#! /bin/bash set -e set -u # runmirrors script for Debian # Based losely on existing scripts, written by an unknown number of # different people over the years. # # Copyright (C) 2008 Joerg Jaspert # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # In case the admin somehow wants to have this script located someplace else, # he can set BASEDIR, and we will take that. If it is unset we take ${HOME} BASEDIR=${BASEDIR:-"${HOME}"} NAME="`basename $0`" HELP="$0, (C) 2008, 2009 by Joerg Jaspert \n Usage:\n\n 1.) a single parameter with NO leading -.\n \t This will will then be used as the addition for our configfile. Ie. \`$0 security\` will\n \t have us look for ${NAME}-security.{conf,mirror} files.\n\n 2.) using getopt style parameters:\n \t -a [NAME] - Same as 1.) above, used for the config files. Default empty.\n \t -k [TYPE] - Type of push. all, stage2, mhop. Default all.\n \t -f - Run from within the mirrorscript ftpsync. Don't use from commandline!\n \t -h - Print this help and exit " # If we got options, lets see if we use newstyle options, or oldstyle. If oldstyle # it will not start with a -. If we find oldstyle we assume its only one, the config # name we run on. if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then if [ "x${1:0:1}x" != "x-x" ]; then # Yes, does not start with a -, so use it for the config name. CONF=${1:-""} if [ -n "${CONF}" ]; then NAME="${NAME}-${CONF}" fi else # Yeah well, new style, starting with - for getopts while getopts ':a:k:fh' OPTION ; do case $OPTION in a) CONF=${OPTARG} NAME=${NAME}-${CONF} ;; k) PUSHKIND=${OPTARG} ;; f) FROMFTPSYNC="true" ;; h) echo -e $HELP exit 0 ;; \?) echo "Unknown option \"-$OPTARG\"." echo -e $HELP exit 1 ;; :) echo "Option \"-$OPTARG\" needs an argument." echo -e $HELP exit 1 ;; esac done fi fi # Make sure the values are always defined, even if there was no commandline option # for them # Default config is empty CONF=${CONF:-""} # Set the default to all, if we didnt get told about it. Currently # valid: all - normal push. mhop - multi-hop multi-stage push. Default is all. # If mhop we will run a normal stage1 push *and then exit*. PUSHKIND=${PUSHKIND:-"all"} # If we are pushed from within ftpsync. Default false. FROMFTPSYNC=${FROMFTPSYNC:-"false"} ######################################################################## # Read our config file . "${BASEDIR}/etc/${NAME}.conf" # Source our common functions . "${BASEDIR}/etc/common" # Set sane defaults if the configfile didn't do that for us. # The directory for our logfiles LOGDIR=${LOGDIR:-"${BASEDIR}/log"} # Our own logfile LOG=${LOG:-"${LOGDIR}/${NAME}.log"} # Our lockfile directory LOCKDIR=${LOCKDIR:-"${BASEDIR}/locks"} # How many logfiles to keep LOGROTATE=${LOGROTATE:-14} # Our mirrorfile MIRRORS=${MIRRORS:-"${BASEDIR}/etc/${NAME}.mirror"} # used by log() PROGRAM=${PROGRAM:-"${NAME}-$(hostname -s)"} # extra ssh options we might want hostwide SSH_OPTS=${SSH_OPTS:-"-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"} # Whats our archive name? We will also tell our leafs about it PUSHARCHIVE=${PUSHARCHIVE:-"${CONF}"} # How long to wait for mirrors to do stage1 if we have multi-stage syncing PUSHDELAY=${PUSHDELAY:-600} # Which ssh key to use? KEYFILE=${KEYFILE:-".ssh/pushmirror"} # where to send mails to if [ "x$(hostname -d)x" != "xdebian.orgx" ]; then # We are not on a debian.org host MAILTO=${MAILTO:-"root"} else # Yay, on a .debian.org host MAILTO=${MAILTO:-"mirrorlogs@debian.org"} fi if ! [ -f "${BASEDIR}/${KEYFILE}" ]; then error "SSH Key ${BASEDIR}/${KEYFILE} does not exist" >> ${LOG} exit 5 fi # Hooks HOOK1=${HOOK1:-""} HOOK2=${HOOK2:-""} HOOK3=${HOOK3:-""} ######################################################################## # Some sane defaults cd ${BASEDIR} umask 022 # Make sure we have our log and lock directories mkdir -p "${LOGDIR}" mkdir -p "${LOCKDIR}" trap 'log "Mirrorpush done" >> ${LOG}; savelog "${LOG}" > /dev/null' EXIT log "Pushing leaf mirrors" >> ${LOG} HOOK=( HOOKNR=1 HOOKSCR=${HOOK1} ) hook $HOOK # From here on we do *NOT* want to exit on errors. We don't want to # stop pushing mirrors just because we can't reach one of them. set +e # Built up our list of 2-stage mirrors. PUSHLOCKS="" PUSHLOCKS=$(get2stage) # In case we have it - remove. It is used to synchronize multi-stage mirroring rm -f "${LOCKDIR}/all_stage1" # Now read our mirrorfile and push the mirrors defined in there. # We use grep to easily sort out all lines having a # in front of them or are empty. egrep -v '^[[:space:]]*(#|$)' "${MIRRORS}" | while read MTYPE MLNAME MHOSTNAME MUSER MSSHOPT; do if [ "x${MTYPE}x" = "xDELAYx" ]; then # We should wait a bit. if [ -z ${MLNAME} ]; then MLNAME=60 fi log "Delay of ${MLNAME} requested, sleeping" >> "${LOG}" sleep ${MLNAME} continue fi # Now, MSSHOPT may start with a -. In that case the whole rest of the line is taken # as a set of options to give to ssh, we pass it without doing anything with it. # If it starts with a 1 or 2 then it will tell us about the ssh protocol version to use, # and also means we look if there is one value more after a space. That value would then # be the ssh keyfile we use with -i. That gives us full flexibility for all # ssh options but doesn't destroy backwards compatibility. # If it is empty we assume proto 2 and the default keyfile. # # There is one bug in here. We will give out the master keyfile, even if there is a # "-i /bla/bla" in the options. ssh stuffs them together and presents two keys to the # target server. In the case both keys do some actions- the first one presented wins. # And this might not be what one wants. # # The only sane way to go around this, i think, is by dropping backward compability. # Which I don't really like. if [ -n "${MSSHOPT}" ]; then # So its not empty, lets check if it starts with a - and as such is a "new-style" # ssh options set. if [ "x${MSSHOPT:0:1}x" = "x-x" ]; then # Yes we start with a - SSHOPT="${MSSHOPT}" MPROTO="99" MKEYFILE="${BASEDIR}/${KEYFILE}" elif [ ${MSSHOPT:0:1} -eq 1 ] || [ ${MSSHOPT:0:1} -eq 2 ]; then # We do seem to have oldstyle options here. MPROTO=${MSSHOPT:0:1} MKEYFILE=${MSSHOPT:1} SSHOPT="" else error "I don't know what is configured for mirror ${MLNAME}" continue fi else MPROTO=2 MKEYFILE="${BASEDIR}/${KEYFILE}" SSHOPT="" fi # Built our array SIGNAL_OPTS=( MIRROR="${MLNAME}" HOSTNAME="${MHOSTNAME}" USERNAME="${MUSER}" SSHPROTO="${MPROTO}" SSHKEY="${MKEYFILE}" SSHOPTS="${SSHOPT/ /#}" PUSHLOCKOWN="${LOCKDIR}/${MLNAME}.stage1" PUSHTYPE="${MTYPE}" PUSHARCHIVE=${PUSHARCHIVE} ) # And finally, push the mirror log "Trigger ${MLNAME}" >> ${LOG} signal "${SIGNAL_OPTS}" & log "Trigger for ${MLNAME} done" >> ${LOG} HOOK=( HOOKNR=2 HOOKSCR=${HOOK2} ) hook $HOOK set +e done HOOK=( HOOKNR=3 HOOKSCR=${HOOK3} ) hook $HOOK exit 0