#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use RRDs;
my $HOSTNAME = `hostname`;
chomp $HOSTNAME;
#my $IMG_URL = 'http://images.noreply.org/tor-running-routers/';
#my $IMG_URL = 'http://new.noreply.org/tor-running-routers/';
my $IMG_URL = '';
my $NOW = time;
my $GMTIME = gmtime($NOW);
my $START_AT = $NOW-4*30*24*3600;
my $END_AT = $NOW-24*3600;
my $OLD_AT = $NOW-7*24*3600;
my $BASE = '/home/weasel/www/www.noreply.org/Build/other/tor/';
if ($HOSTNAME eq 'simona') {
$BASE = '/scratch/weasel/tor/';
my $RRD = $BASE.'rrd/running_Routers.rrd';
my $RRD_DIR = $BASE.'rrd/nodes';
my $INDEX_DIR = $BASE.'index';
my $RESULT_DIR = 'result.new';
my $VERBOSE = 0;
# Get list of RRD files
opendir(D,$RRD_DIR) or die ("Cannot opendir $RRD_DIR: $!\n");
my @dirs = grep { -d $RRD_DIR.'/'.$_ && $_ =~ /^[A-F0-9]{2}$/ } readdir(D);
for my $dir (@dirs) {
opendir(D,$RRD_DIR.'/'.$dir) or die ("Cannot opendir $RRD_DIR/$dir: $!\n");
my @sources = grep { /\.rrd$/ } readdir(D);
@sources = grep { !/^TRAF-/ } @sources;
@sources = grep {
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($RRD_DIR.'/'.$dir.'/'.$_);
$mtime >= $START_AT;
} @sources;
push @SOURCES, @sources;
# Read hash <-> name mapping
my %hashes_router;
opendir(D,$INDEX_DIR) or die ("Cannot opendir $INDEX_DIR: $!\n");
@dirs = grep { -d $INDEX_DIR.'/'.$_ && $_ =~ /^[A-F0-9]{2}$/ } readdir(D);
for my $dir (@dirs) {
opendir(D,$INDEX_DIR.'/'.$dir) or die ("Cannot opendir $INDEX_DIR/$dir: $!\n");
my @NAME = grep { /\.name$/ } readdir(D);
for my $hash (@NAME) {
my $f = $INDEX_DIR.'/'.$dir.'/'.$hash;
open (F, $f) or warn("Cannot open $f: $!\n"), next;
my $name = ;
my $platform = ;
my $published = ;
chomp $name;
chomp $platform;
chomp $published;
close F;
$hash =~ s/\.name$//;
$hashes_router{$hash} = {name => $name, platform => $platform, published => $published };
@SOURCES = sort {
my $aa = $a;
my $bb = $b;
$aa =~ s/\.rrd//;
$bb =~ s/\.rrd//;
lc($hashes_router{$aa}->{'name'}) cmp lc($hashes_router{$bb}->{'name'}) ||
$a cmp $b
my @nodesTraffic = ();
my %body;
my %index;
my $traf_item_counter = 0;
for my $source (@SOURCES) {
my $hash = $source;
$hash =~ s/\.rrd$//;
my $name = $hashes_router{$hash}->{'name'};
die ("No name for $hash") unless defined $name;
my $platform = $hashes_router{$hash}->{'platform'};
my $published = $hashes_router{$hash}->{'published'};
my $def = $name;
my $cdef = 'c_'.$def;
my $label = $def;
my $subdir = substr($hash,0,2);
my $source_traffic = $RRD_DIR .'/'.$subdir.'/TRAF-'. $source;
$source = $RRD_DIR .'/'.$subdir.'/'. $source;
my (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef, undef,$mtime,undef,undef,undef) = stat($source);
my $section = $mtime < $OLD_AT ? 'old' : 'current';
my @this;
mkdir ($RESULT_DIR.'/'.$subdir) unless -d ($RESULT_DIR.'/'.$subdir);
push @this, sprintf($RESULT_DIR.'/'.$subdir.'/node-%s.png', $hash);
push @this, sprintf('-s %s', $START_AT);
push @this, sprintf('-e %s', $END_AT);
push @this, sprintf('-t %s', "$name");
push @this, sprintf('-aPNG');
push @this, sprintf('-v %s', "running");
push @this, sprintf('-w %d', 150);
push @this, sprintf('-h %d', 50);
push @this, sprintf('DEF:%s=%s:%s:%s', 'd_runningVerified' , $source, 'runningVerified', 'AVERAGE');
push @this, sprintf('CDEF:%s=%s' , 'c_runningVerified' , 'd_runningVerified');
push @this, sprintf('DEF:%s=%s:%s:%s', 'd_runningUnverified' , $source, 'runningUnverified', 'AVERAGE');
push @this, sprintf('CDEF:%s=%s' , 'c_runningUnverified' , 'd_runningUnverified');
push @this, sprintf('DEF:%s=%s:%s:%s', 'd_exit80Verified' , $source, 'exit80Verified', 'AVERAGE');
push @this, sprintf('CDEF:c_exit80Verified=d_exit80Verified,0.5,*,c_runningVerified,*');
push @this, sprintf('%s:%s#%s' , 'AREA' , 'c_runningVerified' , '7777FF' );
push @this, sprintf('%s:%s#%s' , 'STACK' , 'c_runningUnverified' , 'FF7700' );
push @this, sprintf('%s:%s#%s' , 'AREA' , 'c_exit80Verified' , '00FF00' );
push @this, sprintf('CDEF:%s=d_runningVerified,0,*,%s,+' , 'zeroline' , '0');
push @this, sprintf('%s:%s' , 'LINE1' , 'zeroline' );
print "Graphing $hash running.\n" if $VERBOSE;
my ($averages,$xsize,$ysize) = RRDs::graph @this;
warn RRDs::error if RRDs::error;
$body{$section} .= "".
"Last descriptor data:".
"platform $platform
"published $published".
$index{$section} .= "
if (-e $source_traffic) {
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('DEF:read%d=%s:read:AVERAGE', $traf_item_counter, $source_traffic);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('DEF:write%d=%s:write:AVERAGE', $traf_item_counter, $source_traffic);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('DEF:max_read%d=%s:read:MAX', $traf_item_counter, $source_traffic);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('DEF:max_write%d=%s:write:MAX', $traf_item_counter, $source_traffic);
#push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('DEF:min_read%d=%s:read:MIN', $traf_item_counter, $source_traffic);
#push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('DEF:min_write%d=%s:write:MIN', $traf_item_counter, $source_traffic);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('DEF:max_capacity%d=%s:capacity:MAX', $traf_item_counter, $source);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:cleanread%d=read%d,UN,0,read%d,IF', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:cleanwrite%d=write%d,UN,0,write%d,IF', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:max_cleanread%d=max_read%d,UN,0,max_read%d,IF', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:max_cleanwrite%d=max_write%d,UN,0,max_write%d,IF', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter);
#push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:min_cleanread%d=min_read%d,UN,0,min_read%d,IF', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter);
#push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:min_cleanwrite%d=min_write%d,UN,0,min_write%d,IF', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:max_cleancapacity%d=max_capacity%d,UN,0,max_capacity%d,IF', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter);
if ($traf_item_counter == 1) {
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:aggread%d=cleanread%d', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:aggwrite%d=cleanwrite%d', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:max_aggread%d=max_cleanread%d', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:max_aggwrite%d=max_cleanwrite%d', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter);
#push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:min_aggread%d=min_cleanread%d', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter);
#push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:min_aggwrite%d=min_cleanwrite%d', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter);
##MAX_AGGCAPACITY##push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:max_aggcapacity%d=max_cleancapacity%d', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter);
} else {
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:aggread%d=cleanread%d,aggread%d,+', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter-1);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:aggwrite%d=cleanwrite%d,aggwrite%d,+', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter-1);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:max_aggread%d=max_cleanread%d,max_aggread%d,+', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter-1);
push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:max_aggwrite%d=max_cleanwrite%d,max_aggwrite%d,+', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter-1);
#push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:min_aggread%d=min_cleanread%d,min_aggread%d,+', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter-1);
#push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:min_aggwrite%d=min_cleanwrite%d,min_aggwrite%d,+', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter-1);
##MAX_AGGCAPACITY##push @nodesTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:max_aggcapacity%d=max_cleancapacity%d,max_aggcapacity%d,+', $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter, $traf_item_counter-1);
for my $thumb (0, 1) {
@this = ();
push @this, sprintf($RESULT_DIR.'/'.$subdir.'/node-'.($thumb ? 'small-' : '').'traf-%s.png', $hash);
#push @this, sprintf('-s %s', '-604800');
push @this, sprintf('-s %s', $START_AT);
push @this, sprintf('-e %s', $END_AT);
push @this, sprintf('-t %s', "$name traffic");
push @this, sprintf('-v %s', "bytes/sec");
if ($thumb) {
push @this, sprintf('-w %d', 150);
push @this, sprintf('-h %d', 50);
push @this, sprintf('-aPNG');
push @this, sprintf('DEF:read=%s:read:AVERAGE', $source_traffic);
push @this, sprintf('DEF:maxread=%s:read:MAX', $source_traffic);
#push @this, sprintf('DEF:minread=%s:read:MIN', $source_traffic);
push @this, sprintf('DEF:write=%s:write:AVERAGE', $source_traffic);
push @this, sprintf('DEF:maxwrite=%s:write:MAX', $source_traffic);
#push @this, sprintf('DEF:minwrite=%s:write:MIN', $source_traffic);
push @this, sprintf('DEF:maxcapacity=%s:capacity:MAX', $source);
push @this, sprintf('AREA:read#00FF00:Read');
push @this, sprintf('LINE2:write#0000FF:Write');
unless ($thumb) {
push @this, sprintf('LINE1:maxread#009A2C:Read [max 15min]');
push @this, sprintf('LINE1:maxwrite#5555FF:Write [max 15min]');
#push @this, sprintf('LINE1:minread#FF76D4:Read [min]');
#push @this, sprintf('LINE1:minwrite#222255:Write [min]');
push @this, sprintf('LINE1:maxcapacity#FF5555:Capacity');
#push @this, sprintf('COMMENT:\\n');
#push @this, sprintf('COMMENT:%s\\r', $GMTIME);
#push @this, sprintf('COMMENT:\\n');
#push @this, sprintf('COMMENT: Min Max Average Last\\n');
#push @this, sprintf('COMMENT:Read: ');
#push @this, sprintf('GPRINT:minread:MIN:%6.2lf %sb/s ');
#push @this, sprintf('GPRINT:maxread:MAX:%6.2lf %sb/s ');
#push @this, sprintf('GPRINT:read:AVERAGE:%6.2lf %sb/s ');
#push @this, sprintf('GPRINT:read:LAST:%6.2lf %sb/s\\n');
#push @this, sprintf('COMMENT:Write: ');
#push @this, sprintf('GPRINT:minwrite:MIN:%6.2lf %sb/s ');
#push @this, sprintf('GPRINT:maxwrite:MAX:%6.2lf %sb/s ');
#push @this, sprintf('GPRINT:write:AVERAGE:%6.2lf %sb/s ');
#push @this, sprintf('GPRINT:write:LAST:%6.2lf %sb/s\\n');
#push @this, sprintf('CDEF:%s=read,0,*,%s,+' , 'zeroline' , '0');
#push @this, sprintf('%s:%s' , 'LINE1' , 'zeroline' );
print "Graphing $hash traffic $thumb.\n" if $VERBOSE;
($averages,$xsize,$ysize) = RRDs::graph @this;
warn RRDs::error if RRDs::error;
$body{$section} .= " ";
$body{$section} .= "";
$body{$section} .= "";
#$body{$section} .= "
$body{$section} .= "
$body{$section} .= '
sub makeTotalTrafficPic($$$) {
my ($file, $age, $include15min) = @_;
my @totalTraffic = ();
push @totalTraffic, $file;
push @totalTraffic, sprintf('-s %s', $NOW-$age);
#push @totalTraffic, sprintf('-s %s', $START_AT);
push @totalTraffic, sprintf('-e %s', $END_AT);
#push @totalTraffic, sprintf('-e %s', $NOW- 2*24*3600);
push @totalTraffic, sprintf('-t %s', "Total Traffic");
push @totalTraffic, sprintf('-aPNG');
push @totalTraffic, sprintf('-v %s', "Bandwidth Used");
#push @totalTraffic, sprintf('-w %d', 600);
#push @totalTraffic, sprintf('-h %d', 400);
push @totalTraffic, sprintf('-w %d', 497);
push @totalTraffic, sprintf('-h %d', 201);
#push @totalTraffic, sprintf('-h %d', 301);
#push @totalTraffic, sprintf('-h %d', 271);
push @totalTraffic, @nodesTraffic;
push @totalTraffic, sprintf('AREA:aggread%d#00FF00:Read bytes/s', $traf_item_counter);
push @totalTraffic, sprintf('LINE2:aggwrite%d#0000FF:Write bytes/s', $traf_item_counter);
push @totalTraffic, sprintf('LINE1:max_aggread%d#009A2C:Read [max 15min]', $traf_item_counter) if $include15min;
push @totalTraffic, sprintf('LINE1:max_aggwrite%d#5555FF:Write [max 15min]', $traf_item_counter) if $include15min;
#push @totalTraffic, sprintf('LINE1:min_aggread%d#FF76D4:Read [min]', $traf_item_counter);
#push @totalTraffic, sprintf('LINE1:min_aggwrite%d#222255:Write [min]', $traf_item_counter);
##MAX_AGGCAPACITY##push @totalTraffic, sprintf('LINE1:max_aggcapacity%d#FF5555:Capacity', $traf_item_counter);
push @totalTraffic, sprintf('CDEF:zeroline=aggread%d,0,*', $traf_item_counter);
push @totalTraffic, sprintf('%s:%s' , 'LINE1' , 'zeroline' );
print "Graphing total traffic $file $age $include15min.\n" if $VERBOSE;
my ($averages,$xsize,$ysize) = RRDs::graph @totalTraffic;
warn RRDs::error if RRDs::error;
return ($averages,$xsize,$ysize);
sub makeNumbersGraph($$) {
my ($file, $age) = @_;
my @params;
push @params, $file;
push @params, sprintf('-s %s', $NOW-$age);
push @params, sprintf('-e %s', $END_AT);
#push @params, sprintf('-e %s', $NOW- 2*24*3600);
push @params, sprintf('-t %s', "Running routers");
push @params, sprintf('-aPNG');
push @params, sprintf('-v %s', "# Routers");
#push @params, sprintf('-w %d', 600);
#push @params, sprintf('-h %d', 400);
push @params, sprintf('-w %d', 497);
push @params, sprintf('-h %d', 301);
#push @params, sprintf('-h %d', 271);
push @params, sprintf('DEF:%s=%s:%s:%s', 'd_runningVerified' , $RRD, 'runningVerified', 'AVERAGE');
push @params, sprintf('CDEF:%s=%s' , 'c_runningVerified' , 'd_runningVerified');
push @params, sprintf('DEF:%s=%s:%s:%s', 'd_runningUnverified' , $RRD, 'runningUnverified', 'AVERAGE');
push @params, sprintf('CDEF:%s=%s' , 'c_runningUnverified' , 'd_runningUnverified');
push @params, sprintf('DEF:%s=%s:%s:%s', 'd_exit80Verified' , $RRD, 'exit80Verified', 'AVERAGE');
push @params, sprintf('CDEF:%s=%s' , 'c_exit80Verified' , 'd_exit80Verified');
push @params, sprintf('DEF:%s=%s:%s:%s', 'd_f_runningVerified' , $RRD, 'fastRunningVerified', 'AVERAGE');
push @params, sprintf('CDEF:%s=%s' , 'c_f_runningVerified' , 'd_f_runningVerified');
push @params, sprintf('DEF:%s=%s:%s:%s', 'd_f_runningUnverified' , $RRD, 'fastRunningUnverifi', 'AVERAGE');
push @params, sprintf('CDEF:%s=%s' , 'c_f_runningUnverified' , 'd_f_runningUnverified');
push @params, sprintf('DEF:%s=%s:%s:%s', 'd_f_exit80Verified' , $RRD, 'fastExit80Verified', 'AVERAGE');
push @params, sprintf('CDEF:%s=%s' , 'c_f_exit80Verified' , 'd_f_exit80Verified');
#push @params, sprintf('%s:%s#%s:%s' , 'AREA' , 'c_runningVerified' , '7777FF', 'verified Nodes' );
#push @params, sprintf('%s:%s#%s:%s' , 'STACK' , 'c_runningUnverified' , 'FF7700', 'unverified Nodes' );
#push @params, sprintf('%s:%s#%s:%s' , 'LINE3' , 'c_exit80Verified' , '00FF00', 'verified Nodes exiting to port 80' );
push @params, sprintf('%s:%s#%s:%s' , 'AREA' , 'c_runningVerified' , 'AAAAFF', 'verified Nodes' );
push @params, sprintf('%s:%s#%s:%s' , 'STACK' , 'c_runningUnverified' , 'FF7700', '+unverified Nodes' );
push @params, sprintf('%s:%s#%s:%s' , 'LINE2' , 'c_exit80Verified' , 'BBFFBB', 'verified Nodes exiting to port 80' );
push @params, sprintf('%s:%s#%s:%s' , 'LINE3' , 'c_f_runningVerified' , '0000FF', 'fast verified Nodes' );
push @params, sprintf('%s:%s#%s:%s' , 'STACK' , 'c_f_runningUnverified' , 'FF0000', '+fast unverified Nodes' );
push @params, sprintf('%s:%s#%s:%s' , 'LINE3' , 'c_f_exit80Verified' , '00FF00', 'fast verified Nodes exiting to port 80' );
push @params, sprintf('CDEF:%s=d_runningVerified,0,*,%s,+' , 'zeroline' , '0');
push @params, sprintf('%s:%s' , 'LINE1' , 'zeroline' );
print "Graphing numbers $file $age.\n" if $VERBOSE;
my ($averages,$xsize,$ysize) = RRDs::graph @params;
warn RRDs::error if RRDs::error;
return ($averages,$xsize,$ysize);
my $html = "Number of Running Tor routers";
$html .= "";
$html .= "..\n";
$html .= << 'EOF';
Note: this list is not updated anymore as of August 2007.
Check out
of the
listed on the Tor documentation page.
my ($averages,$xsize,$ysize);
#my (undef,undef,$hour,undef,undef,undef,$wday,undef,undef) = localtime(time);
makeNumbersGraph($RESULT_DIR.'/totalWeekly.png', 7*24*3600);
makeNumbersGraph($RESULT_DIR.'/totalBiWeekly.png', 14*24*3600);
makeNumbersGraph($RESULT_DIR.'/totalMonthly.png', 35*24*3600);
# XXX do run only every so often
#makeNumbersGraph($RESULT_DIR.'/totalLong.png', $LONG_TIME_MONTHS*30*24*3600) if ($hour < 10 && $wday == 1);
makeNumbersGraph($RESULT_DIR.'/totalLong.png', $LONG_TIME_MONTHS*30*24*3600);
($averages,$xsize,$ysize) = makeNumbersGraph($RESULT_DIR.'/total.png', $NOW - $START_AT);
$html .= "";
$html .= "\"Fast\" means a capacity of over 20,000 bytes/second
$html .= "Number of routers over the last $LONG_TIME_MONTHS months | ";
$html .= " last month |";
$html .= " last 2 weeks |";
$html .= " last week
makeTotalTrafficPic($RESULT_DIR.'/totalTrafficWeekly.png', 7*24*3600, 1);
makeTotalTrafficPic($RESULT_DIR.'/totalTrafficBiWeekly.png', 14*24*3600, 1);
makeTotalTrafficPic($RESULT_DIR.'/totalTrafficMonthly.png', 35*24*3600, 0);
# XXX do run only every so often
#makeTotalTrafficPic($RESULT_DIR.'/totalTrafficLong.png', $LONG_TIME_MONTHS*30*24*3600, 0) if ($hour < 10 && $wday == 1);
makeTotalTrafficPic($RESULT_DIR.'/totalTrafficLong.png', $LONG_TIME_MONTHS*30*24*3600, 0);
($averages,$xsize,$ysize) = makeTotalTrafficPic($RESULT_DIR.'/totalTraffic.png', $NOW - $START_AT, 0);
$html .= "";
$html .= "Bandwidth usage for last $LONG_TIME_MONTHS months | ";
$html .= " last month |";
$html .= " last 2 weeks |";
$html .= " last week
$html .= "The directory is downloaded from ";
$html .= "http://tor.noreply.org/tor/";
$html .= " at regular intervals.
#$html .= "Other directory sources are ";
# $html .= "http://moria.seul.org:9031/tor/";
#$html .= " and\n";
# $html .= "http://moria.seul.org:9032/tor/";
$html .= ".";
$html .= "
Recent Nodes
$html .= "";
#$html .= $body{'current'};
$html .= "Older Nodes
$html .= "";
#$html .= $body{'current'};
$html .= "
$html .= 'Images created with Tobi Oetiker\'s rrdtool'."\n";
$html .= "
\nBuilt at $GMTIME on $HOSTNAME
$html .= "Peter Palfrader <web\@palfrader.org>\n";
$html .= "\n";
open (F, ">$RESULT_DIR/index.html") or die ("Cannot open index.html: $!\n");
print F $html;
close F;
open (F, ">$RESULT_DIR/current.html") or die ("Cannot open current.html: $!\n");
print F "Current Tor Routers",
'Images created with Tobi Oetiker\'s rrdtool'."\n",
\nBuilt at $GMTIME on $HOSTNAME
"Peter Palfrader <web\@palfrader.org>\n",
close F;
open (F, ">$RESULT_DIR/old.html") or die ("Cannot open old.html: $!\n");
print F "Older Tor Routers",
'Images created with Tobi Oetiker\'s rrdtool'."\n",
\nBuilt at $GMTIME on $HOSTNAME
"Peter Palfrader <web\@palfrader.org>\n",
close F;
my %imgs = (
totalLong => 'Number of routers over the last '.$LONG_TIME_MONTHS.' months',
totalMonthly => 'Number of routers over the last month',
totalBiWeekly => 'Number of routers over the last 2 weeks',
totalWeekly => 'Number of routers over the last week',
totalTrafficLong => 'Traffic over the last '.$LONG_TIME_MONTHS.' months',
totalTrafficMonthly => 'Traffic over the last month',
totalTrafficBiWeekly => 'Traffic over the last 2 weeks',
totalTrafficWeekly => 'Traffic over the last week' );
for my $key (keys %imgs) {
open (F, ">$RESULT_DIR/$key.html") or die ("Cannot open $key.html: $!\n");
print F "$imgs{$key}",
\nBuilt at $GMTIME on $HOSTNAME
"Peter Palfrader <web\@palfrader.org>\n",
close F;