package Echolot::Stats; # (c) 2002 Peter Palfrader # $Id:,v 1.15 2002/07/10 23:20:40 weasel Exp $ # =pod =head1 Name Echolot::Stats - produce Stats, keyrings et al =head1 DESCRIPTION This package provides functions for generating remailer stats, and keyrings. =cut use strict; use warnings; use Carp qw{cluck}; use constant DAYS => 12; use constant SECS_PER_DAY => 24 * 60 * 60; use English; use HTML::Template; use Statistics::Distrib::Normal qw{}; my @WDAY = qw{Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat}; my @MON = qw{Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec}; my $NORMAL = new Statistics::Distrib::Normal; $NORMAL->mu(0); $NORMAL->sigma(1); sub makeDate() { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = gmtime(); sprintf("%s %02d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", $WDAY[$wday], $mday, $MON[$mon], $year + 1900, $hour, $min, $sec); }; sub makeMinHr($$) { my ($sec, $includesec) = @_; my ($s, $m, $h); if (defined $sec) { $s = $sec % 60; $m = $sec / 60 % 60; $h = int ($sec / 60 / 60); }; if ((! defined $sec) || ($sec < 0) || ($h > 99)) { $h = 99; $m = 59; $s = 59; }; if ($includesec) { if ($h) { return sprintf ("%2d:%02d:%02d", $h, $m, $s); } elsif ($m) { return sprintf ( " %2d:%02d", $m, $s); } else { return sprintf ( " %2d", $s); }; } else { if ($h) { return sprintf ("%2d:%02d", $h, $m); } else { return sprintf ( " :%02d", $m); }; }; }; sub build_list1_latencystr($) { my ($lat) = @_; my $str = '?' x DAYS; for my $day (0 .. DAYS - 1) { substr($str, DAYS - 1 - $day, 1) = (defined $lat->[$day]) ? ($lat->[$day] < 300 ? '#' : ($lat->[$day] < 3600 ? '*' : ($lat->[$day] < 14400 ? '+' : ($lat->[$day] < 86400 ? '-' : ($lat->[$day] < 172800 ? '.' : '_' ))))) : ' '; }; return $str; } sub build_list2_latencystr($) { my ($lat) = @_; my $str = '?' x DAYS; for my $day (0 .. DAYS - 1) { substr($str, DAYS - 1 - $day, 1) = (defined $lat->[$day]) ? ($lat->[$day] < 20*60 ? '0' : ($lat->[$day] < 1*3600 ? '1' : ($lat->[$day] < 2*3600 ? '2' : ($lat->[$day] < 3*3600 ? '3' : ($lat->[$day] < 4*3600 ? '4' : ($lat->[$day] < 5*3600 ? '5' : ($lat->[$day] < 6*3600 ? '6' : ($lat->[$day] < 7*3600 ? '7' : ($lat->[$day] < 8*3600 ? '8' : ($lat->[$day] < 9*3600 ? '9' : ($lat->[$day] < 12*3600 ? 'A' : ($lat->[$day] < 18*3600 ? 'B' : ($lat->[$day] < 24*3600 ? 'C' : ($lat->[$day] < 30*3600 ? 'D' : ($lat->[$day] < 36*3600 ? 'E' : ($lat->[$day] < 42*3600 ? 'F' : ($lat->[$day] < 48*3600 ? 'G' : 'H' ))))))))))))))))) : '?'; }; return $str; } sub build_list2_reliabilitystr($) { my ($rel) = @_; my $str = '?' x DAYS; for my $day (0 .. DAYS - 1) { substr($str, DAYS - 1 - $day, 1) = (defined $rel->[$day]) ? (($rel->[$day] >= 0.9999) ? #(($rel->[$day] == 1) ? '+' : (int ($rel->[$day]*10))) : '?'; }; return $str; } sub build_list2_capsstr($) { my ($caps) = @_; my %caps; $caps{'middle'} = ($caps =~ m/\bmiddle\b/i); $caps{'post'} = ($caps =~ m/\bpost\b/i) || ($caps =~ m/\banon-post-to\b/i); $caps{'mix'} = ($caps =~ m/\bmix\b/i); $caps{'remix'} = ($caps =~ m/\bremix\b/i); $caps{'remix2'} = ($caps =~ m/\bremix2\b/i); $caps{'hybrid'} = ($caps =~ m/\bhybrid\b/i); $caps{'repgp2'} = ($caps =~ m/\brepgp2\b/i); $caps{'repgp'} = ($caps =~ m/\brepgp\b/i); $caps{'pgponly'} = ($caps =~ m/\bpgponly\b/i); $caps{'ext'} = ($caps =~ m/\bext\b/i); $caps{'max'} = ($caps =~ m/\bmax\b/i); $caps{'test'} = ($caps =~ m/\btest\b/i); $caps{'latent'} = ($caps =~ m/\blatent\b/i); $caps{'ek'} = ($caps =~ m/\bek\b/i); $caps{'ekx'} = ($caps =~ m/\bekx\b/i); $caps{'esub'} = ($caps =~ m/\besub\b/i); $caps{'inflt'} = ($caps =~ m/\binflt\d+\b/i); $caps{'rhop'} = ($caps =~ m/\brhop\d+\b/i); ($caps{'klen'}) = ($caps =~ m/\bklen(\d+)\b/i); my $str = ($caps{'middle'} ? 'D' : ' ') . ($caps{'post'} ? 'P' : ' ') . ($caps{'remix2'} ? '2' : ($caps{'remix'} ? 'R' : ($caps{'mix'} ? 'M' : ' ' ))) . ($caps{'hybrid'} ? 'H' : ' ') . ($caps{'repgp2'} ? '2' : ($caps{'repgp'} ? 'G' : ' ' )) . ($caps{'pgponly'} ? 'O' : ' ') . ($caps{'ext'} ? 'X' : ' ') . ($caps{'max'} ? 'A' : ' ') . ($caps{'test'} ? 'T' : ' ') . ($caps{'latent'} ? 'L' : ' ') . ($caps{'ekx'} ? 'E' : ($caps{'ek'} ? 'e' : ' ' )) . ($caps{'esub'} ? 'U' : ' ') . ($caps{'inflt'} ? 'I' : ' ') . ($caps{'rhop'} ? 'N' : ' ') . (defined $caps{'klen'} ? ($caps{'klen'} >= 900 ? '9' : ( $caps{'klen'} >= 800 ? '8' : ( $caps{'klen'} >= 700 ? '7' : ( $caps{'klen'} >= 600 ? '6' : ( $caps{'klen'} >= 500 ? '5' : ( $caps{'klen'} >= 400 ? '4' : ( $caps{'klen'} >= 300 ? '3' : ( $caps{'klen'} >= 200 ? '2' : ( $caps{'klen'} >= 100 ? '1' : '0' ))))))))) : ' '); return $str; } sub calculate($$) { my ($addr, $types) = @_; my $now = time(); my @out; my @done; for my $type (@$types) { next unless Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->has_type($addr, $type); my @keys = Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_keys($addr, $type); for my $key (@keys) { push @out, grep {$_ > $now - DAYS * SECS_PER_DAY} Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_pings($addr, $type, $key, 'out'); push @done, grep {$_->[0] > $now - DAYS * SECS_PER_DAY} Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_pings($addr, $type, $key, 'done'); }; }; my $latency = 0; my $received = 0; my $sent = 0; my @latency; my @received; my @sent; for my $done (@done) { $latency += $done->[1]; $latency [int(($now - $done->[0]) / SECS_PER_DAY)] += $done->[1]; $sent ++; $sent [int(($now - $done->[0]) / SECS_PER_DAY)] ++; $received ++; $received[int(($now - $done->[0]) / SECS_PER_DAY)] ++; }; $latency /= (scalar @done) if (scalar @done); $latency = undef unless (scalar @done); for ( 0 .. DAYS - 1 ) { $latency[$_] /= $received[$_] if ($received[$_]); }; my $variance = 0; $variance += ($latency - $_->[1]) ** 2 for (@done); $variance /= (scalar @done) if (scalar @done); my $deviation = sqrt($variance); if (scalar @out) { my @p = ($deviation != 0) ? $NORMAL->utp( map { ($now - $_ - $latency) / $deviation } @out ) : map { 0 } @out; for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @out; $i++) { $sent ++; $sent [int(($now - $out[$i]) / SECS_PER_DAY)] ++; $received += $p[$i]; $received[int(($now - $out[$i]) / SECS_PER_DAY)] += $p[$i]; }; }; $received /= $sent if ($sent); for ( 0 .. DAYS - 1 ) { $received[$_] /= $sent[$_] if ($sent[$_]); }; return { avr_latency => $latency, avr_reliability => $received, latency_day => \@latency, reliability_day => \@received }; }; sub write_file($$;$) { my ($filebasename, $html_template, $output) = @_; my $filename = $filebasename.'.txt'; open(F, '>'.$filename) or cluck("Cannot open $filename: $!\n"), return 0; print F $output; close (F); return 1 unless defined $html_template; my $template = HTML::Template->new( filename => $html_template, strict => 0, global_vars => 1 ); $template->param ( list => $output ); $template->param ( CURRENT_TIMESTAMP => scalar gmtime() ); $template->param ( SITE_NAME => Echolot::Config::get()->{'sitename'} ); $template->param ( seperate_rlist => Echolot::Config::get()->{'seperate_rlists'} ); $template->param ( combined_list => Echolot::Config::get()->{'combined_list'} ); $filename = $filebasename.'.html'; open(F, '>'.$filename) or cluck("Cannot open $filename: $!\n"), return 0; print F $template->output(); close (F); return 1; }; sub build_mlist1($$;$) { my ($rems, $filebasename, $html_template) = @_; my $output = ''; $output .= sprintf "Last update: %s\n", makeDate(); $output .= sprintf "mixmaster history latency uptime\n"; $output .= sprintf "--------------------------------------------\n"; for my $remailer (@$rems) { $output .= sprintf "%-14s %-12s %8s %6.2f%%\n", $remailer->{'nick'}, build_list1_latencystr($remailer->{'stats'}->{'latency_day'}), makeMinHr($remailer->{'stats'}->{'avr_latency'}, 1), $remailer->{'stats'}->{'avr_reliability'} * 100; }; write_file($filebasename, $html_template, $output) or cluck("writefile failed"), return 0; return 1; }; sub build_rlist1($$;$) { my ($rems, $filebasename, $html_template) = @_; my $output = ''; for my $remailer (sort {$a->{'caps'} cmp $b->{'caps'}} @$rems) { $output .= $remailer->{'caps'}."\n" } #$output .= sprintf "Groups of remailers sharing a machine or operator:\n\n"; #$output .= sprintf "Broken type-I remailer chains:\n\n"; #$output .= sprintf "Broken type-II remailer chains:\n\n"; $output .= sprintf "\n"; $output .= sprintf "Last update: %s\n", makeDate(); $output .= sprintf "remailer email address history latency uptime\n"; $output .= sprintf "-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; for my $remailer (@$rems) { $output .= sprintf "%-11s %-28s %-12s %8s %6.2f%%\n", $remailer->{'nick'}, $remailer->{'address'}, build_list1_latencystr($remailer->{'stats'}->{'latency_day'}), makeMinHr($remailer->{'stats'}->{'avr_latency'}, 1), $remailer->{'stats'}->{'avr_reliability'} * 100; }; write_file($filebasename, $html_template, $output) or cluck("writefile failed"), return 0; return 1; }; sub build_list2($$;$) { my ($rems, $filebasename, $html_template) = @_; my $output = ''; $output .= sprintf "Stats-Version: 2.0\n"; $output .= sprintf "Generated: %s\n", makeDate(); $output .= sprintf "Mixmaster Latent-Hist Latent Uptime-Hist Uptime Options\n"; $output .= sprintf "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; for my $remailer (@$rems) { $output .= sprintf "%-12s %-12s %6s %-12s %5.1f%% %s\n", $remailer->{'nick'}, build_list2_latencystr($remailer->{'stats'}->{'latency_day'}), makeMinHr($remailer->{'stats'}->{'avr_latency'}, 0), build_list2_reliabilitystr($remailer->{'stats'}->{'reliability_day'}), $remailer->{'stats'}->{'avr_reliability'} * 100, build_list2_capsstr($remailer->{'caps'}); }; #$output .= sprintf "Groups of remailers sharing a machine or operator:\n\n"; #$output .= sprintf "Broken type-I remailer chains:\n\n"; #$output .= sprintf "Broken type-II remailer chains:\n\n"; $output .= sprintf "\n\n\nRemailer-Capabilities:\n\n"; for my $remailer (sort {$a->{'caps'} cmp $b->{'caps'}} @$rems) { $output .= $remailer->{'caps'}."\n" if defined $remailer->{'caps'}; } write_file($filebasename, $html_template, $output) or cluck("writefile failed"), return 0; return 1; }; sub build_clist($$;$) { my ($remhash, $filebasename, $html_template) = @_; my $output = ''; $output .= sprintf "Stats-Version: 2.0.1\n"; $output .= sprintf "Generated: %s\n", makeDate(); $output .= sprintf "Mixmaster Latent-Hist Latent Uptime-Hist Uptime Options Type\n"; $output .= sprintf "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; my $all; for my $type (keys %$remhash) { for my $remailer (@{$remhash->{$type}}) { $all->{ $remailer->{'nick'} }->{$type} = $remailer }; }; for my $nick (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %$all) { for my $type (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$all->{$nick}}) { $output .= sprintf "%-12s %-12s %6s %-12s %5.1f%% %s %s\n", $nick, build_list2_latencystr($all->{$nick}->{$type}->{'stats'}->{'latency_day'}), makeMinHr($all->{$nick}->{$type}->{'stats'}->{'avr_latency'}, 0), build_list2_reliabilitystr($all->{$nick}->{$type}->{'stats'}->{'reliability_day'}), $all->{$nick}->{$type}->{'stats'}->{'avr_reliability'} * 100, build_list2_capsstr($all->{$nick}->{$type}->{'caps'}), $type; }; }; #$output .= sprintf "Groups of remailers sharing a machine or operator:\n\n"; #$output .= sprintf "Broken type-I remailer chains:\n\n"; #$output .= sprintf "Broken type-II remailer chains:\n\n"; $output .= sprintf "\n\n\nRemailer-Capabilities:\n\n"; for my $nick (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %$all) { for my $type (keys %{$all->{$nick}}) { $output .= $all->{$nick}->{$type}->{'caps'}."\n", last if defined $all->{$nick}->{$type}->{'caps'}; }; } write_file($filebasename, $html_template, $output) or cluck("writefile failed"), return 0; return 1; }; sub build_rems($) { my ($types) = @_; my %rems; for my $remailer (Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_remailers()) { my $addr = $remailer->{'address'}; my $has_type = 0; for my $type (@$types) { $has_type = 1, last if (Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->has_type($addr, $type)); }; next unless $has_type; my $rem = { 'stats' => calculate($addr,$types), 'nick' => Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_nick($addr), 'caps' => Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_capabilities($addr), 'address' => $addr, 'showit' => $remailer->{'showit'} }; $rems{$addr} = $rem if (defined $rem->{'stats'} && defined $rem->{'nick'} && defined $rem->{'address'} && defined $rem->{'caps'} ); }; my @rems = sort { - ($a->{'stats'}->{'avr_reliability'} <=> $b->{'stats'}->{'avr_reliability'}) || ($a->{'nick'} cmp $b->{'nick'}) } map { $rems{$_} } keys %rems; return \@rems; }; sub build_lists() { my $clist; my $pubclist; my $rems; my $pubrems; $rems = build_rems(['mix']); @$pubrems = grep { $_->{'showit'} } @$rems; build_mlist1( $rems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'private_resultdir'}.'/'.'mlist'); build_list2( $rems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'private_resultdir'}.'/'.'mlist2'); build_mlist1( $pubrems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/'.'mlist', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'mlist'}); build_list2( $pubrems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/'.'mlist2', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'mlist2'}); if (Echolot::Config::get()->{'combined_list'}) { $clist->{'mix'} = $rems; $pubclist->{'mix'} = $pubrems; $pubrems = undef; }; $rems = build_rems(['cpunk-rsa', 'cpunk-dsa', 'cpunk-clear']); @$pubrems = grep { $_->{'showit'} } @$rems; build_rlist1( $rems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'private_resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist'); build_list2( $rems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'private_resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist2'); build_rlist1( $pubrems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'rlist'}); build_list2( $pubrems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist2', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'rlist2'}); if (Echolot::Config::get()->{'combined_list'} && ! Echolot::Config::get()->{'seperate_rlists'}) { $clist->{'cpunk'} = $rems; $pubclist->{'cpunk'} = $pubrems; $pubrems = undef; }; if (Echolot::Config::get()->{'seperate_rlists'}) { $rems = build_rems(['cpunk-rsa']); @$pubrems = grep { $_->{'showit'} } @$rems; build_rlist1( $rems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'private_resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist-rsa', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'rlist-rsa'}); build_list2( $rems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'private_resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist2-rsa', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'rlist2-rsa'}); build_rlist1( $pubrems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist-rsa', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'rlist-rsa'}); build_list2( $pubrems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist2-rsa', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'rlist2-rsa'}); if (Echolot::Config::get()->{'combined_list'}) { $clist->{'cpunk-rsa'} = $rems; $pubclist->{'cpunk-rsa'} = $pubrems; $pubrems = undef; }; $rems = build_rems(['cpunk-dsa']); @$pubrems = grep { $_->{'showit'} } @$rems; build_rlist1( $rems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'private_resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist-dsa', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'rlist-dsa'}); build_list2( $rems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'private_resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist2-dsa', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'rlist2-dsa'}); build_rlist1( $pubrems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist-dsa', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'rlist-dsa'}); build_list2( $pubrems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist2-dsa', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'rlist2-dsa'}); if (Echolot::Config::get()->{'combined_list'}) { $clist->{'cpunk-dsa'} = $rems; $pubclist->{'cpunk-dsa'} = $pubrems; $pubrems = undef; }; $rems = build_rems(['cpunk-clear']); @$pubrems = grep { $_->{'showit'} } @$rems; build_rlist1( $rems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'private_resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist-clear', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'rlist-clear'}); build_list2( $rems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'private_resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist2-clear', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'rlist2-clear'}); build_rlist1( $pubrems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist-clear', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'rlist-clear'}); build_list2( $pubrems, Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/'.'rlist2-clear', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'rlist2-clear'}); if (Echolot::Config::get()->{'combined_list'}) { $clist->{'cpunk-clear'} = $rems; $pubclist->{'cpunk-clear'} = $pubrems; $pubrems = undef; }; }; if (Echolot::Config::get()->{'combined_list'}) { build_clist( $clist, Echolot::Config::get()->{'private_resultdir'}.'/'.'clist', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'clist'}); build_clist( $pubclist, Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/'.'clist', Echolot::Config::get()->{'templates'}->{'clist'}); }; }; sub build_mixring() { my $filename = Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/pubring.mix'; open(F, '>'.$filename) or cluck("Cannot open $filename: $!\n"), return 0; $filename = Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/type2.list'; open(T2L, '>'.$filename) or cluck("Cannot open $filename: $!\n"), return 0; for my $remailer (Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_remailers()) { next unless $remailer->{'showit'}; my $addr = $remailer->{'address'}; next unless Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->has_type($addr, 'mix'); my %key; for my $keyid (Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_keys($addr, 'mix')) { my %new_key = Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_key($addr, 'mix', $keyid); if (!defined $key{'last_update'} || $key{'last_update'} < $new_key{'last_update'} ) { %key = %new_key; }; }; # only if we have a conf if ( defined Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_nick($addr) ) { print F $key{'summary'},"\n\n"; print F $key{'key'},"\n\n"; print T2L $key{'summary'},"\n"; }; }; close(F); close(T2L); }; sub build_pgpring_type($$$) { my ($type, $GnuPG, $keyring) = @_; for my $remailer (Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_remailers()) { next unless $remailer->{'showit'}; my $addr = $remailer->{'address'}; next unless Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->has_type($addr, $type); my %key; for my $keyid (Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_keys($addr, $type)) { my %new_key = Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_key($addr, $type, $keyid); if (!defined $key{'last_update'} || $key{'last_update'} < $new_key{'last_update'} ) { %key = %new_key; }; }; # only if we have a conf if ( defined Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_nick($addr) ) { my ( $stdin_fh, $stdout_fh, $stderr_fh, $status_fh ) = ( IO::Handle->new(), IO::Handle->new(), IO::Handle->new(), IO::Handle->new(), ); my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new ( stdin => $stdin_fh, stdout => $stdout_fh, stderr => $stderr_fh, status => $status_fh ); my $pid = $GnuPG->wrap_call( commands => [ '--import' ], command_args => [qw{--no-options --no-default-keyring --fast-list-mode --keyring}, $keyring, '--', '-' ], handles => $handles ); print $stdin_fh $key{'key'}; close($stdin_fh); my $stdout = join '', <$stdout_fh>; close($stdout_fh); my $stderr = join '', <$stderr_fh>; close($stderr_fh); my $status = join '', <$status_fh>; close($status_fh); waitpid $pid, 0; ($stdout eq '') or cluck("GnuPG returned something in stdout '$stdout' while adding key for '$addr': So what?\n"); unless ($status =~ /^^\[GNUPG:\] IMPORTED /m) { if ($status =~ /^^\[GNUPG:\] IMPORT_RES /m) { cluck("GnuPG status '$status' indicates more than one key for '$addr' imporeted. Ignoring.\n"); } else { cluck("GnuPG status '$status' didn't indicate key for '$addr' was imporeted correctly. Ignoring.\n"); }; }; }; }; return 1; }; sub build_pgpring_export($$$) { my ($GnuPG, $keyring, $file) = @_; my ( $stdin_fh, $stdout_fh, $stderr_fh, $status_fh ) = ( IO::Handle->new(), IO::Handle->new(), IO::Handle->new(), IO::Handle->new(), ); my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new ( stdin => $stdin_fh, stdout => $stdout_fh, stderr => $stderr_fh, status => $status_fh ); my $pid = $GnuPG->wrap_call( commands => [ '--export' ], command_args => [qw{--no-options --no-default-keyring --keyring}, $keyring ], handles => $handles ); close($stdin_fh); my $stdout = join '', <$stdout_fh>; close($stdout_fh); my $stderr = join '', <$stderr_fh>; close($stderr_fh); my $status = join '', <$status_fh>; close($status_fh); waitpid $pid, 0; open (F, ">$file") or cluck ("Cannot open '$file': $!"), return 0; print F $stdout; close F; return 1; }; sub build_pgpring() { my $GnuPG = new GnuPG::Interface; $GnuPG->options->hash_init( armor => 1, homedir => Echolot::Config::get()->{'gnupghome'} ); $GnuPG->options->meta_interactive( 0 ); my $keyring = Echolot::Config::get()->{'tmpdir'}.'/'. Echolot::Globals::get()->{'hostname'}.".".time.'.'.$PROCESS_ID.'_'.Echolot::Globals::get()->{'internalcounter'}++.'.keyring'; build_pgpring_type('cpunk-rsa', $GnuPG, $keyring) or cluck("build_pgpring_type failed"), return undef; build_pgpring_export($GnuPG, $keyring, Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/pgp-rsa.asc') or cluck("build_pgpring_export failed"), return undef; build_pgpring_type('cpunk-dsa', $GnuPG, $keyring) or cluck("build_pgpring_type failed"), return undef; build_pgpring_export($GnuPG, $keyring, Echolot::Config::get()->{'resultdir'}.'/pgp-all.asc') or cluck("build_pgpring_export failed"), return undef; unlink ($keyring) or cluck("Cannot unlink tmp keyring '$keyring'"), return undef; unlink ($keyring.'~'); # gnupg does those evil backups }; sub build_stats() { build_lists(); }; sub build_keys() { build_mixring(); build_pgpring(); }; 1; # vim: set ts=4 shiftwidth=4: