#! /bin/false if [ -e /etc/zsh/zshenv ]; then . /etc/zsh/zshenv fi HOSTNAME="`hostname`" SYSTEM="`uname -s`" ARCH="`uname -m`" case "$TERM" in linux) # Linux console bindkey '\e[1~' beginning-of-line # Home bindkey '\e[4~' end-of-line # End bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char # Del bindkey '\e[2~' overwrite-mode # Insert ;; screen) # The textmode window manager # In Linux console bindkey '\e[1~' beginning-of-line # Home bindkey '\e[4~' end-of-line # End bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char # Del bindkey '\e[2~' overwrite-mode # Insert bindkey '\e[7~' beginning-of-line # home bindkey '\e[8~' end-of-line # end # In rxvt bindkey '\eOc' forward-word # ctrl cursor right bindkey '\eOd' backward-word # ctrl cursor left bindkey '\e[3~' backward-delete-char # This should not be necessary! ;; rxvt) bindkey '\e[7~' beginning-of-line # home bindkey '\e[8~' end-of-line # end bindkey '\eOc' forward-word # ctrl cursor right bindkey '\eOd' backward-word # ctrl cursor left bindkey '\e[3~' backward-delete-char # This should not be necessary! bindkey '\e[2~' overwrite-mode # Insert ;; xterm*) bindkey '\e[H' beginning-of-line # Home bindkey '\e[F' end-of-line # End bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char # Del bindkey '\e[2~' overwrite-mode # Insert bindkey "^[[5C" forward-word # ctrl cursor right bindkey "^[[5D" backward-word # ctrl cursor left ;; sun) bindkey '\e[214z' beginning-of-line # Home bindkey '\e[220z' end-of-line # End bindkey '^J' delete-char # Del bindkey '^H' backward-delete-char # Backspace bindkey '\e[247z' overwrite-mode # Insert ;; esac ## Set options setopt \ extendedglob \ list_types \ nocorrect \ list_ambiguous \ bash_auto_list \ list_packed \ interactive_comments \ nohup \ autocd \ CHECK_JOBS \ BG_NICE \ APPEND_HISTORY \ INC_APPEND_HISTORY \ HIST_IGNORE_DUPS \ EXTENDED_GLOB \ HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS \ HIST_IGNORE_SPACE \ HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history HISTSIZE=50000 SAVEHIST=50000 case $TERM in xterm*) precmd() { title=$TITLE #print -Pn "\e]2;$title\a\e]1;\a" print -Pn "\033]0;$title\007" }; preexec() { title="$1 [$TITLE]" title=`echo $title | tr '\n' ' '` #print -Pn "\e]2;$title\a\e]1;\a" print -Pn "\033]0;$title\007" }; ;; screen*) if [ -x /usr/bin/screen ] || [ -x /usr/local/bin/screen ]; then if grep -i -q screen <<< $TERMCAP ; then precmd () {p=`print -Pn "%~"`; screen -X title "<$p>";} preexec () {p=`print -Pn "%~:$1"`; screen -X title "<$p>";} fi fi; ;; esac ## Export environment if [ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] ; then eval `lesspipe` fi export DEBEMAIL="weasel@debian.org" # in 'foo bar | baz' make a second ^W not eat 'bar |', but only '|' # this has the disadvantage that in 'bar|baz' it eats all of it. typeset WORDCHARS='|'$WORDCHARS # malsync if [ "$SYSTEM" = "Linux" ] ; then eval `dircolors` LS_COLORS="$LS_COLORS""*.divx=01;35:" alias ls='ls --color=auto -F' alias grep='grep --color' fi alias cp='cp -i' alias mv='mv -i' alias mmv='noglob mmv' alias zinterdiff='interdiff -z' alias defaultfixed='echo -n -e "\033]50;fixed\007"' alias default='echo -n -e "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-70-iso8859-15\007"' alias hide='echo -n -e "\033]50;nil2\007"' alias tiny='echo -n -e "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--7-70-75-75-c-50-iso8859-15\007"' alias small='echo -n -e "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-15\007"' alias medium='echo -n -e "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-70-iso8859-15\007"' alias large='echo -n -e "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--15-140-75-75-c-90-iso8859-15\007"' alias huge='echo -n -e "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso8859-15\007"' [[ -x /usr/sbin/traceroute ]] && alias traceroute=/usr/sbin/traceroute [[ -x /sbin/ifconfig ]] && alias ifconfig=/sbin/ifconfig [[ -x /sbin/route ]] && alias route=/sbin/route if [ -x /usr/bin/recode ]; then alias unix2dos='recode lat1..ibmpc' alias dos2unix='recode ibmpc..lat1' fi [[ -x /usr/sbin/samhain ]] && alias samhain-check='sudo /usr/sbin/samhain -t check -i -p err -s none -l none -m none' alias 221='pstops "2:0L@.7(21cm,0)+1L@.7(21cm,14.85cm)"' alias rot13='tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M' alias 64216='perl -MMIME::Base64 -e "print unpack(\"H*\", decode_base64(<>)),\"\n\""' alias 16264='perl -MMIME::Base64 -e "\$l=<>; chomp \$l; print encode_base64(pack(\"H*\", \$l)),\"\n\""' if [ -x /usr/bin/base64 ]; then alias base64-encode=base64 alias base64-decode='base64 -d' else alias base64-encode='perl -MMIME::Base64 -e "print encode_base64(<>)"' alias base64-decode='perl -MMIME::Base64 -e "print decode_base64(<>)"' fi alias vnc='xtightvncviewer -encodings "tight copyrect" -compresslevel 9 -quality 4' alias rdesktop-w='rdesktop -x l -g 1280x1024 -a 16' if [ -f ~/.ssh/alias ] ; then . ~/.ssh/alias else if [ -f ~/.ssh/config ] ; then for i in `grep "^Host " ~/.ssh/config | awk ' !/\*/ {print $2}'`; do alias $i="ssh $i"; done fi fi if [ "$HOSTNAME" = 'thetis' ] ; then alias ldapvi='ldapvi --encoding=ASCII -h localhost -D cn=admin,o=ab.office.dibral.at -w `grep bindpw $HOME/.noreply.ldap | cut -d" " -f 2`' fi if [ "$HOSTNAME" = 'anguilla' ] && [ -r "$HOME/.oftc-hosts" ] ; then cat "$HOME/.oftc-hosts" | while read name ip; do alias -g $name-ip="$ip" alias irssi-$name="irssi --home=$HOME/.irssi-MASTER --connect=OFTC-$name" alias -g $name-testnet-ip="$ip" alias irssi-testnet-$name="irssi --home=$HOME/.irssi-MASTER --connect=TESTNET-$name" done fi if [ -e /etc/debian_chroot ]; then debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/debian_chroot) fi if [ "`id -u`" = "0" -o ! -x /usr/bin/id ] ; then export PROMPT="${debian_chroot:+[$debian_chroot] }%n@%m:%~# " export TITLE="%n@%m: %~" else export PROMPT="${debian_chroot:+[$debian_chroot] }%n@%m:%~$ " export TITLE="%n@%m: %~" fi # SETUP PATH ############ fpath=( "$HOME/.zshfunc" "$fpath[@]" ) export FPATH # Only unique entries please. typeset -U fpath path=( "$HOME/bin" "$HOME/local/bin" /usr/lib/ccache /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/bin/X11 /usr/games /sw/bin "$path[@]" ) if [ "`id -u`" = "0" ] || ! [ -x /usr/bin/id ] ; then PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:${PATH}" path=( /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin /sbin "$path[@]" ) fi export PATH # Only unique entries please. typeset -U path # Remove entries that don't exist on this system. Just for sanity's # sake more than anything. path=( ${^path}(N-/) ) #MANPATH="/usr/share/man:/usr/local/share/man:/usr/local/man:$MANPATH" #if [ -d $HOME/local/share/man ] ; then # MANPATH="${HOME}/local/share/man:${MANPATH}" #fi # FUNCTIONS ########### # Now that FPATH is set correctly, do autoloaded functions. # autoload all functions in $FPATH - that is, all files in # each component of the array $fpath. If there are none, feed the list # it prints into /dev/null. for paths in "$fpath[@]" do autoload -U "$paths"/*(N:t) >/dev/null done unset paths # we want colorful listings zmodload -i zsh/complist zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} hosts="" if [ -e $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts ]; then hosts=(${${${${(f)"$(<$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts)"}:#[0-9]*}%%\ *}%%,*}) zstyle ':completion:*:hosts' hosts $hosts fi autoload -U compinit compinit if [ -x /usr/bin/ddate ] ; then /usr/bin/ddate echo fi if [ -x /usr/games/fortune ]; then FORTUNE_PATH="" [ -d /usr/share/games/fortunes ] && FORTUNE_PATH="$FORTUNE_PATH /usr/share/games/fortunes" [ -d /usr/share/games/fortunes/off ] && FORTUNE_PATH="$FORTUNE_PATH /usr/share/games/fortunes/off" [ -d $HOME/.fortunes/ ] && FORTUNE_PATH="$FORTUNE_PATH $HOME/.fortunes/" fortune `echo $FORTUNE_PATH` echo fi #watch=( $(<~/.friends) ) # watch for people in .friends file watch=(notme) # watch for everybody but me LOGCHECK=300 # check every 5 min for login/logout activity WATCHFMT='%n %a %l from %m at %t.' [ -f COMMANDMENTS ] && cat COMMANDMENTS if [ "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" != "" ] && [ "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" != "$HOME/.ssh-auth-sock" ] ; then if ! [ -e "$HOME/.ssh-auth-sock" ] || [ "`readlink $HOME/.ssh-auth-sock`" != "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then echo "Setting ~/.ssh-auth-sock." rm -f "$HOME/.ssh-auth-sock" ln -s "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" "$HOME/.ssh-auth-sock" fi elif [ "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" = "" ] && [ -e "$HOME/.ssh-auth-sock" ]; then SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$HOME/.ssh-auth-sock"; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK fi alias hs-mplayer='mplayer -ao alsa:device=hw=1' [ -e $HOME/.zshrc-local ] && . $HOME/.zshrc-local [ -e $HOME/.pal ] && [ -e /usr/bin/pal ] && pal -r 5-10 unset LANG