#!/usr/bin/ruby # # Copyright (c) 2004 Peter Palfrader # # All rights reserved. # require "ldap" require "getoptlong" require "myldap" require "yaml" require 'optparse' config = YAML::load( File.open( '/etc/noreply/config' ) ) @password = [File.new("/dev/urandom").read(config['module']['ftp']['pwlen'])].pack("m").chomp.delete('=') @sshkeys = [] @hosts = [] def show_help(parser, code=0, io=STDOUT) io.puts parser exit(code) end ARGV.options do |opts| opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Display this help screen") { show_help(opts) } opts.on("-c", "--client=CLIENT" , String, "Client Identifier") { |@clientname| } opts.on("-b", "--basedir=DIRECTORY", String, "Account basedirectory") { |@basedir| } opts.on("-a", "--accountname=NAME" , String, "Account (base)name") { |@accountname| } opts.on("-p", "--password=PASSWORD", String, "Password") { |@password| } opts.on("-s", "--ssh-key=SSH-KEY" , String, "ssh public key") { |val| @sshkeys.push(val) } opts.on("-H", "--host=HOST" , String, "active host") { |val| @hosts.push(val) } opts.on("-D", "--description=BLA" , String, "description") { |@description| } opts.parse! end show_help(ARGV.options, 1, STDERR) if ARGV.length > 0 show_help(ARGV.options, 1, STDERR) unless @clientname show_help(ARGV.options, 1, STDERR) unless @basedir show_help(ARGV.options, 1, STDERR) unless @accountname @hosts.push(config['defaulthost']) unless @hosts.length > 0 ldap = MyLDAP.new(config) client = ldap.verify_client(@clientname) @accountname = @clientname+'.'+@accountname @pamHomedirectory = config['module']['ftp']['chrootBaseDir']+'/'+@accountname @realDatadirectory = (@basedir =~ /^\// ? '' : client['homeDirectory'][0]) + '/' + @basedir @pamHomedirectory.gsub!('//', '/') while @pamHomedirectory.index('//') # scponly gives special meaning to // @realDatadirectory.gsub!('//', '/') while @realDatadirectory.index('//') # scponly gives special meaning to // data = { 'objectclass' => ['top', 'tnFTPuser', 'posixAccount'], 'cn' => [ @accountname ], 'uid' => [ @accountname ], 'uidNumber' => client['uidNumber'], 'gidNumber' => client['gidNumber'], 'homeDirectory' => [ @pamHomedirectory ], 'tnFTPDataDirectory' => [ @realDatadirectory ], 'userPassword' => [ @password ], 'tnHost' => @hosts, 'loginShell' => [ config['module']['ftp']['loginShell'] ] } data['tnSSHKey'] = [@sshkeys] if @sshkeys.length > 0 data['description'] = [@description] if @description dn = "cn=%s,ou=ftp,o=%s,ou=hosting,%s"%[@accountname, @clientname, config['basedn']] puts dn puts data.to_yaml puts ldap.add(dn, data)