
Remailer Reliability Stats []

This pinger automatically collects and generates remailer reliability statistics for both Type I (Cypherpunk) and Type II (Mixmaster) remailers. It also offers current keyrings and each remailer's reply to remailer-xxx queries for your convenience.

Available Stats

Cypherpunk (Type I) Cypherpunk (Type I) Mixmaster (Type II) Combined
v1 (rsa) (dsa) (cleartext) v1 V2
v2 (rsa) (dsa) (cleartext) v2

Out of the Cypherpunk and Mixmaster remailers ( unique addresses) on these stats there are CPunks and Mixes over 98.0% in terms of overall reliability.

Available Keyrings

Cypherpunk (Type I) Mixmaster (Type II)
RSA only pubring.mix
RSA and DSA type2.list


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