package Echolot::Pinger; # (c) 2002 Peter Palfrader # $Id:,v 1.8 2002/07/02 13:57:09 weasel Exp $ # =pod =head1 Name Echolot::Pinger - actual sending and receiving of Pings. =head1 DESCRIPTION This package provides functions for sending out and receiving pings. =cut use strict; use warnings; use Carp qw{cluck}; use English; use Echolot::Pinger::Mix; use Echolot::Pinger::CPunk; my @primes = qw{13 1997 173 1051 59 6 97883 197 3 2 109 127 7}; sub makeHash($) { my ($text) = @_; my $sum = 0; for (my $i=0; $i < length($text); $i++) { $sum += ord( substr($text, $i, 1) ) * $primes[ $i % (scalar @primes) ]; }; return $sum; }; sub do_mix_ping($$$$$) { my ($address, $keyid, $time, $to, $body) = @_; my %key = Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_key($address, 'mix', $keyid); Echolot::Pinger::Mix::ping( $body, $to, [ $key{'nick'} ], { $keyid => \%key } ) or return 0; return 1; }; sub do_cpunk_ping($$$$$$) { my ($address, $type, $keyid, $time, $to, $body) = @_; my %key = Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_key($address, $type, $keyid); Echolot::Pinger::CPunk::ping( $body, $to, [ { address => $address, keyid => $keyid } ], { $keyid => \%key }, $type eq 'cpunk-rsa' ) or return 0; return 1; }; sub do_ping($$$) { my ($type, $address, $key) = @_; my $now = time(); my $token = $address.':'.$type.':'.$key.':'.$now; my $mac = Echolot::Tools::make_mac($token); my $body = "remailer: $address\n". "type: $type\n". "key: $key\n". "sent: $now\n". "mac: $mac\n"; my $to = Echolot::Tools::make_address('ping'); if ($type eq 'mix') { do_mix_ping($address, $key, $now, $to, $body); } elsif ($type eq 'cpunk-rsa' || $type eq 'cpunk-dsa') { do_cpunk_ping($address, $type, $key, $now, $to, $body); } else { cluck ("Don't know how to handle ping type $type"); return 0; }; Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->register_pingout($address, $type, $key, $now); return 1; }; sub send_pings() { my $call_intervall = Echolot::Config::get()->{'pinger_interval'}; my $send_every_n_calls = Echolot::Config::get()->{'ping_every_nth_time'}; my $now = time(); my @remailers = Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_remailers(); for my $remailer (@remailers) { my $timemod = ($now / $call_intervall); my $this_call_id = $timemod % $send_every_n_calls; my $this_remailer_id = makeHash($remailer) % $send_every_n_calls; next unless ($this_call_id eq $this_remailer_id); for my $type (Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_types($remailer)) { for my $key (Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_keys($remailer, $type)) { print "ping calling $type, $remailer, $key\n" if Echolot::Config::get()->{'verbose'}; do_ping($type, $remailer, $key); } }; }; return 1; }; sub receive($$$) { my ($body, $token, $timestamp) = @_; my $now = time(); my ($addr) = $body =~ /^remailer: (.*)$/m; my ($type) = $body =~ /^type: (.*)$/m; my ($key) = $body =~ /^key: (.*)$/m; my ($sent) = $body =~ /^sent: (.*)$/m; my ($mac) = $body =~ /^mac: (.*)$/m; my $cleanstring = (defined $addr ? $addr : 'undef') . ':' . (defined $type ? $type : 'undef') . ':' . (defined $key ? $key : 'undef') . ':' . (defined $sent ? $sent : 'undef') . ':' . (defined $mac ? $mac : 'undef') . ':'; (defined $addr && defined $type && defined $key && defined $sent && defined $mac) or warn ("Received ping at $timestamp has undefined values: $cleanstring\n"), #FIXME: logging return 0; Echolot::Tools::verify_mac($addr.':'.$type.':'.$key.':'.$sent, $mac) or warn ("Received ping at $timestamp has wrong mac; $cleanstring\n"), #FIXME: logging return 0; Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->register_pingdone($addr, $type, $key, $sent, $now - $sent) or return 0; return 1; }; 1; # vim: set ts=4 shiftwidth=4: