#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw # Copyright (C) 2005 Peter Palfrader use strict; use English; use Getopt::Long; $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin'; delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'}; my $LSOF = '/usr/bin/lsof'; my $VERSION = '0.0.0'; # nagios exit codes my $OK = 0; my $WARNING = 1; my $CRITICAL = 2; my $UNKNOWN = 3; my $params; Getopt::Long::config('bundling'); sub dief { print STDERR $_; exit $UNKNOWN; } if (!GetOptions ( '--help' => \$params->{'help'}, '--version' => \$params->{'version'}, '--verbose' => \$params->{'verbose'}, )) { dief ("$PROGRAM_NAME: Usage: $PROGRAM_NAME [--help|--version] [--verbose]\n"); }; if ($params->{'help'}) { print "$PROGRAM_NAME: Usage: $PROGRAM_NAME [--help|--version] [--verbose]\n"; print "Reports processes that are linked against libraries that no longer exist.\n"; exit (0); }; if ($params->{'version'}) { print "nagios-check-libs $VERSION\n"; print "nagios check for availability of debian (security) updates\n"; print "Copyright (c) 2005 Peter Palfrader \n"; exit (0); }; my %processes; sub getPIDs($$) { my ($user, $process) = @_; return join(', ', sort keys %{ $processes{$user}->{$process} }); }; sub getProcs($) { my ($user) = @_; return join(', ', map { $_.' ('.getPIDs($user, $_).')' } (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{ $processes{$user} })); }; sub getUsers() { return join('; ', (map { $_.': '.getProcs($_) } (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %processes))); }; sub inVserver() { my ($f, $key); if (-e "/proc/self/vinfo" ) { $f = "/proc/self/vinfo"; $key = "XID"; } else { $f = "/proc/self/status"; $key = "s_context"; }; open(F, "< $f") or return 0; while () { my ($k, $v) = split(/: */, $_, 2); if ($k eq $key) { close F; return ($v > 0); }; }; close F; return 0; } my $INVSERVER = inVserver(); print STDERR "Running $LSOF -n\n" if $params->{'verbose'}; open (LSOF, "$LSOF -n|") or dief ("Cannot run $LSOF -n: $!\n"); my @lsof=; close LSOF; if ($CHILD_ERROR) { # program failed dief("$LSOF -n returned with non-zero exit code: ".($CHILD_ERROR / 256)."\n"); }; for my $line (@lsof) { if ($line =~ m/\.dpkg-/ || $line =~ m/path inode=/) { my ($process, $pid, $user, undef, undef, undef, undef, $path, $rest) = split /\s+/, $line; next if $path =~ m#^/proc/#; next if ($INVSERVER && ($process eq 'init') && ($pid == 1) && ($user eq 'root')); #$processes{$user}->{$process} = [] unless defined $processes{$user}->{$process}; $processes{$user}->{$process}->{$pid} = 1; }; }; my $message; my $exit = $OK; if (keys %processes) { $exit = $WARNING; $message = 'The following processes have libs linked that were upgraded: '. getUsers(); } else { $message = 'No upgraded libs linked in running processes'; }; print $message,"\n"; exit $exit;