#!/usr/bin/ruby # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Peter Palfrader <peter@palfrader.org> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. require 'rmail' require 'yaml' Thread.abort_on_exception = true def check_maildir(d) throw "#{d} is not a maildir" unless FileTest.directory?(d) throw "#{d} is not a maildir" unless FileTest.directory?(d+"/new") throw "#{d} is not a maildir" unless FileTest.directory?(d+"/cur") throw "#{d} is not a maildir" unless FileTest.directory?(d+"/tmp") true end # usually only mails that are tagges as spam by SA and bogofilter # are automatically discared # mails with an SA score over this are however discarded even # if bogo is unsure or says ham SA_SCORE_SUFFICIENT = 10.0 OUTBOX = "mail/outbox" SPAMLEARN = "mail/spam-learn" HAMLEARN = "mail/ham-learn" ERRORBOX = "mail/errors" check_maildir OUTBOX check_maildir ERRORBOX check_maildir SPAMLEARN check_maildir HAMLEARN APPROVE_PASSWORD = YAML::load( File.open( 'mailman-passwords.yaml' ) ) if ARGV[0] == "spam" ACTION = "spam" MAILIN = "mail/spam-in" check_maildir MAILIN elsif ARGV[0] == "ham" ACTION = "ham" MAILIN = "mail/ham-in" check_maildir MAILIN elsif ARGV[0] == "classify" ACTION = "classify" MAILIN = "mail/mailman-moderator-requests" OUTBOX_HUMANS = "mail/outbox-tolistmods" MAIL_PROCESSED_SPAM = "mail/mailman-moderator-requests-spam" MAIL_PROCESSED_HAM = "mail/mailman-moderator-requests-ham" MAIL_PROCESSED_FORWARDED = "mail/mailman-moderator-requests-forwarded" check_maildir MAILIN check_maildir OUTBOX_HUMANS check_maildir MAIL_PROCESSED_SPAM check_maildir MAIL_PROCESSED_HAM check_maildir MAIL_PROCESSED_FORWARDED else STDERR.puts "Usage: #{$0} ham|spam|classify" exit 1 end DOMAIN='lists.oftc.net' FROM="listmod@blackhole.oftc.net" HOSTNAME=`hostname`.chop ERRORSTO=FROM class Counter @@counter = 0 def Counter.value @@counter += 1 end end def uniqueName "%d.%d_%d.%s"%[ Time.now.to_i, $$, Counter.value, HOSTNAME] end def move_mail_file(from, tofolder) fn = uniqueName target = tofolder+"/new/"+fn File.link(from, target) File.unlink(from) target end def store_in_maildir(md, msg) fn = uniqueName File.open(md+"/tmp/"+fn, "w", 0600) do |f| f.puts msg end File.link(md+"/tmp/"+fn, md+"/new/"+fn) File.unlink(md+"/tmp/"+fn) md+"/new/"+fn end def handle_mailman_queued_mail(cookie, request_address, password) mail_request = RMail::Message.new() mail_request.header['From'] = FROM mail_request.header['To'] = request_address mail_request.header['X-Listbot-Domain'] = DOMAIN mail_request.header['X-Listbot-Type'] = 'Mailman-Request' mail_request.header['X-List-Administrivia'] = 'yes' mail_request.header['Subject'] = "Re: confirm #{cookie}" mail_request.header['Approved'] = password if password mail_request.body = '' store_in_maildir(OUTBOX, mail_request) end def discard(cookie, request_address) handle_mailman_queued_mail(cookie, request_address, nil) end def approve(cookie, request_address) unless APPROVE_PASSWORD[request_address] mail_error = RMail::Message.new() mail_error.header['From'] = FROM mail_error.header['To'] = ERRORSTO mail_error.header['X-Listbot-Domain'] = DOMAIN mail_error.header['X-Listbot-Type'] = 'Error' mail_error.header['X-List-Administrivia'] = 'yes' mail_error.header['Subject'] = "approving #{cookie} failed" mail_error.body = 'Sorry, this script does not have the admin/moderator password for'+"\n#{request_address}." store_in_maildir(OUTBOX, mail_error) return end handle_mailman_queued_mail(cookie, request_address, APPROVE_PASSWORD[request_address]) end def runcmd(command, input) rdin , wrin = IO.pipe rdout, wrout = IO.pipe rderr, wrerr = IO.pipe pid = fork unless pid # child wrin.close rdout.close rderr.close STDIN.reopen rdin STDOUT.reopen wrout STDERR.reopen wrerr exec(*command) throw("fell through exec(). WTF.") end rdin.close wrout.close wrerr.close out = [] err = [] tin = Thread.new { wrin.print input; wrin.close } tout = Thread.new { out = rdout.readlines } terr = Thread.new { err = rderr.readlines } tin.join tout.join terr.join Process.wait pid exitstatus = $?.exitstatus [exitstatus, out, err] end def runnoerrors(command, input) exitstatus, out, err = runcmd(command, input) cmd = command.join(' ') throw "command '#{cmd}' returned with non-zero exit status #{exitstatus}" if exitstatus != 0 throw "command '#{cmd}' returned with output on stderr: #{err.join}" if err.length > 0 out end def sa_check(message) if message.to_s.length > 250000 return ["Unsure", "File over 250000 Bytes in size, SA check skipped", 0] end out = runnoerrors(['spamc', '-R'], message) line1 = out.shift matchdata = /^([-0-9.]+)/.match line1 throw "Could not find score in spamassassin output line1: '#{line1}'" unless matchdata and matchdata[1] score = matchdata[1].to_f c = (score < 1.0) ? "Ham" : (score > 6.0) ? "Spam" : "Unsure" [c, out.join, score] end def bogo_check(message) out = runnoerrors(['bogofilter', '-l', '-e', '-v', '-v'], message) line1 = out[0] matchdata = /^X-Bogosity: ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/.match line1 throw "Could not find classfication in bogofilter output line1: '#{line1}'" unless matchdata and matchdata[1] c = matchdata[1] [c, out.join] end def fetch_resent_info(message) origmsgid = message.header['Message-Id'] from = message.header['Resent-From'] date = message.header['Resent-Date'] msgid = message.header['Resent-Message-Id'] header = message.header.to_s throw "Did not find Message-Id header in mail" unless origmsgid throw "Did not find Resent-From header in mail" unless from throw "Did not find Resent-Date header in mail" unless date throw "Did not find Resent-Message-Id header in mail" unless msgid return { 'origmsgid' => origmsgid, 'from' => from, 'date' => date, 'msgid' => msgid, 'header' => header } end def send_ack(action, resent_info) mail = RMail::Message.new() mail.header['From'] = FROM mail.header['To'] = ERRORSTO mail.header['Subject'] = "#{action} by #{resent_info['from']}" mail.header['X-Listbot-Domain'] = DOMAIN mail.header['X-Listbot-Type'] = 'Acknowledgement' mail.header['X-List-Administrivia'] = 'yes' mail.header['In-Reply-To'] = resent_info['origmsgid'] mail.header['References'] = resent_info['origmsgid']+' '+resent_info['msgid'] mail.body = "On #{resent_info['date']} #{resent_info['from']} #{action} this message.\n" + "\n" + "Request headers follow:\n" + resent_info['header'] store_in_maildir(OUTBOX, mail) end def process_mail(filename) message = File.open(filename) { |f| RMail::Parser.read(f) } # some sanity checks message.body.shift if message.body.length == 4 throw "Mailman moderation mails are expected to have 3 mime parts (or 4 if with spam info from our script)" unless message.body.length == 3 throw "Mime Part 0 does have an unexpected content type: #{message.body[0].header['Content-Type']}" unless message.body[0].header['Content-Type'] == 'text/plain; charset="us-ascii"' throw "Mime Part 1 does have an unexpected content type: #{message.body[1].header['Content-Type']}" unless message.body[1].header['Content-Type'] == 'message/rfc822' throw "Mime Part 2 does have an unexpected content type: #{message.body[2].header['Content-Type']}" unless message.body[2].header['Content-Type'] == 'message/rfc822' explanation_body = message.body[0].body held_part = RMail::Parser.read( message.body[1].body ) discard_part = RMail::Parser.read( message.body[2].body ) # more sanity checks throw "Did not find 'As list administrator, your..' boilerplate in mail" unless explanation_body =~ /^As list administrator, your authorization is requested for the/ throw "Did not find listname in mail" unless explanation_body =~ /^ *List: *.*@#{DOMAIN}/ throw "discard_part does have an unexpected content type: #{discard_part.header['Content-Type']}" unless discard_part.header['Content-Type'] == 'text/plain; charset="us-ascii"' request_address = discard_part.header['From'] throw "discard_part does not have a from address" unless request_address matchdata = /confirm ([0-9a-f]*)/.match discard_part.header['Subject'] throw "Could not find cookie in discard_part" unless matchdata and matchdata[1] cookie = matchdata[1] if ACTION == "ham" resent_info = fetch_resent_info(message) store_in_maildir(HAMLEARN, held_part) approve(cookie, request_address) send_ack('APPROVED', resent_info) elsif ACTION == "spam" resent_info = fetch_resent_info(message) store_in_maildir(SPAMLEARN, held_part) discard(cookie, request_address) send_ack('DISCARDED', resent_info) elsif ACTION == "classify" sa_class , sa_text , sa_score = sa_check(held_part) bogo_class, bogo_text = bogo_check(held_part) spam_info = RMail::Message.new() spam_info.header['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain; charset="us-ascii"' spam_info.header['MIME-Version'] = '1.0' spam_info.header['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '8bit' spam_info.body = sa_text + "\n\n" + bogo_text message.body.unshift spam_info if sa_class == "Ham" and bogo_class == "Ham" store_in_maildir(MAIL_PROCESSED_HAM, message) approve(cookie, request_address) elsif sa_class == "Spam" and bogo_class == "Spam" store_in_maildir(MAIL_PROCESSED_SPAM, message) discard(cookie, request_address) elsif sa_class == "Spam" and sa_score > SA_SCORE_SUFFICIENT # but bogo did not match store_in_maildir(SPAMLEARN, held_part) # so we let it learn it store_in_maildir(MAIL_PROCESSED_SPAM, message) discard(cookie, request_address) else store_in_maildir(MAIL_PROCESSED_FORWARDED, message) # rewrite Delivered-To to X-OLD-Delivered-To to avoid mail loop warnings. m = message.to_s.split(/\n/) new_m = [] while m.size > 0 and (line = m.shift) != "" new_m << line.gsub(/^Delivered-To:/, 'X-OLD-Delivered-To:') end new_m.concat m new_m.unshift "X-Listbot-Domain: #{DOMAIN}" new_m.unshift 'X-Listbot-Type: Moderator-Request' new_m.unshift 'X-List-Administrivia: yes' store_in_maildir(OUTBOX_HUMANS, new_m.join("\n")) end else STDERR.puts "Unknown action #{ACTION}!" exit 1 end end Dir[MAILIN+"/new/*"].each do |filename| begin process_mail filename File.unlink filename rescue Exception => e begin newname = move_mail_file(filename, ERRORBOX) mail_error = RMail::Message.new() mail_error.header['From'] = FROM mail_error.header['To'] = ERRORSTO mail_error.header['X-Listbot-Domain'] = DOMAIN mail_error.header['X-Listbot-Type'] = 'Error' mail_error.header['X-List-Administrivia'] = 'yes' mail_error.header['Subject'] = "handling of #{filename} failed" mail_error.body = "Processing of #{filename} failed: #{e}\n" + "Moved to #{newname}\n" + "\n" + "complete backtrace:\n"+ e.backtrace.join("\n") store_in_maildir(OUTBOX, mail_error) rescue Exception => e2 STDERR.puts "Error when processing #{filename}: #{e}" STDERR.puts "During error handling we encountered a new problem: #{e2}" STDERR.puts "backtrace of e:" STDERR.puts e.backtrace.join("\n") STDERR.puts STDERR.puts "backtrace of e2:" STDERR.puts e2.backtrace.join("\n") end end end