$Id: TODO,v 1.56 2003/06/06 09:35:24 weasel Exp $ Legend: - Not done * Top priority . Partially done o Done D Deferred X Abandoned - --verbose doesn't gain that much anymore. update README. - normal distribution is plain out wrong for latency - change to median for the latency column - assumption on whether a ping is lost should be changed from the normal distribution caluclation to quantiles - updated information with from lines - fix pingtcl to wait for pingd to shut down (like the Debian package already does) - optimize chain pinger: cache callids in chainpinging - md5 is not that cheap - debian init script mag setremaielrcaps nicht Tue 21:02:36 # /etc/init.d/echolot setremailercaps '$remailer{"lcs"} = " mix klen1000";' Tue 21:02:36 Running Echolot Ping Daemon: pingd setremailercaps... Tue 21:02:36 caps '{lcs}' is not a valid remailer caps line - check behaviour if we lag behind schedule - some events can't be missed (there's no point in scheduling 20 buildstats) some can't (pinging) - clean up tmp files can be done later: - ping mail2news gates - ping remailer -> usenet, summarize from lines - have different stats philosophies (pessimist, optimist..) - allow capsstring overrides/additions - check gnupg version number on startup - have a way to always have certain keys in the keyring (manually add nym's keyrings) This is not necessary if we add real nymserv pinging - ping nymservers - chain preload and postload D rotate secret D parse bounces and mark pings as dead immediatly D separate keys in remailer-key reply if they share the same armor (cmeclex is the only one doing this. AARG) D query other stat pages for new remailers X get rid of dependency on mix X get rid of dependency on gnupg