#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use RRDs; use BER; use Time::ParseDate; use Compress::Zlib; my $NOW = time; my $VERBOSE = 0; my $RRD = '/home/weasel/www/www.noreply.org/Build/other/mixminion/rrd/nodes.rrd'; my $RRD_DIR = '/home/weasel/www/www.noreply.org/Build/other/mixminion/rrd/nodes'; my $DIR_DIR = '/home/weasel/www/www.noreply.org/Build/other/mixminion/mixminion-directory'; sub check_exists($) { my ($rrd) = @_; return if (-e $rrd); my @params = ($rrd); push @params, '-b', 'now - 1 year', qw{ --step 14400 DS:inDirectory:GAUGE:172800:U:U DS:recommended:GAUGE:172800:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:21900 }; print "Creating rrd: $rrd...\n" if $VERBOSE; RRDs::create @params; my $err=RRDs::error; warn "ERROR while creating $rrd: $err\n" if $err; } sub get_last($) { my ($rrd) = @_; my $last = 0; if ( -e $rrd) { $last = RRDs::last($rrd); my $err = RRDs::error; warn "ERROR while getting last for $rrd: $err\n" if $err; }; return $last; }; check_exists($RRD); my $last = get_last($RRD); opendir(DIR, $RRD_DIR) || die ("Cannot opendir $RRD_DIR: $!\n"); my @rrdfiles = grep { /\.rrd$/ } readdir (DIR); closedir(DIR); my %last_node; for my $rrdfile (@rrdfiles) { my $nodename = $rrdfile; $nodename =~ s/\.rrd$//; $last_node{$nodename} = get_last($RRD_DIR.'/'.$rrdfile); } my @dirfiles; if (scalar @ARGV) { @dirfiles = @ARGV; } else { opendir(DIR, $DIR_DIR) || die ("Cannot opendir $DIR_DIR: $!\n"); @dirfiles = sort { ($a cmp $b) } grep { /^directory-/ } readdir (DIR); closedir(DIR); }; my @updateGlobal; my %updates; for my $dir (@dirfiles) { print "Doing $dir\n" if $VERBOSE; open (DIRECTORY, $DIR_DIR.'/'.$dir) || die ("Cannot open $DIR_DIR/$dir: $!\n"); my $compressed_dir = join '', ; close (DIRECTORY); my $directory = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($compressed_dir); my $published = undef; my $recommended_servers = undef; my %in_directory; my %is_recommended; my $section = '' ; for my $line (split /\r?\n/, $directory) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ /^\[(.*)\]\s*$/) { $section = $1; }; if ($section eq 'Directory' && $line =~ /^Published: (\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})$/) { my $date = $1; print "Found published: $date\n" if ($VERBOSE >= 3); $date =~ s#/#-#g; $published = parsedate($date); print "Parsed as $published (".(gmtime $published).")\n" if ($VERBOSE >= 4); }; if ($section eq 'Directory' && $line =~ m#^Published: (\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})$#) { my $date = $1; print "Found published: $date\n" if ($VERBOSE >= 3); $date =~ s#/#-#g; $published = parsedate($date); print "Parsed as $published (".(gmtime $published).")\n" if ($VERBOSE >= 4); }; if ($section eq 'Directory' && $line =~ /^Recommended-Servers: \s*(.*?)\s*$/) { $recommended_servers = $1 }; if ($section eq 'Server' && $line =~ /Nickname: ([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\s*$/) { $in_directory{$1} = 1; }; } close (DIRECTORY); my @recommended_servers = split /,?\s*\s+/, $recommended_servers; for my $node (@recommended_servers) { $is_recommended{$node} = 1; } if ($published > $last) { push @updateGlobal, $published.':'.(scalar keys %in_directory).':'.(scalar @recommended_servers); $last = $published; print "at ".(gmtime $published)." there are ".(scalar keys %in_directory).' in the directory and '.(scalar @recommended_servers)." recommended servers\n" if ($VERBOSE >= 3); } else { print "ignoring data at ".(gmtime $published)." because it's older than ".(gmtime $last)."\n" if ($VERBOSE >= 3); }; for my $node (keys %in_directory) { if (!defined $last_node{$node} || $published > $last_node{$node}) { push @{$updates{$node}}, $published.':1:'.( defined $is_recommended{$node} ? '1' : '0' ); $last_node{$node} = $published; } delete $is_recommended{$node}; } if (scalar keys %is_recommended) { my $nodes = join ', ', keys %is_recommended; warn ("$nodes recommended but not in directory.\n"); } }; if (scalar @updateGlobal != 0) { check_exists($RRD); RRDs::update( $RRD, @updateGlobal ); my $err=RRDs::error; warn "ERROR while updating $RRD: $err\n" if $err; }; for my $node (keys %updates) { if ($node =~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/) { warn ("Illegal characters in node name '$node'\n"); next; }; my $rrd = $RRD_DIR.'/'.$node.'.rrd'; check_exists($rrd); RRDs::update( $rrd, @{$updates{$node}} ); my $err=RRDs::error; warn "ERROR while updating $rrd: $err\n" if $err; };