diff options
authorPeter Palfrader <>2007-05-03 11:06:52 +0000
committerweasel <weasel@bc3d92e2-beff-0310-a7cd-cc87d7ac0ede>2007-05-03 11:06:52 +0000
commitfc887d26c72348a4f494b5d43af66244c725ce67 (patch)
parentb615c858adf18eb9c0980a291c0a5954f6638cfa (diff)
Implement php as cgi with cgi-fast
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// bc3d92e2-beff-0310-a7cd-cc87d7ac0ede
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ldap2apache b/bin/ldap2apache
index fa9cfc3..51f1207 100755
--- a/bin/ldap2apache
+++ b/bin/ldap2apache
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ require "ldap"
require "getoptlong"
require "myldap"
require "yaml"
+require "etc"
@config = YAML::load( '/etc/noreply/config' ) )
ldap =, "ldap2apache")
@@ -22,20 +23,28 @@ clients = ldap.conn.search2(@config['basedn'], LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'object
@defaultbindhttpport = @config['module']['apache']['defaultbindhttpport']
@defaultbindhttpsport = @config['module']['apache']['defaultbindhttpsport']
@configdir = @config['module']['apache']['configdir']
+@phpinipreamble = @config['module']['apache']['phpinipreamble']
+@phpwrapperfilesdir = @config['module']['apache']['phpwrapperfilesdir']
+@phpinifilesdir = @config['module']['apache']['phpinifilesdir']
@postgres_uid = @config['module']['apache']['postgres_uid']
@www_gid = @config['module']['apache']['www_gid']
@configtest = @config['module']['apache']['configtest']
@reload = @config['module']['apache']['reload']
+@restart = @config['module']['apache']['restart']
@statsbind = @config['module']['apache']['statsbind']
@statsvhostaddto = @config['module']['apache']['statsvhostaddto']
files = {}
+phpinifiles = {}
+phpwrapperfiles = {}
def mkdir(dir, mode, uid, gid)
Dir.mkdir(dir, mode) unless File.exists?(dir)
# unless file is a symlink
unless FileTest.symlink?(dir)
File.chown(uid, gid, dir) == 1 or throw "chown #{dir} failed"
+ chmodded = File.chmod(mode, dir)
+ throw "Could not chmod #{dir} to #{mode}" unless chmodded == 1
@@ -64,7 +73,7 @@ clients.each{ |c|
property[key] = val
- property['php'] = "no" unless property['php'] == "yes"
+ property['php'] = "no" unless %w(yes no cgi5).include?property['php']
dirindex = vhost['tnWebVHostDirectoryIndex'][0] if vhost['tnWebVHostDirectoryIndex']
@@ -78,30 +87,61 @@ clients.each{ |c|
cgidiraddto = vhost['tnWebVHostCgiDirAddto'][0].gsub("\n", "\n\t") if vhost['tnWebVHostCgiDirAddto']
ssl = true if property['https'] == "only"
- vhostuid = property['DirOwnerUserNumber'] ? property['DirOwnerUserNumber'].to_i : uid
- vhostgid = property['DirOwnerGroupNumber'] ? property['DirOwnerGroupNumber'].to_i : gid
+ vhostuid = uid
+ vhostgid = gid
+ if property['vhostUser']
+ u = Etc.getpwnam(property['vhostUser'])
+ vhostuid = u['uid']
+ vhostgid = u['gid']
+ end
+ if property['vhostGroup']
+ g = Etc.getgrnam(property['vhostGroup'])
+ vhostgid = g['gid']
+ end
+ vhostuidname = Etc.getpwuid(vhostuid)['name']
+ vhostgidname = Etc.getgrgid(vhostgid)['name']
- mkdir(home, 02755, vhostuid, vhostgid)
- mkdir(home+"/htdocs", 02755, vhostuid, vhostgid)
- mkdir(home+"/bin", 02755, 0, vhostgid)
+ if property['permissionstyle'] == "new"
+ mkdir(home, 00750, vhostuid, @www_gid)
+ else
+ mkdir(home, 02755, vhostuid, vhostgid)
+ end
+ if vhostgid != gid
+ mkdir(home+"/htdocs", 02775, vhostuid, vhostgid)
+ mkdir(home+"/bin", 02775, 0, vhostgid)
+ else
+ mkdir(home+"/htdocs", 02755, vhostuid, vhostgid)
+ mkdir(home+"/bin", 02755, 0, vhostgid)
+ end
mkdir(home+"/cgi-bin", 02755, vhostuid, vhostgid) if property['cgi-bin'] == "yes"
- mkdir(home+"/tmp", 03775, vhostuid, @www_gid)
+ if property['php'] == "cgi5"
+ mkdir(home+"/tmp", 00770, vhostuid, vhostgid)
+ elsif property['php']!="no"
+ mkdir(home+"/tmp", 03775, vhostuid, @www_gid)
+ else
+ Dir.rmdir( home+"/tmp" ) if File.exists?(home+"/tmp")
+ end
- basedir = "#{home}"
- if property['open_basedir']
- if property['open_basedir'] != "none"
- basedir += ":" + property['open_basedir']
- else
- basedir = nil
+ config = []
+ basedir = nil
+ unless property['php'] == "cgi5"
+ basedir = "#{home}"
+ if property['open_basedir']
+ if property['open_basedir'] != "none"
+ basedir += ":" + property['open_basedir']
+ else
+ basedir = nil
+ end
+ end
+ if property['safemode_include']
+ safemode_include = property['safemode_include']
- if property['safemode_include']
- safemode_include = property['safemode_include']
- end
- config = []
if ssl
crtfile = "/etc/ssl/certs/apache-#{server_name}.pem"
keyfile = "/etc/ssl/private/apache-#{server_name}.key"
@@ -130,35 +170,34 @@ clients.each{ |c|
config << " RewriteRule ^/(.*) %s://#{server_name}/$1 [R]"%[ ( ssl ? 'https' : 'http' ) ]
config << ""
- config << " UserDir disabled" unless property['userdir'] == "yes"
- config << " SuexecUserGroup #{c['uid']} #{c['uid']}" unless property['setusergroup'] == "no"
- #config << " User #{c['uid']}" unless property['setusergroup'] == "no"
- #config << " Group #{c['uid']}" unless property['setusergroup'] == "no"
+ unless property['userdir'] == "yes"
+ config << " <IfModule mod_userdir.c>"
+ config << " UserDir disabled"
+ config << " </IfModule>"
+ end
+ config << " SuexecUserGroup #{vhostuidname} #{vhostgidname}" unless property['setusergroup'] == "no"
config << " ErrorLog #{client_home}/logs/#{server_name}-error.log"
config << " LogLevel warn"
config << " CustomLog #{client_home}/logs/#{server_name}-access.log combined"
config << " ServerSignature On"
config << ""
- # webstats
- #config << " # Alias " + @webstat_location + " " + @rmagicdir + "/" + server_name + "/"
- #config << ' Alias /awstats-classes/ "/usr/share/awstats/classes/"'
- #config << ' Alias /awstats-css/ "/usr/share/awstats/css/"'
- #config << ' Alias /awstats-icon/ "/usr/share/awstats/icon/"'
- #config << " ScriptAlias /cgi-stats/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/"
- #config << " Redirect permanent " + @webstat_location + " http://"+server_name+"/cgi-stats/"
config << ""
- unless property['php'] == "no"
- config << " php_admin_value engine 1"
+ if property['php'] == "yes"
+ config << " <IfModule mod_php4.c>"
+ config << " php_admin_value engine 1"
unless property['safe_mode'] == "no"
- config << " php_admin_value safe_mode 1"
- config << " php_admin_value safe_mode_gid 1"
- config << " php_admin_value safe_mode_exec_dir \"#{home}/bin\""
+ config << " php_admin_value safe_mode 1"
+ config << " php_admin_value safe_mode_gid 1"
+ config << " php_admin_value safe_mode_exec_dir \"#{home}/bin\""
- config << " php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir \"#{home}/tmp\""
- config << " php_admin_value sendmail_path \"/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f #{server_admin}\""
- config << " php_admin_value allow_url_fopen 0"
- else
- config << " php_admin_value engine off"
+ config << " php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir \"#{home}/tmp\""
+ config << " php_admin_value sendmail_path \"/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f #{server_admin}\""
+ config << " php_admin_value allow_url_fopen 0"
+ config << " </IfModule>"
+ elsif property['php'] == "no"
+ config << " <IfModule mod_php4.c>"
+ config << " php_admin_value engine off"
+ config << " </IfModule>"
config << " AddType text/plain .php3"
config << " AddType text/plain .php3s"
config << " AddType text/plain .php"
@@ -168,15 +207,16 @@ clients.each{ |c|
unless property['document_root'] == "manual"
config << " DocumentRoot #{home}/htdocs"
- config << "# <Directory #{home}/htdocs>"
config << " <Location />"
- config << " AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Indexes Options"
+ config << " #AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Indexes Options"
config << " IndexOptions FancyIndexing NameWidth=*"
- unless property['php'] == "no"
- config << " php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0"
- config << " php_admin_value open_basedir \"#{basedir}\"" if basedir
- config << " php_admin_value safe_mode_include_dir \"#{safemode_include}\"" if safemode_include
- config << " php_value include_path \".:#{home}/include:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear\"" if basedir
+ if property['php'] == "yes"
+ config << " <IfModule mod_php4.c>"
+ config << " php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0"
+ config << " php_admin_value open_basedir \"#{basedir}\"" if basedir
+ config << " php_admin_value safe_mode_include_dir \"#{safemode_include}\"" if safemode_include
+ config << " php_value include_path \".:#{home}/include:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear\""
+ config << " </IfModule>"
config << " Options #{docdiroptions}" if docdiroptions != ""
config << " #{docdiraddto}" if docdiraddto
@@ -194,7 +234,49 @@ clients.each{ |c|
config << " Allow from all"
config << " </Location>"
- config << "# </Directory>"
+ if property['php'] == "cgi5"
+ throw "@config['module']['apache']['phpwrapperfilesdir'] is not defined, yet we use php-cgi" unless @phpwrapperfilesdir
+ if property['open_basedir'] or property['safemode_include']
+ STDERR.puts "Warning: open_basedir and safemode_include not supported with php-cgi"
+ end
+ phpini = []
+ phpini.concat IO.readlines(@phpinipreamble).collect{|a| a.chop} if @phpinipreamble and FileTest.exists?(@phpinipreamble)
+ phpini << "[PHP]"
+ phpini << "upload_tmp_dir = \"#{home}/tmp\""
+ phpini << "sendmail_path = \"/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f #{server_admin}\""
+ phpini << "allow_url_fopen = 0"
+ phpini << "magic_quotes_gpc = 0"
+ phpini << "include_path = \".:#{home}/include:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear\""
+ inilp = c['o'][0] +"-"+ server_name
+ throw "Clash on #{server_name} of client#{c['o'][0]} for phpinifiles" if phpinifiles[ inilp ]
+ phpinifiles[ inilp ] = phpini
+ wrap = []
+ wrap << "#!/bin/bash"
+ wrap << ""
+ wrap << "exec /usr/bin/php5-cgi --php-ini #{@phpinifilesdir}/#{inilp} \"$@\""
+ wraplp1 = "#{vhostuid}=#{vhostgid}"
+ wraplp2 = "php-#{server_name}"
+ phpwrapperfiles[wraplp1] = {} unless phpwrapperfiles[wraplp1]
+ throw "Clash on #{server_name} of client#{c['o'][0]} for phpwrapperfiles" if phpwrapperfiles[wraplp1][wraplp2]
+ phpwrapperfiles[wraplp1][wraplp2] = wrap
+ phppath = "#{@phpwrapperfilesdir}/#{wraplp1}/#{wraplp2}"
+ config << " <Directory #{home}/htdocs>"
+ config << " AddHandler fcgid-script .php"
+ config << " FCGIWrapper #{phppath} .php"
+ config << " <Files *.php>"
+ config << " Options ExecCGI"
+ config << " </Files>"
+ config << " </Directory>"
+ end
if property['cgi-bin'] == "yes"
cgihome = home.gsub(/^\/srv\/www\/vhosts/, '/var/www/vhosts')
config << " ScriptAlias /cgi-bin #{cgihome}/cgi-bin"
@@ -229,7 +311,9 @@ clients.each{ |c|
config << " ServerName #{server_name}"
config << " ServerAlias #{server_aliases}" if server_aliases != ""
config << " ServerAdmin #{server_admin}"
- config << " UserDir disabled"
+ config << " <IfModule mod_userdir.c>"
+ config << " UserDir disabled"
+ config << " </IfModule>"
config << " ErrorLog #{client_home}/logs/#{server_name}-error.log"
config << " LogLevel warn"
config << " CustomLog #{client_home}/logs/#{server_name}-access.log combined"
@@ -250,7 +334,9 @@ clients.each{ |c|
config << "<VirtualHost #{@statsbind}>"
config << " ServerName #{server_name}"
config << " ServerAdmin #{server_admin}"
- config << " UserDir disabled"
+ config << " <IfModule mod_userdir.c>"
+ config << " UserDir disabled"
+ config << " </IfModule>"
config << "# ErrorLog #{client_home}/logs/stats.#{server_name}-error.log"
config << "# LogLevel warn"
config << "# CustomLog #{client_home}/logs/stats.#{server_name}-access.log combined"
@@ -273,28 +359,67 @@ clients.each{ |c|
-need_reload = false
-Dir.entries( @configdir ).each{ |e|
- next if ((e =~ /^\./) != nil)
- next if files.has_key?( e )
- File.unlink( @configdir + '/' + e )
- need_reload = true
-files.each_pair{ |name, config|
- filename = @configdir + '/' + name
- conf = config.join("\n") + "\n"
- on_disk = FileTest.exists?(filename) ? : nil
- next if on_disk == conf
+def write_files(basedir, f, mode=0644, uid=nil, gid=nil)
+ need_reload = false
+ Dir.entries( basedir ).each{ |e|
+ next if ((e =~ /^\./) != nil)
+ next if f.has_key?( e )
+ File.unlink( basedir + '/' + e )
+ need_reload = true
+ }
+ f.each_pair{ |name, config|
+ filename = basedir + '/' + name
+ conf = config.join("\n") + "\n"
+ on_disk = FileTest.exists?(filename) ? : nil
+ next if on_disk == conf
+ f = filename, "w" )
+ f.chmod(mode)
+ f.write(conf)
+ f.close
+ File.chown(uid, gid, filename) if uid or gid
+ need_reload = true
+ }
+ return need_reload
+if phpinifiles.size > 0
+ throw "@config['module']['apache']['phpinifilesdir'] is not defined, yet we use php-cgi" unless @phpinifilesdir
+ throw "@config['module']['apache']['restart'] is not defined, yet we use php-cgi" unless @restart
+need_reload = write_files(@configdir, files)
+need_restart = write_files(@phpinifilesdir, phpinifiles) if @phpinifilesdir
+phpwrapperfilesdirectories = {}
+phpwrapperfiles.each_pair do |dirname, wrappers|
+ m = /^(.*)=(.*)$/.match dirname
+ throw "Could not parse phpwrapperfilesdir dirname #{dirname}" unless m
- f = filename, "w" )
- f.write(conf)
- f.close
+ dir = @phpwrapperfilesdir + '/' + dirname
+ mkdir(dir, 0755, m[1].to_i, m[2].to_i) unless File.exists?(dir)
+ write_files(dir, wrappers, 0755, m[1].to_i, m[2].to_i)
+ phpwrapperfilesdirectories[dirname] = true
+Dir.entries( @phpwrapperfilesdir ).each do |e|
+ next if ((e =~ /^\./) != nil)
+ next if phpwrapperfilesdirectories.has_key?( e )
+ Dir.entries( @phpwrapperfilesdir+'/'+e ).each do |e2|
+ next if ((e2 =~ /^\./) != nil) and'/'+e+'/'+e2)
+ File.unlink( @phpwrapperfilesdir+'/'+e+'/'+e2 )
+ end
+ Dir.rmdir( @phpwrapperfilesdir+'/'+e )
need_reload = true
-if need_reload
+if need_restart
+ system(@configtest) or throw "Configtest returned errors."
+ system(@restart) or throw "Restart returned errors."
+elsif need_reload
system(@configtest) or throw "Configtest returned errors."
system(@reload) or throw "Reload returned errors."