing to $chaintype/done pings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ $fh->flush();
+ Echolot::Log::debug("registering chainpingdone from ".(scalar localtime $sent_time)." with latency $latency chainping $chaintype out through $addr1 ($type1; $key1) to $addr2 ($type2; $key2).");
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<add_prospective_address>( I<$addr>, I<$reason>, I<$additional> )
+Add I<$addr> to the list of prospective remailers with I<$reason> and
+I<$additional> information.
+Returns 1.
+sub add_prospective_address($$$$) {
+ my ($self, $addr, $reason, $additional) = @_;
+ return 1 if defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$addr};
+ push @{ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'prospective_addresses'}{$addr} }, time().'; '. $reason. '; '. $additional;
+ $self->commit();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<commit_prospective_address>( )
+Commit prospective remailers to the list of remailers we know.
+Returns 1.
+sub commit_prospective_address($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->delay_commit();
+ for my $addr (keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'prospective_addresses'}}) {
+ if (defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$addr}) {
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'prospective_addresses'}->{$addr};
+ next;
+ };
+ # expire old prospective addresses
+ while (@{ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'prospective_addresses'}->{$addr} }) {
+ my ($time, $reason, $additional) = split(/;\s*/, $self->{'METADATA'}->{'prospective_addresses'}->{$addr}->[0] );
+ if ($time < time() - Echolot::Config::get()->{'prospective_addresses_ttl'} ) {
+ shift @{ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'prospective_addresses'}->{$addr} };
+ } else {
+ last;
+ };
+ };
+ unless (scalar @{ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'prospective_addresses'}->{$addr} }) {
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'prospective_addresses'}->{$addr};
+ next;
+ };
+ my %reasons;
+ for my $line ( @{ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'prospective_addresses'}->{$addr} } ) {
+ my ($time, $reason, $additional) = split(/;\s*/, $line);
+ push @{ $reasons{$reason} }, $additional;
+ };
+ # got prospective by reply to own remailer-conf or remailer-key request
+ if ( defined $reasons{'self-capsstring-conf'} || defined $reasons{'self-capsstring-key'} ) {
+ Echolot::Log::notice("$addr is used because of direct conf or key reply");
+ $self->add_address($addr);
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'prospective_addresses'}->{$addr};
+ next;
+ }
+ # was listed in reliable's remailer-conf reply; @adds holds suggestors
+ my @adds;
+ push @adds, @{ $reasons{'reliable-caps-reply-type1'} } if defined $reasons{'reliable-caps-reply-type1'};
+ push @adds, @{ $reasons{'reliable-caps-reply-type2'} } if defined $reasons{'reliable-caps-reply-type2'};
+ if (scalar @adds) {
+ my %unique;
+ @adds = grep { ! $unique{$_}++; } @adds;
+ if (scalar @adds >= Echolot::Config::get()->{'reliable_auto_add_min'} ) {
+ Echolot::Log::notice("$addr is recommended by ". join(', ', @adds) . ".");
+ $self->add_address($addr);
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'prospective_addresses'}->{$addr};
+ next;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ $self->enable_commit(1);
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<get_address>( I<$addr> )
+Get a reference to a hash of information of the remailers with address
+The hash has the following keys:
+=item status
+=item id
+=item address
+=item fetch
+=item showit
+=item pingit
+=item ttl
+=item resurrection_ttl
+Returns undef on errors.
+sub get_address($$) {
+ my ($self, $addr) = @_;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$addr}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$addr does not exist in Metadata."),
+ return undef;
+ my $result = {
+ status => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$addr}->{'status'},
+ id => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$addr}->{'id'},
+ address => $_,
+ fetch => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$addr}->{'fetch'},
+ showit => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$addr}->{'showit'},
+ pingit => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$addr}->{'pingit'},
+ ttl => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$addr}->{'ttl'},
+ resurrection_ttl => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$addr}->{'resurrection_ttl'},
+ };
+ return $result;
+=item $storage->B<get_addresses>( )
+Get an array of all remailers we know about. Each element in this array is a
+hash reference as returned by C<get_address>.
+sub get_addresses($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my @addresses = keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}};
+ my @return_data = map { $self->get_address($_); } @addresses;
+ return @return_data;
+=item $storage->B<add_address>( I<$addr> )
+Adds a remailer with address I<$addr>. B<fetch>, B<pingit>, and B<shoit> are
+set to the values configured for new remailers.
+Assign the remailer status B<active> and a new unique ID.
+See L<pingd.conf(5)> for more information on this.
+Returns 1.
+sub add_address($$) {
+ my ($self, $addr) = @_;
+ my @all_addresses = $self->get_addresses();
+ my $maxid = $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses_maxid'};
+ unless (defined $maxid) {
+ $maxid = 0;
+ for my $addr (@all_addresses) {
+ if ($addr->{'id'} > $maxid) {
+ $maxid = $addr->{'id'};
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ Echolot::Log::notice("Adding address $addr.");
+ my $remailer = {
+ id => $maxid + 1,
+ status => 'active',
+ ttl => Echolot::Config::get()->{'addresses_default_ttl'},
+ fetch => Echolot::Config::get()->{'fetch_new'},
+ pingit => Echolot::Config::get()->{'ping_new'},
+ showit => Echolot::Config::get()->{'show_new'},
+ };
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$addr} = $remailer;
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses_maxid'} = $maxid+1;
+ $self->commit();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<set_stuff>( I<@args> )
+@args is supposed to have two elements: I<$address>, and I<$setting>.
+Set verious options for the remailer with address $I<$address>.
+I<$setting> has to be of the form C<key=value>. Recognised keys are B<pingit>,
+B<fetch>, and B<showit>. Acceptable values are B<on> and B<off>.
+See L<pingd(1)> for the meaning of these settings.
+Returns 1, undef on error.
+sub set_stuff($@) {
+ my ($self, @args) = @_;
+ my ($addr, $setting) = @args;
+ my $args = join(', ', @args);
+ defined ($addr) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("Could not get address for '$args'."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($setting) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("Could not get setting for '$args'."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$addr}) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn ("Address $addr does not exist."),
+ return undef;
+ if ($setting =~ /^(pingit|fetch|showit)=(on|off)$/) {
+ my $option = $1;
+ my $value = $2;
+ Echolot::Log::info("Setting $option to $value for $addr");
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$addr}->{$option} = ($value eq 'on');
+ } else {
+ Echolot::Log::warn ("Don't know what to do with '$setting' for $addr."),
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $self->commit();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<get_address_by_id>( I<$id> )
+Return the address for the remailer with id I<$id>.
+Return undef if there is no remailer with that id.
+sub get_address_by_id($$) {
+ my ($self, $id) = @_;
+ my @addresses = grep {$self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$_}->{'id'} == $id}
+ keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}};
+ return undef unless (scalar @addresses);
+ if (scalar @addresses >= 2) {
+ Echolot::Log::cluck("Searching for address by id '$id' gives more than one result.");
+ };
+ my %return_data = %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$addresses[0]}};
+ $return_data{'address'} = $addresses[0];
+ return \%return_data;
+=item $storage->B<decrease_resurrection_ttl>( I<$address> )
+Decrease the TTL (Time To Live) for remailer with address I<$address> by one.
+If it hits zero the remailer's status is set to B<ttl timeout>.
+Returns 1, undef on error.
+sub decrease_ttl($$) {
+ my ($self, $address) = @_;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$address does not exist in Metadata address list."),
+ return undef;
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'ttl'} --;
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'status'} = 'ttl timeout',
+ Echolot::Log::info("Remailer $address disabled: ttl expired."),
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'resurrection_ttl'} = Echolot::Config::get()->{'check_resurrection_ttl'}
+ if ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'ttl'} <= 0);
+ $self->commit();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<decrease_resurrection_ttl>( I<$address> )
+Decrease the resurrection TTL (Time To Live) for remailer with address
+I<$address> by one.
+If it hits zero the remailer's status is set to B<dead>.
+Returns 1, undef on error.
+sub decrease_resurrection_ttl($$) {
+ my ($self, $address) = @_;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$address does not exist in Metadata address list."),
+ return 0;
+ ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'status'} eq 'ttl timeout') or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$address is not in ttl timeout status."),
+ return 0;
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'resurrection_ttl'} --;
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'status'} = 'dead',
+ Echolot::Log::info("Remailer $address is dead."),
+ if ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'resurrection_ttl'} <= 0);
+ $self->commit();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<restore_ttl>( I<$address> )
+Restore the TTL (Time To Live) for remailer with address I<$address> to the
+value configured with I<addresses_default_ttl>
+See L<pingd.conf(5)> for more information on this settings.
+Returns 1, undef on error.
+sub restore_ttl($$) {
+ my ($self, $address) = @_;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$address does not exist in Metadata address list."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'status'}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$address does exist in Metadata address list but does not have status defined."),
+ return undef;
+ Echolot::Log::info("Remailer $address is alive and active again.")
+ unless ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'status'} eq 'active');
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'ttl'} = Echolot::Config::get()->{'addresses_default_ttl'};
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'resurrection_ttl'};
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'status'} = 'active' if
+ ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'status'} eq 'ttl timeout' ||
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'status'} eq 'dead');
+ $self->commit();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<not_a_remaielr>( I<$id> )
+Set the remailer whoise id is I<$id> to B<disabled by user reply: is not a
+Returns 1, undef on error.
+sub not_a_remailer($$) {
+ my ($self, $id) = @_;
+ my $remailer = $self->get_address_by_id($id);
+ defined $remailer or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck("No remailer found for id '$id'."),
+ return undef;
+ my $address = $remailer->{'address'};
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$address does not exist in Metadata address list."),
+ return undef;
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}->{'status'} = 'disabled by user reply: is not a remailer';
+ Echolot::Log::info("Setting $id, $address to disabled by user reply.");
+ $self->commit();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<set_caps>( I<$type>, I<$caps>, I<$nick>, I<$address>, I<$timestamp> [, I<$dont_expire> ])
+Sets the capabilities for remailer with address I<$address> to the given
+information (I<$nick>, I<$type>, I<$caps>, I<$timestamp>).
+Type here means the software used (Mixmaster, Reliable) as given by the
+remailer-conf reply or something like B<set manually>.
+If there already is newer information about that key than I<$timestamp> the
+update is disregarded.
+If I<$dont_expire> is defined the setting is copied to the remailers metadata
+as well.
+Returns 1.
+sub set_caps($$$$$$;$) {
+ my ($self, $type, $caps, $nick, $address, $timestamp, $dont_expire) = @_;
+ (defined $address) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$address not defined in set_key.");
+ if (! defined $self->{'metadata'}->{'remailers'}->{$address} ) {
+ $self->{'metadata'}->{'remailers'}->{$address} = {};
+ };
+ if (! defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'conf'}) {
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'conf'} =
+ {
+ nick => $nick,
+ type => $type,
+ capabilities => $caps,
+ last_update => $timestamp
+ };
+ } else {
+ my $conf = $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'conf'};
+ if ($conf->{'last_update'} >= $timestamp) {
+ Echolot::Log::info("Stored data is already newer for remailer $nick.");
+ return 1;
+ };
+ $conf->{'last_update'} = $timestamp;
+ if ($conf->{'nick'} ne $nick) {
+ Echolot::Log::info($conf->{'nick'}." was renamed to $nick.");
+ $conf->{'nick'} = $nick;
+ };
+ if ($conf->{'capabilities'} ne $caps) {
+ Echolot::Log::info("$nick has a new caps string '$caps' old: '".$conf->{'capabilities'}."'.");
+ $conf->{'capabilities'} = $caps;
+ };
+ if ($conf->{'type'} ne $type) {
+ Echolot::Log::info("$nick has a new type string '$type'.");
+ $conf->{'type'} = $type;
+ };
+ };
+ if (defined $dont_expire) {
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'conf'}->{'dont_expire'} = $dont_expire;
+ };
+ $self->commit();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<set_key>( I<$type>, I<$nick>, I<$address>, I<$key>, I<$keyid>, I<$version>, I<$caps>, I<$summary>, I<$timestamp>)
+Sets the I<$type> key I<$keyid> for remailer with address I<$address> to the
+given information (I<$nick>, I<$key>, I<$caps>, I<$summary>, I<$timestamp>).
+If there already is newer information about that key than I<$timestamp> the
+update is disregarded.
+Returns 1.
+sub set_key($$$$$$$$$) {
+ my ($self, $type, $nick, $address, $key, $keyid, $version, $caps, $summary, $timestamp) = @_;
+ (defined $address) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$address not defined in set_key.");
+ if (! defined $self->{'metadata'}->{'remailers'}->{$address} ) {
+ $self->{'metadata'}->{'remailers'}->{$address} = {};
+ };
+ if (! defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'keys'}) {
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'keys'} = {};
+ };
+ if (! defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'keys'}->{$type}) {
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'keys'}->{$type} = {};
+ };
+ if (! defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$keyid}) {
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$keyid} =
+ {
+ key => $key,
+ summary => $summary,
+ nick => $nick,
+ last_update => $timestamp
+ };
+ } else {
+ my $keyref = $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$keyid};
+ if ($keyref->{'last_update'} >= $timestamp) {
+ Echolot::Log::info("Stored data is already newer for remailer $nick.");
+ return 1;
+ };
+ $keyref->{'last_update'} = $timestamp;
+ if ($keyref->{'nick'} ne $nick) {
+ Echolot::Log::info("$nick has a new key nick string '$nick' old: '".$keyref->{'nick'}."'.");
+ $keyref->{'nick'} = $nick;
+ };
+ if ($keyref->{'summary'} ne $summary) {
+ Echolot::Log::info("$nick has a new key summary string '$summary' old: '".$keyref->{'summary'}."'.");
+ $keyref->{'summary'} = $summary;
+ };
+ if ($keyref->{'key'} ne $key) {
+ #Echolot::Log::info("$nick has a new key string '$key' old: '".$keyref->{'key'}."' - This probably should not happen.");
+ Echolot::Log::info("$nick has a new key string for same keyid $keyid.");
+ $keyref->{'key'} = $key;
+ };
+ };
+ $self->commit();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<get_secret>( )
+Return our secret (Used in Message Authentication Codes).
+sub get_secret($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{'METADATA'}->{'secret'};
+=item $storage->B<get_types>( I<$remailer> )
+Get an array of types supported by remailer with address I<$remailer>.
+Returns undef on errors.
+� It may be possible that a type is returned but then has no keys. This may be
+a bug, I'm not sure.
+sub get_types($$) {
+ my ($self, $remailer) = @_;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$remailer}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer does not exist in Metadata remailer list."),
+ return undef;
+ return () unless defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer};
+ return () unless defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'};
+ my @types = keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'}};
+ return @types;
+=item $storage->B<has_type>( I<$remailer>, I<$type> )
+Checks if the remailer with address I<$remailer> has type I<$type> keys.
+Returns 1 if it has, 0 if not, undef on errors.
+sub has_type($$$) {
+ my ($self, $remailer, $type) = @_;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$remailer}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer does not exist in Metadata remailer list."),
+ return undef;
+ return 0 unless defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer};
+ return 0 unless defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'};
+ return 0 unless defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'}->{$type};
+ return 0 unless scalar keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'}->{$type}};
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<get_keys>( I<$remailer>, I<$type> )
+Returns an array listing all keyids of type I<$type> of remailer with address
+Returns undef on errors.
+sub get_keys($$$) {
+ my ($self, $remailer, $type) = @_;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$remailer}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer does not exist in Metadata address list."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer does not exist in Metadata remailer list."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer does not have keys in Metadata remailer list."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'}->{$type}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer does not have type '$type' in Metadata remailer list."),
+ return undef;
+ my @keys = keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'}->{$type}};
+ return @keys;
+=item $storage->B<get_key>( I<$remailer>, I<$type>, I<$key> )
+Returns a hash having they keys C<summary>, C<key>, C<nick>, and
+C<last_updated> of the I<$type> key with id I<$key> of remailer with address
+Returns undef on errors.
+sub get_key($$$$) {
+ my ($self, $remailer, $type, $key) = @_;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$remailer}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer does not exist in Metadata address list."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer does not exist in Metadata remailer list."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer does not have keys in Metadata remailer list."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'}->{$type}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer does not have type '$type' in Metadata remailer list."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$key}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer does not have key '$key' in type '$type' in Metadata remailer list."),
+ return undef;
+ my %result = (
+ summary => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$key}->{'summary'},
+ key => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$key}->{'key'},
+ nick => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$key}->{'nick'},
+ last_update => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$key}->{'last_update'}
+ );
+ return %result;
+=item $storage->B<get_capabilities>( I<$remailer> )
+Return the capabilities on file for remailer with address I<$remailer>. This
+is probably the one we got from remailer-conf or set manually.
+Returns undef on errors.
+sub get_capabilities($$) {
+ my ($self, $remailer) = @_;
+ return undef unless defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer};
+ return undef unless defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'conf'};
+ return $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'conf'}->{'capabilities'};
+=item $storage->B<get_capabilities>( I<$remailer> )
+Return the capabilities on file for remailer with address I<$remailer>. This
+is probably the one we got from remailer-conf or set manually.
+Returns undef on errors.
+sub get_nick($$) {
+ my ($self, $remailer) = @_;
+ defined $remailer or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("Undefined remailer passed to get_nick()."),
+ return undef;
+ return undef unless defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer};
+ return undef unless defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'conf'};
+ return $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer}->{'conf'}->{'nick'};
+=item $storage->B<expire>( )
+Expires old keys, confs and pings from the Storage as configured by
+I<expire_keys>, I<expire_confs>, and I<expire_pings>.
+See L<pingd.conf(5)> for more information on these settings.
+Returns 1 on success, undef on errors.
+sub expire($) {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $now = time();
+ my $expire_keys = $now - Echolot::Config::get()->{'expire_keys'};
+ my $expire_conf = $now - Echolot::Config::get()->{'expire_confs'};
+ my $expire_pings = $now - Echolot::Config::get()->{'expire_pings'};
+ my $expire_chainpings = $now - Echolot::Config::get()->{'expire_chainpings'};
+ my $expire_fromlines = $now - Echolot::Config::get()->{'expire_fromlines'};
+ # Remailer Information and pings
+ for my $remailer_addr ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}} ) {
+ if (exists $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}) {
+ for my $type ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}} ) {
+ if (exists $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}) {
+ for my $key ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}} ) {
+ if ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$key}->{'last_update'} < $expire_keys) {
+ Echolot::Log::info("Expiring $remailer_addr, key, $type, $key.");
+ $self->pingdata_close_one($remailer_addr, $type, $key, 'delete');
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$key};
+ };
+ };
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}
+ unless (scalar keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}});
+ };
+ };
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}
+ unless (scalar keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}});
+ }
+ if (exists $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'conf'}) {
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'conf'}
+ if (defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'conf'} &&
+ ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'conf'}->{'last_update'} < $expire_conf) &&
+ ! ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'conf'}->{'dont_expire'}));
+ }
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr},
+ next
+ unless ( defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'conf'}) ||
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}));
+ next unless exists $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'};
+ for my $type ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}} ) {
+ next unless exists $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type};
+ for my $key ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}} ) {
+ my @out = grep {$_ > $expire_pings} $self->get_pings($remailer_addr, $type, $key, 'out');
+ my @done = grep {$_->[0] > $expire_pings} $self->get_pings($remailer_addr, $type, $key, 'done');
+ # write ping to done
+ my $fh = $self->get_ping_fh($remailer_addr, $type, $key, 'done') or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer_addr; type=$type; key=$key has no assigned filehandle for done pings."),
+ return undef;
+ seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot seek to start of $remailer_addr out pings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ truncate($fh, 0) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot truncate done pings file for remailer $remailer_addr; key=$key file to zero length: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ for my $done (@done) {
+ print($fh $done->[0]." ".$done->[1]."\n") or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when writing to $remailer_addr out pings: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ };
+ $fh->flush();
+ # rewrite outstanding pings
+ $fh = $self->get_ping_fh($remailer_addr, $type, $key, 'out') or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$remailer_addr; type=$type; key=$key has no assigned filehandle for out pings."),
+ return undef;
+ seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot seek to start of outgoing pings file for remailer $remailer_addr; key=$key: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ truncate($fh, 0) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot truncate outgoing pings file for remailer $remailer_addr; key=$key file to zero length: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ print($fh (join "\n", @out), (scalar @out ? "\n" : '') ) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when writing to outgoing pings file for remailer $remailer_addr; key=$key file: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ $fh->flush();
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ # Chainpings
+ for my $type ( keys %{$self->{'CHAINPING_FHS'}} ) {
+ my $pings = $self->get_chainpings($type);
+ @{ $pings->{'out'} } = map {
+ my $a = $_;
+ join (' ', map ({ $a->{$_} } qw{sent addr1 type1 key1 addr2 type2 key2}))
+ } grep {
+ $_->{'sent'} > $expire_chainpings
+ }
+ @{ $pings->{'out'} };
+ @{ $pings->{'done'} } = map {
+ my $a = $_;
+ join (' ', map ({ $a->{$_} } qw{sent addr1 type1 key1 addr2 type2 key2 lat}))
+ } grep {
+ $_->{'sent'} > $expire_chainpings
+ }
+ @{ $pings->{'done'} };
+ for my $dir (qw{out done}) {
+ my $fh = $self->get_chainping_fh($type, $dir) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn ("have no assigned filehandle for $type $dir chainpings."),
+ return undef;
+ seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot seek to start of $dir chainpings $type $!."),
+ return undef;
+ truncate($fh, 0) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Cannot truncate $dir chainpings $type file to zero length: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ print($fh (join "\n", @{$pings->{$dir}}), (scalar @{$pings->{$dir}} ? "\n" : '') ) or
+ Echolot::Log::warn("Error when writing to $dir chainpings $type file: $!."),
+ return undef;
+ $fh->flush();
+ };
+ };
+ # From Header lines
+ for my $remailer_addr ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}} ) {
+ for my $type ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$remailer_addr}} ) {
+ for my $user_supplied ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}} ) {
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}->{$user_supplied}
+ if ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}->{$user_supplied}->{'last_update'} < $expire_fromlines);
+ };
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}
+ unless (scalar keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$remailer_addr}->{$type}});
+ };
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$remailer_addr}
+ unless (scalar keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$remailer_addr}});
+ };
+ $self->commit();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<delete_remailer>( I<$address> )
+Delete all data on the remailer with I<$address>. This includes stored conf
+and key information, pings and the remailer's settings like I<pingit> et al.
+If this remailer is still referenced by other remailers' remailer-conf reply it
+is likely to get picked up again.
+Returns 1.
+sub delete_remailer($$) {
+ my ($self, $address) = @_;
+ Echolot::Log::notice("Deleting remailer $address.");
+ if (defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}) {
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}
+ } else {
+ Echolot::Log::cluck("Remailer $address does not exist in addresses.")
+ };
+ if (defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}) {
+ for my $type ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'keys'}} ) {
+ for my $key ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'keys'}->{$type}} ) {
+ $self->pingdata_close_one($address, $type, $key, 'delete');
+ };
+ };
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}
+ };
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$address}
+ if (defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$address});
+ $self->commit();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<delete_remailercaps>( I<$address> )
+Delete conf data of the remailer with I<$address>.
+Returns 1.
+sub delete_remailercaps($$) {
+ my ($self, $address) = @_;
+ Echolot::Log::info("Deleting conf for remailer $address.");
+ if (defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}) {
+ delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'conf'}
+ if defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$address}->{'conf'};
+ } else {
+ Echolot::Log::cluck("Remailer $address does not exist in remailers.")
+ };
+ $self->commit();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<register_fromline>( I<$address>, I<$with_from>, I<$from>, $I<disclaimer_top>, $I<disclaimer_bot> )
+Register that the remailer I<$address> returned the From header
+line I<$from>. If I<$with_from> is 1 we had tried to supply our own
+From, otherwise not.
+$I<disclaimer_top> and $I<disclaimer_bot> are boolean variables indicating
+presence or absense of any disclaimer.
+Returns 1, undef on error.
+sub register_fromline($$$$$$$) {
+ my ($self, $address, $type, $with_from, $from, $top, $bot) = @_;
+ defined ($self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$address}) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("$address does not exist in Metadata address list."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($from) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("from is not defined in register_fromline."),
+ return undef;
+ defined ($with_from) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("from is not defined in register_fromline."),
+ return undef;
+ ($with_from == 0 || $with_from == 1) or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("with_from has evil value $with_from in register_fromline."),
+ return undef;
+ Echolot::Log::debug("registering fromline $address, $type, $with_from, $from, $top, $bot.");
+ $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$address}->{$type}->{$with_from} = {
+ last_update => time(),
+ from => $from,
+ disclaim_top => $top,
+ disclaim_bot => $bot,
+ };
+ $self->commit();
+ return 1;
+=item $storage->B<get_fromline>( I<$addr>, I<$type>, I<$user_supplied> )
+Return a hash reference with header From line information.
+The hash has two keys, B<last_update> and B<from>, which holds the actual information.
+If there is no from line registered for the given combination, undef is returned.
+On Error, also undef is returned.
+sub get_fromline($$$$) {
+ my ($self, $addr, $type, $user_supplied) = @_;
+ defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$addr} or
+ return undef;
+ defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$addr}->{$type} or
+ return undef;
+ defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$addr}->{$type}->{$user_supplied} or
+ return undef;
+ defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$addr}->{$type}->{$user_supplied}->{'last_update'} or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("last_update is undefined with $addr $type $user_supplied."),
+ return undef;
+ defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$addr}->{$type}->{$user_supplied}->{'from'} or
+ Echolot::Log::cluck ("from is undefined with $addr $type $user_supplied."),
+ return undef;
+ return { last_update => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$addr}->{$type}->{$user_supplied}->{'last_update'},
+ from => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$addr}->{$type}->{$user_supplied}->{'from'},
+ disclaim_top => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$addr}->{$type}->{$user_supplied}->{'disclaim_top'},
+ disclaim_bot => $self->{'METADATA'}->{'fromlines'}->{$addr}->{$type}->{$user_supplied}->{'disclaim_bot'} };
+# sub convert($) {
+# my ($self) = @_;
+# for my $remailer_addr ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}} ) {
+# for my $type ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}} ) {
+# for my $key ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}} ) {
+# if (defined $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'stats'}->{$type}->{$key}) {
+# $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'keys'}->{$type}->{$key}->{'stats'} =
+# $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'stats'}->{$type}->{$key};
+# };
+# };
+# };
+# delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'stats'};
+# };
+# $self->commit();
+# };
+# sub convert($) {
+# my ($self) = @_;
+# for my $remailer_addr ( keys %{$self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}} ) {
+# $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'fetch'} = 1;
+# $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'pingit'} = 1;
+# $self->{'METADATA'}->{'addresses'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'showit'} = 0;
+# delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'pingit'};
+# delete $self->{'METADATA'}->{'remailers'}->{$remailer_addr}->{'showit'};
+# };
+# $self->commit();
+# };
+# vim: set ts=4 shiftwidth=4: