package Echolot::Conf; # (c) 2002 Peter Palfrader # $Id:,v 1.1 2002/06/05 04:05:40 weasel Exp $ # =pod =head1 Name Echolot::Conf - remailer Configuration/Capabilities =head1 DESCRIPTION This package provides functions for requesting, parsing, and analyzing remailer-conf and remailer-key replies. =cut use strict; use warnings; use Carp qw{cluck}; sub send_requests() { Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->delay_commit(); for my $remailer (Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_addresses()) { next unless ($remailer->{'status'} eq 'active'); for my $type (qw{conf key help stats}) { Echolot::Tools::send_message( 'To' => $remailer->{'address'}, 'Subject' => 'remailer-'.$type, 'Token' => $type.'.'.$remailer->{'id'}) }; Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->decrease_ttl($remailer->{'address'}); }; Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->enable_commit(); }; sub remailer_conf($$$) { my ($conf, $token, $time) = @_; my ($id) = $token =~ /^conf\.(\d+)$/; cluck("Could not find id in token '$token'"), return 0 unless defined $id; my ($remailer_type) = ($conf =~ /^\s*Remailer-Type:\s* (.*?) \s*$/imx); cluck("No remailer type found in remailer_conf from '$token'"), return 0 unless defined $remailer_type; my ($remailer_caps) = ($conf =~ /^\s*( \$remailer{".*"} \s*=\s* "<.*@.*>.*"; )\s*$/imx); cluck("No remailer caps found in remailer_conf from '$token'"), return 0 unless defined $remailer_caps; my ($remailer_nick, $remailer_address) = ($remailer_caps =~ /^\s* \$remailer{"(.*)"} \s*=\s* "<(.*@.*)>.*"; \s*$/ix); cluck("No remailer nick found in remailer_caps from '$token': '$remailer_caps'"), return 0 unless defined $remailer_nick; cluck("No remailer address found in remailer_caps from '$token': '$remailer_caps'"), return 0 unless defined $remailer_address; my $remailer = Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->get_address_by_id($id); if ($remailer->{'address'} ne $remailer_address) { # Address mismatch -> Ignore reply and add $remailer_address to prospective addresses cluck("Remailer address mismatch $remailer->{'address'} vs $remailer_address. Adding latter to prospective remailers."); Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->add_prospective_address($remailer_address, 'conf-reply'); } else { Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->restore_ttl( $remailer->{'address'} ); Echolot::Globals::get()->{'storage'}->set_caps($remailer_type, $remailer_caps, $remailer_nick, $remailer_address, $time); } }; sub remailer_key($$$) { my ($conf, $token, $time) = @_; print "Remailer key\n"; }; sub remailer_stats($$$) { my ($conf, $token, $time) = @_; #print "Remailer stats\n"; }; sub remailer_help($$$) { my ($conf, $token, $time) = @_; #print "Remailer help\n"; }; 1; # vim: set ts=4 shiftwidth=4: