# -*- mode:sh -*- # vim:syn=sh # Little common functions # push a mirror attached to us. # Arguments (using an array named SIGNAL_OPTS): # # $MIRROR - Name for the mirror, also basename for the logfile # $HOSTNAME - Hostname to push to # $USERNAME - Username there # $SSHPROTO - Protocol version, either 1 or 2. # $SSHKEY - the ssh private key file to use for this push # $SSHOPTS - any other option ssh accepts, passed blindly, be careful # $PUSHLOCKOWN - own lockfile name to touch after stage1 in pushtype=staged # $PUSHTYPE - what kind of push should be done? # all - normal, just push once with ssh backgrounded and finish # staged - staged. first push stage1, then wait for $PUSHLOCKs to appear, # then push stage2 # $PUSHARCHIVE - what archive to sync? (Multiple mirrors behind one ssh key!) # $PUSHCB - do we want a callback? # $PUSHKIND - whats going on? are we doing mhop push or already stage2? # $FROMFTPSYNC - set to true if we run from within ftpsync. # # This function assumes that the variable LOG is set to a directory where # logfiles can be written to. # Additionally $PUSHLOCKS has to be defined as a set of space delimited strings # (list of "lock"files) to wait for if you want pushtype=staged # # Pushes might be done in background (for type all). signal () { ARGS="SIGNAL_OPTS[*]" local ${!ARGS} MIRROR=${MIRROR:-""} HOSTNAME=${HOSTNAME:-""} USERNAME=${USERNAME:-""} SSHPROTO=${SSHPROTO:-""} SSHKEY=${SSHKEY:-""} SSHOPTS=${SSHOPTS:-""} PUSHLOCKOWN=${PUSHLOCKOWN:-""} PUSHTYPE=${PUSHTYPE:-"all"} PUSHARCHIVE=${PUSHARCHIVE:-""} PUSHCB=${PUSHCB:-""} PUSHKIND=${PUSHKIND:-"all"} FROMFTPSYNC=${FROMFTPSYNC:-"false"} # And now get # back to space... SSHOPTS=${SSHOPTS/\#/ } # Defaults we always want, no matter what SSH_OPTIONS="-o user=${USERNAME} -o BatchMode=yes -o ServerAliveInterval=45 -o ConnectTimeout=45 -o PasswordAuthentication=no" # If there are userdefined ssh options, add them. if [[ -n ${SSH_OPTS} ]]; then SSH_OPTIONS="${SSH_OPTIONS} ${SSH_OPTS}" fi # Does this machine need a special key? if [[ -n ${SSHKEY} ]]; then SSH_OPTIONS="${SSH_OPTIONS} -i ${SSHKEY}" fi # Does this machine have an extra own set of ssh options? if [[ -n ${SSHOPTS} ]]; then SSH_OPTIONS="${SSH_OPTIONS} ${SSHOPTS}" fi # Set the protocol version if [[ ${SSHPROTO} -ne 1 ]] && [[ ${SSHPROTO} -ne 2 ]] && [[ ${SSHPROTO} -ne 99 ]]; then # Idiots, we only want 1 or 2. Cant decide? Lets force 2. SSHPROTO=2 fi if [[ -n ${SSHPROTO} ]] && [[ ${SSHPROTO} -ne 99 ]]; then SSH_OPTIONS="${SSH_OPTIONS} -${SSHPROTO}" fi date -u >> "${LOGDIR}/${MIRROR}.log" PUSHARGS="" # PUSHARCHIVE empty or not, we always add the sync:archive: command to transfer. # Otherwise, if nothing else is added, ssh -f would not work ("no command to execute") # But ftpsync does treat "sync:archive:" as the main archive, so this works nicely. PUSHARGS="${PUSHARGS} sync:archive:${PUSHARCHIVE}" # We have a callback wish, tell downstreams if [[ -n ${PUSHCB} ]]; then PUSHARGS="${PUSHARGS} sync:callback" fi # If we are running an mhop push AND our downstream is one to receive it, tell it. if [[ mhop = ${PUSHKIND} ]] && [[ mhop = ${PUSHTYPE} ]]; then PUSHARGS="${PUSHARGS} sync:mhop" fi if [[ all = ${PUSHTYPE} ]]; then # Default normal "fire and forget" push. We background that, we do not care about the mirrors doings log "Sending normal push" >> "${LOGDIR}/${MIRROR}.log" PUSHARGS1="sync:all" ssh -n $SSH_OPTIONS "${HOSTNAME}" "${PUSHARGS} ${PUSHARGS1}" >>"${LOGDIR}/${MIRROR}.log" 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 255 ]]; then error "Trigger to ${HOSTNAME} failed" >> "${LOG}" else log "Trigger to ${HOSTNAME} succeed" >> "${LOG}" fi elif [[ staged = ${PUSHTYPE} ]] || [[ mhop = ${PUSHTYPE} ]]; then # Want a staged push. Fine, lets do that. Not backgrounded. We care about the mirrors doings. log "Sending staged push" >> "${LOGDIR}/${MIRROR}.log" # Only send stage1 if we havent already send it. When called with stage2, we already did. if [[ stage2 != ${PUSHKIND} ]]; then # Step1: Do a push to only sync stage1, do not background PUSHARGS1="sync:stage1" ssh $SSH_OPTIONS "${HOSTNAME}" "${PUSHARGS} ${PUSHARGS1}" >>"${LOGDIR}/${MIRROR}.log" 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 255 ]]; then error "Trigger to ${HOSTNAME} failed" >> "${LOG}" else log "Trigger to ${HOSTNAME} succeed" >> "${LOG}" fi touch "${PUSHLOCKOWN}" # Step2: Wait for all the other "lock"files to appear. tries=0 # We do not wait forever while [[ ${tries} -lt ${PUSHDELAY} ]]; do total=0 found=0 for file in ${PUSHLOCKS}; do total=$(( total + 1 )) if [[ -f ${file} ]]; then found=$(( found + 1 )) fi done if [[ ${total} -eq ${found} ]] || [[ -f ${LOCKDIR}/all_stage1 ]]; then touch "${LOCKDIR}/all_stage1" break fi tries=$(( tries + 5 )) sleep 5 done # In case we did not have all PUSHLOCKS and still continued, note it # This is a little racy, especially if the other parts decide to do this # at the same time, but it wont hurt more than a mail too much, so I don't care much if [[ ${tries} -ge ${PUSHDELAY} ]]; then log "Failed to wait for all other mirrors. Failed ones are:" >> "${LOGDIR}/${MIRROR}.log" for file in ${PUSHLOCKS}; do if [[ ! -f ${file} ]]; then log "${file}" >> "${LOGDIR}/${MIRROR}.log" error "Missing Pushlockfile ${file} after waiting ${tries} second, continuing" fi done fi rm -f "${PUSHLOCKOWN}" fi # Step3: It either timed out or we have all the "lock"files, do the rest # If we are doing mhop AND are called from ftpsync - we now exit. # That way we notify our uplink that we and all our clients are done with their # stage1. It can then finish its own, and if all our upstreams downlinks are done, # it will send us stage2. # If we are not doing mhop or are not called from ftpsync, we start stage2 if [[ true = ${FROMFTPSYNC} ]] && [[ mhop = ${PUSHKIND} ]]; then return else PUSHARGS2="sync:stage2" log "Now doing the second stage push" >> "${LOGDIR}/${MIRROR}.log" ssh $SSH_OPTIONS "${HOSTNAME}" "${PUSHARGS} ${PUSHARGS2}" >>"${LOGDIR}/${MIRROR}.log" 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 255 ]]; then error "Trigger to ${HOSTNAME} failed" >> "${LOG}" else log "Trigger to ${HOSTNAME} succeed" >> "${LOG}" fi fi else # Can't decide? Then you get nothing. return fi } # callback, used by ftpsync callback () { # Defaults we always want, no matter what SSH_OPTIONS="-o BatchMode=yes -o ServerAliveInterval=45 -o ConnectTimeout=45 -o PasswordAuthentication=no" ssh $SSH_OPTIONS -i "$3" -o"user $1" "$2" callback:${HOSTNAME} } # log something (basically echo it together with a timestamp) # # Set $PROGRAM to a string to have it added to the output. log () { if [[ -z "${PROGRAM}" ]]; then echo "$(date +"%b %d %H:%M:%S") $(hostname -s) [$$] $@" else echo "$(date +"%b %d %H:%M:%S") $(hostname -s) ${PROGRAM}[$$]: $@" fi } # log the message using log() but then also send a mail # to the address configured in MAILTO (if non-empty) error () { log "$@" if [[ -n "${MAILTO}" ]]; then echo "$@" | mail -e -s "[$PROGRAM@$(hostname -s)] ERROR [$$]" ${MAILTO} fi } # run a hook # needs array variable HOOK setup with HOOKNR being a number an HOOKSCR # the script to run. hook () { ARGS='HOOK[@]' local "${!ARGS}" if [[ -n ${HOOKSCR} ]]; then log "Running hook $HOOKNR: ${HOOKSCR}" set +e ${HOOKSCR} result=$? set -e if [[ ${result} -ne 0 ]] ; then error "Back from hook $HOOKNR, got returncode ${result}" else log "Back from hook $HOOKNR, got returncode ${result}" fi return $result else return 0 fi } # Return the list of 2-stage mirrors. get2stage() { egrep '^(staged|mhop)' "${MIRRORS}" | { while read MTYPE MLNAME MHOSTNAME MUSER MPROTO MKEYFILE; do PUSHLOCKS="${LOCKDIR}/${MLNAME}.stage1 ${PUSHLOCKS}" done echo "$PUSHLOCKS" } } # Rotate logfiles savelog() { torotate="$1" count=${2:-${LOGROTATE}} while [[ ${count} -gt 0 ]]; do prev=$(( count - 1 )) if [[ -e ${torotate}.${prev} ]]; then mv "${torotate}.${prev}" "${torotate}.${count}" fi count=$prev done if [[ -e ${torotate} ]]; then mv "${torotate}" "${torotate}.0" fi } # Return rsync version rsync_protocol() { RSYNC_VERSION="$(${RSYNC} --version)" RSYNC_REGEX="(protocol[ ]+version[ ]+([0-9]+))" if [[ ${RSYNC_VERSION} =~ ${RSYNC_REGEX} ]]; then echo ${BASH_REMATCH[2]} fi unset RSYNC_VERSION RSYNC_REGEX }